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Laurent Etiemble letiemble

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letiemble /
Last active December 16, 2024 11:01
A bash script to generate "all-in-one" OpenSSL static libraries for OS X and iOS. The script produces fat static libraries (i386, x86_64 for OS X) and (i386, x86_64, armv7, armv7s, arm64 for iOS) suitable for integration in both OS X and iOS project.
## ##
## Build and package OpenSSL static libraries for OSX/iOS ##
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## This script is in the public domain. ##
## Creator : Laurent Etiemble ##
## ##
derek /
Created August 17, 2012 02:06
Loading YUI from the CDN into a Web Worker


I want to use YUI inside of a WebWorker thread. Flickr recently wrote a post on this very topic, Web workers and YUI.


But I want to use YUI's CDN, which WebWorkers prevent because it enforces a same-origin policy with importScripts()
