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Created April 14, 2016 04:30
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'<begin script sample>
'This script provides high availability for IIS websites
'By default, it monitors the "Default Web Site" and "DefaultAppPool"
'To monitor another web site, change the SITE_NAME below
'To monitor another application pool, change the APP_POOL_NAME below
'More thorough and application-specific health monitoring logic can be added to the script if needed
Option Explicit
'Replace this with the site and application pool you want to configure high availability for
'Make sure that the same web site and application pool in the script exist on all cluster nodes. Note that the names are case-sensitive.
SITE_NAME = "Default Web Site"
APP_POOL_NAME = "DefaultAppPool"
SITES_SECTION_NAME = "system.applicationHost/sites"
APPLICATION_POOLS_SECTION_NAME = "system.applicationHost/applicationPools"
'Helper script functions
'Find the index of the website on this node
Function FindSiteIndex(collection, siteName)
Dim i
FindSiteIndex = -1
For i = 0 To (CInt(collection.Count) - 1)
If collection.Item(i).GetPropertyByName("name").Value = siteName Then
FindSiteIndex = i
Exit For
End If
End Function
'Find the index of the application pool on this node
Function FindAppPoolIndex(collection, appPoolName)
Dim i
FindAppPoolIndex = -1
For i = 0 To (CInt(collection.Count) - 1)
If collection.Item(i).GetPropertyByName("name").Value = appPoolName Then
FindAppPoolIndex = i
Exit For
End If
End Function
'Get the state of the website
Function GetWebSiteState(adminManager, siteName)
Dim sitesSection, sitesSectionCollection, siteSection, index, siteMethods, startMethod, executeMethod
Set sitesSection = adminManager.GetAdminSection(SITES_SECTION_NAME, CONFIG_APPHOST_ROOT)
Set sitesSectionCollection = sitesSection.Collection
index = FindSiteIndex(sitesSectionCollection, siteName)
If index = -1 Then
GetWebSiteState = -1
End If
Set siteSection = sitesSectionCollection(index)
GetWebSiteState = siteSection.GetPropertyByName("state").Value
End Function
'Get the state of the ApplicationPool
Function GetAppPoolState(adminManager, appPool)
Dim configSection, index, appPoolState
set configSection = adminManager.GetAdminSection(APPLICATION_POOLS_SECTION_NAME, CONFIG_APPHOST_ROOT)
index = FindAppPoolIndex(configSection.Collection, appPool)
If index = -1 Then
GetAppPoolState = -1
End If
GetAppPoolState = configSection.Collection.Item(index).GetPropertyByName("state").Value
End Function
'Start the w3svc service on this node
Function StartW3SVC()
Dim objWmiProvider
Dim objService
Dim strServiceState
Dim response
'Check to see if the service is running
set objWmiProvider = GetObject("winmgmts:/root/cimv2")
set objService = objWmiProvider.get("win32_service='w3svc'")
strServiceState = objService.state
If ucase(strServiceState) = "RUNNING" Then
StartW3SVC = True
'If the service is not running, try to start it
response = objService.StartService()
'response = 0 or 10 indicates that the request to start was accepted
If ( response <> 0 ) and ( response <> 10 ) Then
StartW3SVC = False
StartW3SVC = True
End If
End If
End Function
'Start the application pool for the website
Function StartAppPool()
Dim ahwriter, appPoolsSection, appPoolsCollection, index, appPool, appPoolMethods, startMethod, callStartMethod
Set ahwriter = CreateObject("Microsoft.ApplicationHost.WritableAdminManager")
Set appPoolsCollection = appPoolsSection.Collection
index = FindAppPoolIndex(appPoolsCollection, APP_POOL_NAME)
Set appPool = appPoolsCollection.Item(index)
'See if it is already started
If appPool.GetPropertyByName("state").Value = 1 Then
StartAppPool = True
Exit Function
End If
'Try To start the application pool
Set appPoolMethods = appPool.Methods
Set startMethod = appPoolMethods.Item(START_APP_POOL)
Set callStartMethod = startMethod.CreateInstance()
'If started return true, otherwise return false
If appPool.GetPropertyByName("state").Value = 1 Then
StartAppPool = True
