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Last active January 18, 2018 21:05
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  • Save lewis-carson/e1f00d4ee0692a500eaac3615b0da976 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lewis-carson/e1f00d4ee0692a500eaac3615b0da976 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My custom AHK script. remember to change the paths at the end if you want the shortcuts for sublime, hyper, and chrome. To use install autohotkey and place this script in your startup folder. **disclaimer: i didnt make most of this script. It is just hacked togetehr from throughout the web**
#SingleInstance force
;; tiling window manager for windows 7-10 designed for 1 or 2 monitors arranging
;; windows in the following pattern with configurable window sizes and borders:
;; _________ _________
;; | | | | |___| <- primary monitor
;; | | | | | |
;; '---i-----' '-----i---'
;; todo override windows move keys, eg, win + left
;; -- window sizing options
;; size of space between windows
windowBorder = 40
;; width of the large windows that appear closest to the center of the screen
windowLeftWidth = 1200
;; height of the small top right window
windowRightSmallTopHeight = 550
;; monitor geometry
;; todo: automate this
monitorBorderRight = 1920
monitorBorderLeft = 0
monitorWidth = 1920
monitorHeight = 1080
taskbarHeight = 0
;; override system, here you can define a default offset and specific program offsets
;; this will allow you to setup for custom themes and programs that wont behave
;; I tried to make this work with WinGetPosEx but even that had many faults
global windowOverrides := Object()
windowOverrides["default"] := Object()
windowOverrides["default"]["left"] := -8
windowOverrides["default"]["top"] := 0
windowOverrides["default"]["width"] := +16
windowOverrides["default"]["height"] := +8
windowOverrides["explorer.exe"] := Object()
windowOverrides["explorer.exe"]["left"] := -8
windowOverrides["explorer.exe"]["top"] := 0
windowOverrides["explorer.exe"]["width"] := +16
windowOverrides["explorer.exe"]["height"] := +8
windowOverrides["chrome.exe"] := Object()
windowOverrides["chrome.exe"]["left"] := -8
windowOverrides["chrome.exe"]["top"] := 0
windowOverrides["chrome.exe"]["width"] := +16
windowOverrides["chrome.exe"]["height"] := +8
windowOverrides["firefox.exe"] := Object()
windowOverrides["firefox.exe"]["left"] := -6
windowOverrides["firefox.exe"]["top"] := 0
windowOverrides["firefox.exe"]["width"] := +12
windowOverrides["firefox.exe"]["height"] := +6
windowOverrides["putty.exe"] := Object()
windowOverrides["putty.exe"]["left"] := -4
windowOverrides["putty.exe"]["top"] := 0
windowOverrides["putty.exe"]["width"] := +8
windowOverrides["putty.exe"]["height"] := +4
windowOverrides["WinSCP.exe"] := Object()
windowOverrides["WinSCP.exe"]["left"] := -8
windowOverrides["WinSCP.exe"]["top"] := 0
windowOverrides["WinSCP.exe"]["width"] := +16
windowOverrides["WinSCP.exe"]["height"] := +8
windowOverrides["pidgin.exe"] := Object()
windowOverrides["pidgin.exe"]["left"] := -8
windowOverrides["pidgin.exe"]["top"] := 0
windowOverrides["pidgin.exe"]["width"] := +16
windowOverrides["pidgin.exe"]["height"] := +8
windowOverrides["ApplicationFrameHost.exe"] := Object()
