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Last active April 5, 2021 11:06
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sqlite things
-- this is a random comment
-- anything prefixed by two dashes is a comment
-- and will not be executed by the database
-- to start the interactive session on the command prompt
-- type: $ sqlite3
-- something will be printed and then you'll see another prompt like this
-- sqlite>
-- copy and paste commands into the prompt and press enter
-- a single command ends with ";"
---------------- Part 1: Tables and some SQL ---------------
-- create a table
-- we name columns in the table
-- data types are assigned to column names
-- id is the primary key and will be automatically handled by the database
create table people(
id integer primary key asc,
name text,
surname text,
birthplace text,
gender text,
height real
-- to ask the database what the table looks like
.schema people
-- let's put some people into the table
-- indentation and white space does not matter
-- it is just to make things more readable
-- we do not have to name the columns explicitly
-- but then we have to get the order right
-- some height values are guesses
insert into people(name, surname, birthplace, gender, height)
values('Leon', 'du Toit', 'South Africa', 'male', 1.79);
insert into people(name, surname, birthplace, gender, height)
values('Line', 'Simentad', 'Norway', 'female', 1.72);
insert into people(name, surname, birthplace, gender, height)
values('Lars', 'Vegstein', 'Norway', 'male', 1.8);
insert into people(name, surname, birthplace, gender, height)
values('Monica', 'Larsen', 'Norway', 'female', 1.71);
-- let's see what is there
select * from people;
-- now we have some basic data to play with
-- so some aspects of SQL can become clearer
-- only female gender
select * from people where gender = 'female';
-- only male gender
select * from people where gender = 'male';
-- only male and Norway
select * from people where gender = 'male' and birthplace = 'Norway';
-- only people whose names begin with 'L'
-- like is used instead of = so we can use a pattern
-- L% means that the pattern has to begin with L and anything is allowed after
select * from people where name like 'L%';
-- we can count how many people there are according to birthplace
select birthplace, count(*) from people group by birthplace;
-- we can also see what the average height is per country
-- and by country and gender
-- absurd but yeah, we can do it nonetheless
select birthplace, avg(height) from people group by birthplace;
select birthplace, gender, avg(height) from people group by birthplace, gender;
-------------------- Part 2: Joins and some SQL ---------------------
-- suppose we have a table of events, things that the people did
create table events(
id integer primary key asc,
person_name text,
event_name text,
event_time timestamp
-- lets create some events
insert into events(person_name, event_name, event_time)
values('Leon', 'coffee', '2014-11-06 08:01:10');
insert into events(person_name, event_name, event_time)
values('Leon', 'climb', '2014-11-07 17:15:01');
insert into events(person_name, event_name, event_time)
values('Monica', 'yoga', '2014-11-05 18:30:50');
insert into events(person_name, event_name, event_time)
values('Line', 'write', '2014-11-07 06:23:10');
insert into events(person_name, event_name, event_time)
values('Lars', 'coffee', '2014-11-07 06:45:34');
insert into events(person_name, event_name, event_time)
values('Lars', 'read', '2014-11-07 17:11:11');
insert into events(person_name, event_name, event_time)
values('Monica', 'read', '2014-11-07 17:10:44');
insert into events(person_name, event_name, event_time)
values('Line', 'coffee', '2014-11-07 10:30:03');
-- let's look at all the events
select * from events;
-- let's look only at the person_name and event_name
select person_name, event_name from events;
-- we can order the results (to be more readable for example)
select person_name, event_name from events order by person_name;
select * from events order by event_time;
-- or ask when the first an latest events happened
select min(event_time), max(event_time) from events;
-- what if we want more information about the people who did things?
-- we can then join the person information on the event table
-- because the names appear in both tables
select * from events, people where events.person_name =;
-- we can refine what we want to select only specific columns from that join
-- here we use what is called aliasing:
-- we give the events and people tables short names 'e' and 'p'
-- so we don't have to type so much
-- this is not necessary and the names can be anything
-- but it helps the database know which columns you refer to
-- since there might be columns with the same name in both tables
events e,
people p
where e.person_name =;
-- it is also possible to do the same join explicitly
-- here we use subqueries:
-- we select specific columns from each table and give the result
-- it returns a name: 'e' and 'p' again
-- we can then say that we want to join the results in 'e' on 'p'
-- based on the equality of person_name and name
select * from
(select person_name, event_name, event_time from events)e
(select name, gender, birthplace from people)p
on e.person_name =;
-- From doing these joins one can see that it is possible to store
-- information in several different tables, and to join them together
-- in queries based on how they are related to each other
-- this is the basic idea behind ER type database designs
-- what would typically happen is one would, for example, make one entry
-- through a web form and then the database would get the new information
-- and split that up into several related pieces of information
-- and store that in different tables; when one asks for that information
-- again the database will combine it again and report it as if it was all
-- in one table
-------------------- Part 3: Entities and Relationships ----------------
-- in the examples above we have two tables: people and events
-- there is an implcit relation between these two tables: events belong to people
-- for each event there exists a person that this event belongs to
-- in the schema (the database tables and their specification) we do not
-- however enforce that there _must_ exits a person in the people table
-- for an event to be recorded
-- we can use the features of the database to enforce this 'exists' relation
-- between people and events so that a person must exist in order to record an
-- event that belongs to that person; we can do this by using a foreign key constraint
-- for further reference on FKs in sqlite3:
-- we must enable FK constraints in the db
-- this is sqlite3 specific
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;
-- note that we drop the person_name column
-- and instead use the person_id with the FK constraint
create table events2(
id integer primary key asc,
event_name text,
event_time timestamp,
person_id integer,
foreign key(person_id) references people(id)
-- let's add the same events as before but now using the different table
-- with the FK constraint
insert into events2(event_name, event_time, person_id)
values('coffee', '2014-11-06 08:01:10', 1);
insert into events2(event_name, event_time, person_id)
values('climb', '2014-11-07 17:15:01', 1);
insert into events2(event_name, event_time, person_id)
values('yoga', '2014-11-05 18:30:50', 4);
insert into events2(event_name, event_time, person_id)
values('write', '2014-11-07 06:23:10', 2);
insert into events2(event_name, event_time, person_id)
values('coffee', '2014-11-07 06:45:34', 3);
insert into events2(event_name, event_time, person_id)
values('read', '2014-11-07 17:11:11', 3);
insert into events2(event_name, event_time, person_id)
values('read', '2014-11-07 17:10:44', 4);
insert into events2(event_name, event_time, person_id)
values('coffee', '2014-11-07 10:30:03', 2);
-- let's try to add an event associate with a person with id number 5
-- we don't know who that is yet but we do know that there are only 4 people
insert into events2(event_name, event_time, person_id)
values('tea', '2014-11-01 11:19:10', 5);
-- "Error: foreign key constraint failed" is what we should get
-- this means that the 'exists' relation in our data model has been violated
-- by the insert statement
-- we can get the new event in by creating the mysterious person
insert into people(name, surname, birthplace, gender, height)
values('Emilie', 'Ekeberg', 'Denmark', 'female', 1.68);
-- now we can try again with success
-- the 'exists' relation that we specified has been ssatisfied
insert into events2(event_name, event_time, person_id)
values('tea', '2014-11-01 11:19:10', 5);
select * from events2;
-- we can also do the join as before but now we will use the person_id as the common column
select * from events2, people where events2.person_id =;
-- if this database was a real world application there would be a insert procedure that
-- would get the full information about the event, check if the relevant person
-- exists, if not create them, and then insert the event information while throwing away
-- the person specifc information that is not needed; it would also use user_ids instead
-- of simple sequential ids that are automatically generated as integer increments
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