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Last active December 4, 2020 07:55
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Implementation of a click CLI capable of downloading multiple images concurrently
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List
import anyio
import click
import httpx
from rich.console import Console
from rich.progress import Progress, TaskID
def get_image_urls(path: Path) -> List[str]:
images = []
with as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip(' \n')
if not line:
return images
async def download_image(
progress: Progress, task_id: TaskID, image_url: str, destination: Path
) -> None:
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
response = await client.get(image_url)
if response.status_code >= 400:
progress.console.print(f'image [blue]{image_url}[/] could not be downloaded')
progress.update(task_id, advance=1)
path = destination / image_url.split('/')[-1]
progress.update(task_id, advance=1)
async def worker(
image_urls: List[str], progress: Progress, task_id: TaskID, destination: str
) -> None:
destination = Path(destination).resolve()
if not destination.is_dir():
async with anyio.create_task_group() as tg:
for image_url in image_urls:
await tg.spawn(download_image, progress, task_id, image_url, destination)
@click.version_option('0.1.0', message='%(prog)s version %(version)s')
@click.command(context_settings={'help_option_names': ['-h', '--help']})
@click.argument('file', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False))
@click.argument('destination', type=click.Path(file_okay=False, writable=True))
def cli(destination, file):
Downloads multiple images given their urls in FILE and store them in DESTINATION.
FILE is the file containing urls for images to download. The file must contains one url
per line
DESTINATION is the folder that will store the downloaded images. If it does not exist, imdgl
will create it automatically. Take care that the path provided does not have permission issues
for the current user.
path = Path(file)
if path.stat().st_size == 0:
raise click.UsageError('FILE must not be empty')
console = Console()
image_urls = get_image_urls(path)
with Progress(console=console) as progress:
task_id = progress.add_task('Downloading', total=len(image_urls)), image_urls, progress, task_id, destination)
console.print('Downloads are finished! :glowing_star:')
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