Instructions/Description of the Fun:!1420925588-16
Participants (if you're not on this list but want to be, tweet @hopefulcyborg):
- fritz
- Amysue
- jlin
- quantity
- hopefulcyborg
Before the End | |
Chapter 1 | |
Casterly Rock was just as grand as she had been told it was. The castle sat proudly on top of a vast amount of rocks, looking out the glimmering sea. The views were spectacular and the castle decorated even more so. She wondered if she had ever seen such a sight before. She kept silent as she stood on the balcony, awaiting her parents to return to her. She kept her hands on the stone and her back straight. She did her best not to slump, recalling the manners which her mother and septa had taught her to have. | |
She continued to stare out to the sea, watching as ships sailed, her green eyes alight with wonder. At the age of ten and seven she often found pleasure in simple things she had not seen before. She had never been to the coast, but the sea air was so refreshing against her pale skin. She could not help the smile on her face. | |
NN: torch-rnn w/lstm flag set | |
Dataset: Tiny Shakespeare (~1MB) | |
Layers: 3 | |
Nodes: 256 | |
Any so I do go! my seques! where's mes! | |
I send firm incensed: Has a talk. | |
9:30:43 AM ROOMMATE: shrooms are fun | |
9:30:49 AM BEST FRIEND: yes, yes they are | |
9:30:55 AM ROOMMATE:[redacted] | |
9:30:56 AM ROOMMATE: read | |
9:30:57 AM ROOMMATE: now | |
9:31:01 AM BEST FRIEND: k | |
9:31:04 AM ROOMMATE: tell me if that makes sense to you at all | |
9:32:41 AM BEST FRIEND: i totally understand. | |
9:32:44 AM BEST FRIEND: 110% | |
9:32:53 AM BEST FRIEND: sounds like you had a good time |
Instructions/Description of the Fun:!1420925588-16
Participants (if you're not on this list but want to be, tweet @hopefulcyborg):
JPM info Handler function DebuggerClient.requester request callback threw an exception: Error: 'getAll' request packet has no destination. | |
Stack: DebuggerClient.prototype.request@resource://gre/modules/devtools/dbg-client.jsm:667:1 | |
AppActorFront.prototype.watchApps@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/devtools/app-actor-front.js:570:35 | |
exports.AppManager.onConnectionChanged/<@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource:///modules/devtools/webide/app-manager.js:112:9 | |
DebuggerClient.requester/</<@resource://gre/modules/devtools/dbg-client.jsm:348:9 | |
makeInfallible/<@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/devtools/DevToolsUtils.js:83:14 | |
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:96:9 | |
Request.prototype.emit@resource://gre/modules/devtools/dbg-client.jsm:1092:29 | |
DebuggerClient.prototype.onPacket/<@resource://gre/modules/devtools/dbg-client.jsm:931:9 |
JPM info console.log: fxdevtools_adapters: <<<<<< Sent to device | |
{"id":4,"method":"CSS.enable","params":{}} | |
JPM info console.log: fxdevtools_adapters: >>>>>> Received from device | |
{"error":{"code":-32000,"message":"DOM agent needs to be enabled first."},"id":4} | |
console.error: | |
Object | |
- code = -32000 | |
- message = DOM agent needs to be enabled first. |
Hi friends!
I am speaking at JSFest Oakland in December. They are paying their speakers. I am already paid by Mozilla to go speak, and we're also sponsoring, so it really doesn't make a lot of sense for me to accept this stipend. I think it would be inappropriate if I did.
I am turning my speaker fee into a sponsorship sum. If you or someone you know can't attend the event for financial reasons, I may be able to help.
Here is what you need to do:
5 Crucial Usability Tips for App Designers and Developers | |
---------------------------------- | |
Hey, everyone. I'm Curtis Lassa, and I'm here to share some very simple | |
usability guidelines with you for application development. | |
By the end of this video, you should have a better understanding of how to design a UI that is intuitive and easy for your users to make sense of. | |
Let's begin by examining one of the fundamental pieces of applications on the web: hyperlinks. On a dekstop, it's much easier to be precise about where you want to click because your mouse cursor is small. You know what's not small? Our fingers. Relative to the pointer, of course. So, this means that when you're considering your application for touch-screen devices, you need to adapt accordingly. |
Web apps have had offline capabilities like saving large data sets and binary files for some time now. You can even do things like that you could write an app that cache MP3 files. Browser technology can store data offline and plenty of it. The problem, though, is that the technology choices for how you do this are fragmented.
localStorage gets you really basic data storage, but it's slow and can't handle binary blobs. IndexedDB and WebSQL are asynchronous, fast, and support large data sets, but their APIs aren't very straightforward. Even still, neither IndexedDB nor WebSQL have support from all of the major browser vendors and that doesn't seem like something that will change in the near future.
If you need to write a web app with offline support and don't know where to start, then this is the article for you. If you've ever tried to start working with offline support but it made your head spin, this article is for you to
How to Create a Mind | |
2013 | | | |
Great pop-cogsci book on Kurzweil's pattern recognition theory of mind. AI concepts such as hierarchal-hidden-markov-models and neural nets are discussed. | |
--- | |
Consciousness: An Introduction | |
2003 | | |