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Created December 11, 2018 14:47
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xlf-extract.js - Support ng-bootstrap i18n entry id format
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
// Fix on to...
// -> support ID fields directly on a trans-unit 'id' attribute instead of trans-unit.node.meaning (ex: ng-bootstrap i18n)
// -> support description generated from id and source instead of missing trans-unit.node.description
// See:
const fs = require('fs');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
* Extracts translations from XLIFF files.
* @param doc object an XLIFF document parsed with cheerio
* @param useTarget boolean a flag indicating if the target field should be extracted instead of source
* @return object a tree of keys and their source messages and descriptions
const extract = (doc, useTarget) => {
const units = doc('trans-unit').toArray();
// const hasNotes = unit => doc(unit).find('note').length > 0; // This filtering is problematic and bypass valid entries instead of handling them
const noteField = (unit, field) =>
doc(unit).find(`note[from=${ field }]`).text();
const description = unit => noteField(unit, 'description') || `${meaning(unit)} ${source(unit)}`; // Fix to build a description for ng-bootstrap trans-unit format
const meaning = unit => noteField(unit, 'meaning') || unit.attribs['id']; // Fix for ng-bootstrap trans-unit format
const sourceField = useTarget ? 'target' : 'source';
const source = unit => doc(unit).find(sourceField).html().toString().replace('#', '#'); // Support for number signs, which conflict with yaml comments
return units
// .filter(hasNotes) // This filtering is problematic and bypass valid entries instead of handling them
.map(unit => ({
description: description(unit),
id: meaning(unit),
source: source(unit)
.filter(d => isKey(;
const isKey = val => !!val.match(/^[^.\s]*\.\S*$/);
const idParts = unit =>'.');
const leaf = Symbol();
// Expands unit keys into nested objects
const expand = units => units.reduce((dict, unit) => {
const unitRoot = idParts(unit).reduce((root, part) =>
root[part] ? root[part] : root[part] = {},
unitRoot[leaf] = unit;
return dict;
}, {});
const indent = depth => depth == 0 ? '' : ' ' + indent(depth - 1);
const last = arr => arr[arr.length - 1];
const source = unit => last(idParts(unit)) + ': ' + unit.source;
const comment = unit => unit.description ?
`# ${unit.description}` : null;
const formatLine = (unit, depth) =>
[comment(unit), source(unit)]
.filter(line => line)
.map(line => indent(depth) + line)
.join('\n') + '\n';
const formatKey = (root, key, depth) =>
indent(depth) + key + ':\n' + format(root[key], depth + 1);
const format = (root, depth) =>
Object.keys(root).map(key =>
root[key][leaf] ?
formatLine(root[key][leaf], depth) :
formatKey(root, key, depth)
const formatYaml = units => {
const sorted = units.sort((a, b) =>;
const expanded = expand(sorted);
return format(expanded, 0);
const args = (() => {
const argparse = require('argparse');
const parser = new argparse.ArgumentParser({
version: '0.2.0',
addHelp: true,
description: 'xlf-extract extracts messages from XLIFF (.xlf) files'
parser.addArgument('messages_file', {
help: 'XLIFF (.xlf) messages file to process'
parser.addArgument([ '-l', '--lang-file' ], {
help: 'destination file to populate with source messages (YAML)',
required: true
parser.addArgument([ '-t', '--use-target' ], {
help: 'extracts target (translated) instead of source messages',
defaultValue: false,
action: 'storeTrue'
parser.addArgument([ '-e', '--encoding' ], {
help: 'Specifies the XLIFF file encoding. Default is "utf-8".',
defaultValue: 'utf-8'
return parser.parseArgs();
const messageData = fs.readFileSync(args.messages_file, { encoding: args.encoding });
const messages = cheerio.load(messageData, { xmlMode: true, decodeEntities: false });
const units = extract(messages, args.use_target);
const out = formatYaml(units);
fs.writeFileSync(args.lang_file, out);
console.log(`Done. Extracted ${ units.length } messages.`);
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