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Created July 27, 2012 10:29
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Binary period
(define (>> n i) (bitwise-arithmetic-shift n (- i)))
(define << bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left)
(define & bitwise-and)
(define (split n p)
(let* ((bc (bitwise-length n))
(mid (div bc 2)))
(define (get-bit-seq s c)
(let ((rs (- bc s c))
(m (- (<< 1 c) 1)))
(& (>> n rs) m)))
(and (<= p mid)
(let-values (((d m) (div-and-mod bc p)))
(let f ((i 0)(a '()))
(if (>= i d)
(and (apply = a)
(= (>> (car a) (- p m)) (& (- (<< 1 m) 1) n)))
(f (+ i 1)
(cons (get-bit-seq (* i p) p) a))))))))
(define (bit-period n)
(let ((q (div (bitwise-length n) 2)))
(let f ((i 1))
(if (> i q)
(let ((r (split n i)))
(if r
(f (+ i 1))))))))
(map bit-period '(955 102 #b10101010101 #b1111111111111110 #b111011011101101))
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