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Created November 12, 2018 17:38
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JsSip Demo

#JSSIP with Catapult API ​ ##Prerequisites ​

  • Register for a Catapult (Bandwidth Application Platform) account here
  • Register a SIP domain
  • Create an endpoint/user
  • If you want to make calls to the PSTN (normal phones) you will need a server to handler events from Catapult
  • Make phone calls ​ For a more in depth guide, view this article ​ ##Quick Start Full docs are here ​ CDN hosted library: minified not-minifiedJSFIDDLE Demo Client ​ ###Outbound Call
var callOptions = {
  mediaConstraints: {
    audio: true, // only audio calls
    video: false
};var bwPhone = new JsSIP.UA({
  'uri': 'sip:[email protected]', 
  'password': 'password', 
  'ws_servers': 'wss://'
bwPhone.start();bwPhone.on("registered", function(){"222-333-4444", callOptions);    
});bwPhone.on("newRTCSession", function(data){
    var session = data.session; // outgoing call session here
    var dtmfSender;
        //the call has connected, and audio is playing
        var localStream = session.connection.getLocalStreams()[0];
        dtmfSender = session.connection.createDTMFSender(localStream.getAudioTracks()[0])
        //the call has ended
        // unable to establish the call
    session.on('addstream', function(e){
        // set remote audio stream (to listen to remote audio)
        // remoteAudio is <audio> element on page
        remoteAudio.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(;;
    //play a DTMF tone (session has method `sendDTMF` too but it doesn't work with Catapult server right)
    dtmfSender.insertDTMF("#");//mute call
    session.mute({audio: true});//unmute call
    session.unmute({audio: true});//to hangup the call

###Inbound Call

var callOptions = {
  mediaConstraints: {
    audio: true, // only audio calls
    video: false
};var bwPhone = new JsSIP.UA({
  'uri': 'sip:[email protected]', 
  'password': 'password', 
  'ws_servers': 'wss://'
bwPhone.start();bwPhone.on("newRTCSession", function(data){
    var session = data.session; 
    if (session.direction === "incoming") {
        // incoming call here
            // the call has answered
            // this handler will be called for incoming calls too
            // the call has ended
            // unable to establish the call
        session.on('addstream', function(e){
            // set remote audio stream (to listen to remote audio)
            // remoteAudio is <audio> element on page
            remoteAudio.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(;
        // Answer call
        // Reject call (or hang up it)

###Passwordless connection (via auth token)

var authToken = "1234567890"; // you can get this token by POST http request to /v1/users/<userId>/domains/<domainId>/endpoints/<endpointId>/tokensvar authHeader = "X-Callsign-Token: " + authToken;var callOptions = {
  extraHeaders: [authHeader], // set auth token here (it will be passed on making calls and answering incoming call) 
  mediaConstraints: {
    audio: true, // only audio calls
    video: false
};var bwPhone = new JsSIP.UA({
  'uri': 'sip:[email protected]', 
  'ws_servers': 'wss://',
bwPhone.registrator().setExtraHeaders([authHeader]); // set auth header on registerbwPhone.on('registered', function(){
     // ready to make calls and receive incoming calls
     // making a call"222-333-4444", callOptions);
});bwPhone.on("newRTCSession", function(data){
    var session = data.session; 
    if (session.direction === "incoming") {
        // answer incoming call

​ ​ ##Supported Browsers

  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Opera ​ You can check if browser supports WebRTC by code ​
    if (!JsSIP.rtcninja.hasWebRTC()) {
        alert("WebRTC is not supported. Please use another browser.");
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