StartAppPool = False
End If
End Function
'Start the website
Function StartWebSite()
Dim ahwriter, sitesSection, sitesSectionCollection, siteSection, index, siteMethods, startMethod, executeMethod
Set ahwriter = CreateObject("Microsoft.ApplicationHost.WritableAdminManager")
Set sitesSection = ahwriter.GetAdminSection(SITES_SECTION_NAME, CONFIG_APPHOST_ROOT)
Set sitesSectionCollection = sitesSection.Collection
index = FindSiteIndex(sitesSectionCollection, SITE_NAME)
Set siteSection = sitesSectionCollection(index)
if siteSection.GetPropertyByName("state").Value = 1 Then
'Site is already started
StartWebSite = True
Exit Function
End If
'Try to start site
Set siteMethods = siteSection.Methods
Set startMethod = siteMethods.Item(START_WEB_SITE)
Set executeMethod = startMethod.CreateInstance()
'Check to see if the site started, if not return false
If siteSection.GetPropertyByName("state").Value = 1 Then
StartWebSite = True
StartWebSite = False
End If
End Function
'Stop the website
Function StopWebSite()
Dim ahwriter, sitesSection, sitesSectionCollection, siteSection, index, siteMethods, startMethod, executeMethod, autoStartProperty
Set ahwriter = CreateObject("Microsoft.ApplicationHost.WritableAdminManager")
Set sitesSection = ahwriter.GetAdminSection(SITES_SECTION_NAME, CONFIG_APPHOST_ROOT)
Set sitesSectionCollection = sitesSection.Collection
index = FindSiteIndex(sitesSectionCollection, SITE_NAME)
Set siteSection = sitesSectionCollection(index)
'Stop the site
Set siteMethods = siteSection.Methods
Set startMethod = siteMethods.Item(STOP_WEB_SITE)
Set executeMethod = startMethod.CreateInstance()
End Function
'Cluster resource entry points. More details here:
'Cluster resource Online entry point
'Make sure the website and the application pool are started
Function Online( )
Dim bOnline
'Make sure w3svc is started
bOnline = StartW3SVC()
If bOnline <> True Then
Resource.LogInformation "The resource failed to come online because w3svc could not be started."
Online = False
Exit Function
End If
'Make sure the application pool is started
bOnline = StartAppPool()
If bOnline <> True Then
Resource.LogInformation "The resource failed to come online because the application pool could not be started."
Online = False
Exit Function
End If
'Make sure the website is started
bOnline = StartWebSite()
If bOnline <> True Then
Resource.LogInformation "The resource failed to come online because the web site could not be started."
Online = False
Exit Function
End If
Online = true
End Function
'Cluster resource offline entry point
'Stop the website
Function Offline( )
Offline = true
End Function
'Cluster resource LooksAlive entry point
'Check for the health of the website and the application pool
Function LooksAlive( )
Dim adminManager, appPoolState, configSection, i, appPoolName, appPool, index
i = 0
Set adminManager = CreateObject("Microsoft.ApplicationHost.AdminManager")
appPoolState = -1
'Get the state of the website
if GetWebSiteState(adminManager, SITE_NAME) <> 1 Then
Resource.LogInformation "The resource failed because the " & SITE_NAME & " web site is not started."
LooksAlive = false
Exit Function
End If
'Get the state of the Application Pool
if GetAppPoolState(adminManager, APP_POOL_NAME) <> 1 Then
Resource.LogInformation "The resource failed because Application Pool " & APP_POOL_NAME & " is not started."
LooksAlive = false
Exit Function
end if
' Web site and Application Pool state are valid return true
LooksAlive = true
End Function
'Cluster resource IsAlive entry point
'Do the same health checks as LooksAlive
'If a more thorough than what we do in LooksAlive is required, this should be performed here
Function IsAlive()
IsAlive = LooksAlive
End Function
'Cluster resource Open entry point
Function Open()
Open = true
End Function
'Cluster resource Close entry point
Function Close()
Close = true
End Function
'Cluster resource Terminate entry point
Function Terminate()
Terminate = true
End Function
'<end script sample>
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