First you select development build for Android.(Build Settings-> Android -> check Develop Build box)
Here is the guide from Unity doc: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ProfilerWindow.html
Before the 'adb forward' you should check the port(34999) first using:
netstat -a -o -n | find "34999"
Kill the process that alreay take the port "34999" using:
taskkill /F /PID process_id
adb forward --remove-all
adb forward "tcp:34999" "localabstract:Unity-your.package.name"
Start your app
Press Ctrl+7 to start Profile window from Unity Editor.
from Unity Profile Window -> Active profiler -> select AndroidPlayer([email protected]:34999)
Click the "record" you can get the data
Save lexnewgate/2b267cdc0e6ee60a065ef1ac0fcf9110 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Unity profiler for Android
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