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The Blocks Must Flow

Duke Leto leto

The Blocks Must Flow
View GitHub Profile
## Install Torsocks (or any other Socks service for TOR) on Ubuntu 18.04
sudo apt update
sudo apt install torsocks
## Connect to the Onion Server
1) Open SDL Edit->Settings->LightwalletServer->rnhk4pwlsbaqzx7wcqfy47lijf2opklstaukq35reiz5rn76crfqpjqd.onion:9067
2) Open the folder of SDL in a Terminal -> Enter: TORSOCKS_LOG_LEVEL=1 torsocks -i ./SilentDragonLite
mimoo /
Last active April 8, 2020 02:26
patents in crypto

Infamous patents in cryptography

  • 1976-1977 - Diffie-Hellman - the patent was filled more than a year after the idea was circulated/published, thus was invalid. The invalid patent expired in 1997.
  • 1991 - Schnorr signatures - Schnorr is obviously the best signature scheme we have, yet the NIST went ahead and standardized the sub-primitives DSA and ECDSA to circumvent Schnorr's patents (Schnorr was not happy 1, 2). In 2008 the patents expired and EdDSA and other schnorr-based signatures started flourishing again.
  • 1996 - NTRU - The algorithm was placed in the public domain in 2017.

    A note on patents. One reason that NTRU is not more widely deployed is that there have been patents restricting its usage fo

leto / gist:abe5f14a9a7fa2185d238e67e87dd876
Last active May 21, 2019 22:47
Build latest HUSH v3 full node
# install build depedencies
sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib \
autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python zlib1g-dev wget \
bsdmainutils automake curl unzip
git clone
cd hush3
# Build
./zcutil/ -j$(nproc)
lrvick /
Last active September 21, 2024 12:26
My default canned response to all recruiters. Know what you want out of your career and articulate it specifically if you want to get it either at your current employer, or a different one.

I know exactly what I want in a long term role so I can save us some time.

For me to be willing to change jobs at this point I would expect:

  • A high level of autonomy where I am allowed to work weird hours.
  • Have my obsession for auditable everything be humored/tolerated
    • I prefer to work with open platforms like RISC-V and OpenPower and open operating systems like Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Sel4, etc
    • I am never asked to rely on any software I can't audit on any of my personal or company devices.
  • No need to go find clients myself or worry about the business side of the house
  • Travel/lodging covered for the 2-3 security conferences I try to attend every year.
TheTrunk / gist:30ff5ef59d3063f465cc766a4a64a397
Created March 26, 2019 13:39
An overview of private key and compressed / uncompressed public keys
An overview of private key and derivation of compressed and uncompressed public key and its belonging corresponding addresses on utxo coins such as Bitcoin or Hush. Example was demonstrated on Hush mainnet network as of short same transaction type construction, short blocktime and cheap fees.
private key a8db568957aab4d708fa1cde6b3c19c14674d5ffe283REDACTEDREDACTEDREDA
t1W9D96R9hk8vtyuHdajwtDzSDRRtnXacT3 - address from uncompressed public key, private key in WIF from uncompresseed 5K6eoShWWsgptas3XYGL34xcj66Bn1tREDACTEDREDACTEDREDA
04317b3fd39dd25719563f46534e6d9779695ef3b5b8886c2293fc79e0c5c3283635c386d467ce6035c9862330f33dead77527b77474012410b3a26f1e7ed33447 - uncompressed pubkey
t1UPSwfMYLe18ezbCqnR5QgdJGznzCUYHkj - address from compressed public key, private key in WIF from compressed L2swqzRoGrinNgTt9nzf28UUgmTtZgtpfREDACTEDREDACTEDREDA
03317b3fd39dd25719563f46534e6d9779695ef3b5b8886c2293fc79e0c5c32836 - compressed pubkey
itwysgsl / LWMA3.cpp
Last active October 25, 2018 18:10
// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The Bitcoin Gold developers
// Copyright (c) 2018 Zawy & MicroBitcoin (LWMA-3)
// Algorithm by zawy, a modification of WT-144 by Tom Harding
// Updated to LWMA3 by iamstenman
// MIT License
unsigned int Lwma3CalculateNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, const Consensus::Params& params)
const int64_t T = params.nPowTargetSpacing;
emc2foundation /
Last active October 8, 2018 05:22
EMC2 notary node set up instructions with config file.

Make sure to open up port 41878 (EMC2 p2p port) on your firewall!
You can see your notary address on EMC2 here:

This script can be used to generate various kinds of WIFs:

To build EMC2 (Einsteinium) Core first clone official repo: git clone
Default branch with latest release code is "master" so make sure you are on that branch.

Then, in order to build EMC2 Core follow the instructions document found here:

jjn1056 / Proposal.POD
Last active October 11, 2017 20:01
Catalyst Tutorial Grant Proposal (proposed final draft)

Perl Catalyst Web Framework for Heretics.


John Napiorkowski <[email protected]>,<[email protected]>

Amount Requested:


Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:

Around line 4:

=over without closing =back

yossorion /
Last active March 1, 2025 08:27
What I Wish I'd Known About Equity Before Joining A Unicorn

What I Wish I'd Known About Equity Before Joining A Unicorn

Disclaimer: This piece is written anonymously. The names of a few particular companies are mentioned, but as common examples only.

This is a short write-up on things that I wish I'd known and considered before joining a private company (aka startup, aka unicorn in some cases). I'm not trying to make the case that you should never join a private company, but the power imbalance between founder and employee is extreme, and that potential candidates would