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Last active April 8, 2018 11:02
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  • Save lgescobar/be561df693fbdc8051a1bd73c2cf2473 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Basic service worker to cache only selected paths from the installed domain and serve them from cache in case of server error.
let version = 1;
let cacheName = self.location.hostname + version;
let allowedPaths = [
// Also matches /article/news/... !!
self.addEventListener('install', (e) => {
e.waitUntil( => {
return cache.addAll([
self.addEventListener('activate', (e) => {
if (self.clients && clients.claim) {
self.addEventListener('fetch', (e) => {
const requestUrl = new URL(e.request.url);
if (requestUrl.hostname === self.location.hostname
&& allowedPaths.some((allowedExp) => allowedExp.test(requestUrl.pathname))
) {
fetch(e.request).then((res) => {
if (res.status >= 500) {
return caches.match(e.request)
} else {
return => {
cache.put(e.request, res.clone());
return res;
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