NA12878 DirectRNA reads were obtained here (passed reads only) and aligned with minimap2 v2.5 against the no_alt_analysis_set
of GRCh38 plus SIRV contigs. It took <1 wall-clock hour across 16 CPU cores with command-line options: -cx splice -k14 --cs -uf -N20 -t16
. Alignments were converted to BED with the misc/splice2bed.js
script from minimap2 and then converted to BigBed. Ribosome-related genes (RPL*, RPS*, EEF* and RPSA) were excluded to reduce the file size. The final BigBed is hosted at OSF.
A UCSC custom track is configured with
track type=bigBed name=NA12878-DirectRNA.minimap2-2.5 useScore=1 visibility=4 itemRgb="On" bigDataUrl=
You can access this track with the following link. A GMAP alignment track is temporarily available here. This track contains 1/4 of reads. GMAP is still running. It will take 4–5 wall-clock days to finish using 16 CPU cores.