windowOverrides["ApplicationFrameHost.exe"]["left"] := -8
windowOverrides["ApplicationFrameHost.exe"]["top"] := 0
windowOverrides["ApplicationFrameHost.exe"]["width"] := +16
windowOverrides["ApplicationFrameHost.exe"]["height"] := +8
SysGet, MonitorCount, MonitorCount
SysGet, MonitorPrimary, MonitorPrimary
;;MsgBox, Monitor Count:`t%MonitorCount%`nPrimary Monitor:`t%MonitorPrimary%
Loop, %MonitorCount%
SysGet, MonitorName, MonitorName, %A_Index%
SysGet, Monitor, Monitor, %A_Index%
SysGet, MonitorWorkArea, MonitorWorkArea, %A_Index%
;;MsgBox, Monitor:`t#%A_Index%`nName:`t%MonitorName%`nLeft:`t%MonitorLeft% (%MonitorWorkAreaLeft% work)`nTop:`t%MonitorTop% (%MonitorWorkAreaTop% work)`nRight:`t%MonitorRight% (%MonitorWorkAreaRight% work)`nBottom:`t%MonitorBottom% (%MonitorWorkAreaBottom% work)
;; what happens when:
;; -- TaskbarMontior1 Montitor2
;; -- TaskbarMonitor2 Monitor1
;; -- Monitor1 TaskbarMonitor2
;; -- Monitor2 TaskbarMontior1
;; * Monitor2: -1920
;; * Monitor1: 0
;;calculated variables used below
windowHeightTall := monitorHeight - (windowBorder * 2)
windowHeightTallTaskbar := monitorHeight - (windowBorder * 2) - taskbarHeight
windowRightWidth := monitorWidth - windowLeftWidth - (windowBorder * 3)
windowWidthFull := monitorWidth - (windowBorder * 2)
;; _________ _________
;; | | | | |___| -- LeftLeft
;; | X | | | | |
;; '---i-----' '-----i---'
LeftLeftWidth := windowRightWidth
LeftLeftHeight := windowHeightTall
LeftLeftLeft := monitorBorderLeft + windowBorder - monitorWidth
LeftLeftTop := windowBorder
;; _________ _________
;; | | | | |___| -- LeftRight
;; | | X | | | |
;; '---i-----' '-----i---'
LeftRightWidth := windowLeftWidth
LeftRightHeight := windowHeightTall
LeftRightLeft := windowRightWidth + (windowBorder * 2) - monitorWidth
LeftRightTop := windowBorder
;; _________ _________
;; | | | | |___| -- RightLeft
;; | | | | X | |
;; '---i-----' '-----i---'
RightLeftWidth := windowLeftWidth
RightLeftHeight := windowHeightTallTaskbar
RightLeftLeft := windowBorder
RightLeftTop := windowBorder
;; _________ _________
;; | | | | | | -- RightRight
;; | | | | | X |
;; '---i-----' '-----i---'
RightRightWidth := windowRightWidth
RightRightHeight := windowHeightTallTaskbar
RightRightLeft := windowLeftWidth + (windowBorder * 2)
RightRightTop := windowBorder
;; _________ _________
;; | | | | |_X_| -- RightRightTop
;; | | | | | |
;; '---i-----' '-----i---'
RightRightTopWidth := windowRightWidth
RightRightTopHeight := windowRightSmallTopHeight
RightRightTopLeft := windowLeftWidth + (windowBorder * 2)
RightRightTopTop := windowBorder
;; _________ _________
;; | | | | |___| -- RightRightTop
;; | | | | | X |
;; '---i-----' '-----i---'
RightRightBotWidth := windowRightWidth
RightRightBotHeight := monitorHeight - taskbarHeight - (windowBorder * 3) - windowRightSmallTopHeight
RightRightBotLeft := windowLeftWidth + (windowBorder * 2)
RightRightBotTop := windowRightSmallTopHeight + (windowBorder * 2)
;; simplified winmove function call
ResizeWinMine(Width = 0,Height = 0, MyLeft = 0, MyTop = 0)
If %Width% = 0
Width := W
If %Height% = 0
Height := H
tmpArray := windowOverrides
noOverrides = 1
For index, value in tmpArray{
;;MsgBox, index:`t%index%`n
if(WinActive("ahk_exe" . index)){
MyLeft := MyLeft + windowOverrides[index]["left"]
