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Last active September 7, 2020 02:14
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Basic Bootrap Tour R wrapper example
# Bootstrap tour step
.bsTourStep <- function(i, id, title, content, pos = "right", tab = NULL){
id <- paste0("#", id)
x <- paste0(" {\n element: \"", id,
"\",\n title: \"", title,
"\",\n content: \"", content,
"\",\n placement: \"", pos, "\"")
if(i==1 && !is.null(tab)){
x <- paste0(x, ",\n onShow: function (tour) { $(\"", tab, "\").tab('show');}\n }")
} else {
x <- paste0(x, "\n }")
# Bootstrap tour
bsTour <- function(id, title, content, pos = "right", tab = NULL){
n <- length(id)
if(length(title) != n | length(content) != n)
stop("'id', 'title', and 'content' lengths uneuqal.")
np <- length(pos)
if(n > 1 & np == 1) pos <- rep(pos, n)
if(n > 1 & np < n) pos <- c(pos, rep("right", n - np))
x <- purrr::map_chr(1:n,
~.bsTourStep(.x, id[.x], title[.x], content[.x], pos[.x], tab))
if(n > 1) x <- paste(x, collapse = ",\n")
paste0("var tour = new Tour({\n steps: [\n",
x, "\n ]\n});\ntour.init();\ntour.start();\n")
# Example tour JS output
ids <- paste0("plot", 1:4)
titles <- paste("My plot", 1:4)
contents <- paste("Description for plot", 1:4)
pos <- c("bottom", "left", "top", "right")
cat(bsTour(id=ids[1], title=titles[1], content=contents[1]))
cat(bsTour(id=ids[1], title=titles[1], content=contents[1], pos="bottom"))
cat(bsTour(id=ids[1], title=titles[1], content=contents[1], pos="left", tab="tab1"))
cat(bsTour(id=ids, title=titles, content=contents, pos=pos, tab="tab1"))
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