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Forked from genaromadrid/
Created May 30, 2018 13:21
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Validate a Certificate against a Certificate Authority using OpenSSL

Certificate CA Validation

The easy way

To validate a certificate agains a certificate authority you just have to run

openssl verify -trusted ca_root.pem -untrusted intermediate_ca.pem certificate.pem

You'll see a 'OK' message at the end of the output

The hard way


### Extract signature from certificate
# run the following and get the last bit position
openssl asn1parse -in $cer
last_bit_pos=819 # Put your own
openssl asn1parse -in $cer -out $sig_path -noout -strparse $last_bit_pos

### Extract the public key of the root CA
openssl x509 -in $root_ca -pubkey -noout > $root_pub_key_path

### Extract the TBSCertificate
# Almost always -strparse param is 4
openssl asn1parse -in $cer -out $tbs_path -noout -strparse 4

### Get fingerprint of the signature, the fingerprint of the TBS Cert and compare them

# 1. Get the fingerprint of the signature with the root key
openssl rsautl -in $sig_path -verify -asn1parse -inkey $root_pub_key_path -pubin

# 2. Get the sha1 (or whatever algorithm was used) of the TBS Certificate
openssl sha1 -c $tbs_path

# Compare the signature fingerprint from step 1 with the sha1 of the tbs certificate. 
# if they match, the certificate was sign with the provided rootCa

### Other way to validate the certificate:
# Since the CA signed the DER format of the TBSCertificate, you can just 
# verify the signature of the certificate with the public key of the root 
# passing the TBSCertificate as a param
# If everything its fine you'll get a 'Verified OK' message or a 'Verification Failure' instead.
openssl dgst -sha1 -verify $root_pub_key_path -signature $sig_path $tbs_path


The TBS certificate is the body of the actual certificate; it contains all the naming and key information held in the certificate. The only information in the actual certificate that is not held in the TBS certificate is the name of the algorithm used to sign the certificate and the signature itself.

The TBS certificate is used as the input data to the signature algorithm when the certificate is signed or verified.


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