MyTop := MyTop + windowOverrides[index]["top"]
Width := Width + windowOverrides[index]["width"]
Height := Height + windowOverrides[index]["height"]
noOverrides = 0
;;MsgBox, MyLeft:`t%MyLeft%`n | MyTop:`t%MyTop% | Width:`t%Width% | Height:`t%Height%
if(noOverrides == 1) {
MyLeft := MyLeft + windowOverrides["default"]["left"]
MyTop := MyTop + windowOverrides["default"]["top"]
Width := Width + windowOverrides["default"]["width"]
Height := Height + windowOverrides["default"]["height"]
;;MsgBox, test2
Numpad0::ResizeWinMine(RightLeftWidth,RightLeftHeight, RightLeftLeft, RightLeftTop)
NumpadDot::ResizeWinMine(RightRightWidth,RightRightHeight, RightRightLeft, RightRightTop)
ResizeWinMine(RightLeftWidth,RightLeftHeight, RightLeftLeft, RightLeftTop)
ResizeWinMine(windowWidthFull, windowHeightTall, RightRightRight, RightRightTop)
#1::ResizeWinMine(RightRightTopWidth,RightRightTopHeight, RightRightTopLeft, RightRightTopTop)
#2::ResizeWinMine(RightRightBotWidth,RightRightBotHeight, RightRightBotLeft, RightRightBotTop)
;; menu items
;; for the menu we have to activate the previos window (may not be perfect in all case)
;; because the tray popup itself counts as a window
Send !{Esc} ; Activate previous window
ResizeWinMine(LeftLeftWidth,LeftLeftHeight, LeftLeftLeft, LeftLeftTop)
Send !{Esc} ; Activate previous window
ResizeWinMine(LeftRightWidth,LeftRightHeight, LeftRightLeft, LeftRightTop)
Send !{Esc} ; Activate previous window
ResizeWinMine(RightLeftWidth,RightLeftHeight, RightLeftLeft, RightLeftTop)
Send !{Esc} ; Activate previous window
ResizeWinMine(RightRightWidth,RightRightHeight, RightRightLeft, RightRightTop)
Send !{Esc} ; Activate previous window
ResizeWinMine(RightRightTopWidth,RightRightTopHeight, RightRightTopLeft, RightRightTopTop)
Send !{Esc} ; Activate previous window
ResizeWinMine(RightRightBotWidth,RightRightBotHeight, RightRightBotLeft, RightRightBotTop)
ControlGet, HWND, Hwnd,, SysListView321, ahk_class Progman
ControlGet, HWND, Hwnd,, SysListView321, ahk_class WorkerW
If DllCall("IsWindowVisible", UInt, HWND)
WinHide, ahk_id %HWND%
WinShow, ahk_id %HWND%
^SPACE:: Winset, Alwaysontop, , A
; changing window transparencies
#WheelUp:: ; Increments transparency up by 3.375% (with wrap-around)
DetectHiddenWindows, on
WinGet, curtrans, Transparent, A
if ! curtrans
curtrans = 255
newtrans := curtrans + 8
if newtrans > 0
WinSet, Transparent, %newtrans%, A
WinSet, Transparent, OFF, A
WinSet, Transparent, 255, A
#WheelDown:: ; Increments transparency down by 3.375% (with wrap-around)
DetectHiddenWindows, on
WinGet, curtrans, Transparent, A
if ! curtrans
curtrans = 255
newtrans := curtrans - 8
if newtrans > 0
WinSet, Transparent, %newtrans%, A
; WinSet, Transparent, 255, A
; WinSet, Transparent, OFF, A
#o:: ; Reset Transparency Settings
WinSet, Transparent, 255, A
WinSet, Transparent, OFF, A
#y:: ; Press Win+G to show the current settings of the window under the mouse.
MouseGetPos,,, MouseWin
WinGet, Transparent, Transparent, ahk_id %MouseWin%
ToolTip Translucency:`t%Transparent%`n
Sleep 2000
Numpad2::Run C:\Users\Lewis\AppData\Local\hyper\hyper.exe
Numpad3::Run C:\Users\Lewis\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
NumpadSub::WinSet, Style, ^0x00800000L, A
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