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Created June 10, 2015 04:41
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js class & factory functions: vanilla, minimal, and flexible
(function() {
var createClass;
var createFactory;
var Factory;
createClass = function(pattern) {
var Cls;
var Tmp;
var proto;
Cls = function() {
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
if (pattern.hasOwnProperty('parent')) {
//avoid calling parent constructor
Tmp = function() {};
Tmp.prototype = pattern.parent.prototype;
Tmp.prototype.initSuper = pattern.parent.prototype.init;
proto = new Tmp();
} else {
proto = {};
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(pattern).forEach(function(val) {
proto[val] = pattern[val];
proto.constructor = Cls;
Cls.prototype = proto;
return Cls;
createFactory = function(Cls) {
return new Factory(Cls);
Factory = function(Cls) {
this.Cls = Cls;
this.instances = [];
Factory.prototype = {
spawn: function() {
var factory;
var Cls;
var cls;
factory = this;
var Cls = function() {};
Cls.prototype = this.Cls.prototype;
cls = new Cls();
cls.init.apply(cls, arguments);
return cls;
createClass: createClass,
createFactory: createFactory
var A = _.createClass({
init: function() {
console.log('init A');
methodA: function() {
console.log('method A');
var B = _.createClass({
parent: A,
init: function() {
console.log('init B');
methodB: function() {
console.log('method B');
var factoryB = _(B).createFactory();
b1 = factoryB.spawn();
b2 = factoryB.spawn();
b3 = factoryB.spawn();
_(factoryB.instances).each(function(b) {
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