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Last active May 5, 2024 13:53
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iTerm2 Solarized Dark theme + Fish shell + oh-my-fish /// macOS High Sierra


Install iTerm 2

Download, unzip and drag to your Applications directory.

Install Fish

brew install fish

echo "/usr/local/bin/fish" | sudo tee -a /etc/shells

iTerm2 > Preferences > Profiles > General > Basics / Name: fish > Command: /usr/local/bin/fish

Restart iTerm2

Install oh-my-fish

curl -L | fish

Install oh-my-fish agnoster package

omf install agnoster

Restart iTerm2

git clone --depth=1

cd fonts


cd ..

rm -rf fonts

iTerm2 > Preferences > Profiles > Text > Font > Change Font > 14pt Meslo LG M Regular for Powerline

Restart iTerm2

Solarized Dark iTerm2 theme

Save Link As ... >

Double Click

iTerm2 > Preferences > Profiles > Colors > Color Presets > Solarized Dark - Patched

Restart iTerm2


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rinaldo-rex commented Apr 22, 2019

Thanks for this set of configurations! A default config for a developer. :)

And here's an addition if anybody's using VScode and want to make sure if they have to configure the integrated terminal. The settings go like this.

    "terminal.external.osxExec": "",
    "": "/usr/local/bin/fish",
    "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "Meslo LG M DZ for Powerline"

Ensure that you don't give Regular as part of the fontfamily's name; as explained on the vscode doc

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simibac commented Feb 23, 2020

I suggest changing the default shell instead of running a separate command when starting iTerm.

chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish

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Joshfairhead commented Jan 9, 2021

iTerm2 > Preferences > Profiles > General > Basics / Name: fish > Command: /usr/local/bin/fish

This command is too early in the process. If you restart iTerm your in fish and can't install OMF. Typing bash here gets to a bash shell but won't pipe int the OMF file. The solution was to get rid of the fish command in iTerm and then follow the instructions, putting back the fish path in preferences after. Hope this is useful for the still terminal illiterate like myself :)

EDIT: Also, having gone through the process now, my colour scheme doesn't seem to match the screen shot.

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for me it works great...Thanks

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Homebrew may install fish at a different path. Try running which fish and replace /usr/local/bin/fish with its output.

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echo "/usr/local/bin/fish" | sudo tee -a /etc/shells

seems to be this command that doesn't work for me as when i check that directory, fish is not there. brew install fish works fine, its just that next section that i fall over on. Any tips?

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Instead of /usr/local/bin/fish I used just fish as a path and it worked for me.

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