I feel like this is something important to talk about, I’ve been very withheld for a while about it all and just decided it’d probably be best to just let it out so I can feel relaxed a little more I guess. This will be a very long read i’m sure, I’m writing this in my bath at 4am on my phone so forgive any mistakes or confusing bits.
Back in October/November of 2020, I for the first time since when 1.16 had just released I decided to try and speedrun 1.16 some to get a decent time. My goal was to get a time faster than 25 minutes, which was a good time and fairly obtainable at the time for me without spending months speedrunning. We had or were just about to switch manhunt to 1.16 and I wanted to get practice for that, and then speedrun for a better 1.15 time, because my record on 1.15 had been beaten.
After running for about a week, I got a 19 minute time (that arguably could have been lower, ironically enough due to bad luck). I started running 1.15 directly after, and a few day’s later there were some