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Created June 16, 2019 20:53
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ESPHome climate component for Electra AC (RC-3 IR remote)
#include "esphome.h"
static const char *TAG = "electra.climate";
typedef enum IRElectraMode {
IRElectraModeCool = 0b001,
IRElectraModeHeat = 0b010,
IRElectraModeAuto = 0b011,
IRElectraModeDry = 0b100,
IRElectraModeFan = 0b101,
IRElectraModeOff = 0b111
} IRElectraMode;
typedef enum IRElectraFan {
IRElectraFanLow = 0b00,
IRElectraFanMedium = 0b01,
IRElectraFanHigh = 0b10,
IRElectraFanAuto = 0b11
} IRElectraFan;
// That configuration has a total of 34 bits
// 33: Power bit, if this bit is ON, the A/C will toggle it's power.
// 32-30: Mode - Cool, heat etc.
// 29-28: Fan - Low, medium etc.
// 27-26: Zeros
// 25: Swing On/Off
// 24: iFeel On/Off
// 23: Zero
// 22-19: Temperature, where 15 is 0000, 30 is 1111
// 18: Sleep mode On/Off
// 17- 2: Zeros
// 1: One
// 0: Zero
typedef union ElectraCode {
uint64_t num;
struct {
uint64_t zeros1 : 1;
uint64_t ones1 : 1;
uint64_t zeros2 : 16;
uint64_t sleep : 1;
uint64_t temperature : 4;
uint64_t zeros3 : 1;
uint64_t ifeel : 1;
uint64_t swing : 1;
uint64_t zeros4 : 2;
uint64_t fan : 2;
uint64_t mode : 3;
uint64_t power : 1;
} ElectraCode;
const uint8_t ELECTRA_TEMP_MIN = 16; // Celsius
const uint8_t ELECTRA_TEMP_MAX = 30; // Celsius
#define ELECTRA_TIME_UNIT 1000
class ElectraClimate : public climate::Climate, public Component {
void setup() override
if (this->sensor_) {
this->sensor_->add_on_state_callback([this](float state) {
this->current_temperature = state;
// current temperature changed, publish state
this->current_temperature = this->sensor_->state;
} else
this->current_temperature = NAN;
// restore set points
auto restore = this->restore_state_();
if (restore.has_value()) {
} else {
// restore from defaults
this->mode = climate::CLIMATE_MODE_AUTO;
// initialize target temperature to some value so that it's not NAN
this->target_temperature = roundf(this->current_temperature);
this->active_mode_ = this->mode;
void set_transmitter(remote_transmitter::RemoteTransmitterComponent *transmitter) {
this->transmitter_ = transmitter;
void set_supports_cool(bool supports_cool) { this->supports_cool_ = supports_cool; }
void set_supports_heat(bool supports_heat) { this->supports_heat_ = supports_heat; }
void set_sensor(sensor::Sensor *sensor) { this->sensor_ = sensor; }
/// Override control to change settings of the climate device
void control(const climate::ClimateCall &call) override
if (call.get_mode().has_value())
this->mode = *call.get_mode();
if (call.get_target_temperature().has_value())
this->target_temperature = *call.get_target_temperature();
this->active_mode_ = this->mode;
/// Return the traits of this controller
climate::ClimateTraits traits() override
auto traits = climate::ClimateTraits();
traits.set_supports_current_temperature(this->sensor_ != nullptr);
return traits;
/// Transmit the state of this climate controller via IR
void transmit_state_()
ElectraCode code = { 0 };
code.ones1 = 1; = IRElectraFan::IRElectraFanAuto;
switch (this->mode) {
case climate::CLIMATE_MODE_COOL:
code.mode = IRElectraMode::IRElectraModeCool;
code.power = this->active_mode_ == climate::CLIMATE_MODE_OFF ? 1 : 0;
case climate::CLIMATE_MODE_HEAT:
code.mode = IRElectraMode::IRElectraModeHeat;
code.power = this->active_mode_ == climate::CLIMATE_MODE_OFF ? 1 : 0;
case climate::CLIMATE_MODE_AUTO:
code.mode = IRElectraMode::IRElectraModeAuto;
code.power = this->active_mode_ == climate::CLIMATE_MODE_OFF ? 1 : 0;
case climate::CLIMATE_MODE_OFF:
code.mode = IRElectraMode::IRElectraModeOff;
auto temp = (uint8_t) roundf(clamp(this->target_temperature, ELECTRA_TEMP_MIN, ELECTRA_TEMP_MAX));
code.temperature = temp - 15;
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Sending electra code: %lld", code.num);
auto transmit = this->transmitter_->transmit();
auto data = transmit.get_data();
uint16_t repeat = 3;
for (uint16_t r = 0; r < repeat; r++) {
// Header
data->mark(3 * ELECTRA_TIME_UNIT);
uint16_t next_value = 3 * ELECTRA_TIME_UNIT;
bool is_next_space = true;
// Data
for (int j = ELECTRA_NUM_BITS - 1; j>=0; j--)
uint8_t bit = (code.num >> j) & 1;
// if current index is SPACE
if (is_next_space) {
// one is one unit low, then one unit up
// since we're pointing at SPACE, we should increase it by a unit
// then add another MARK unit
if (bit == 1) {
data->space(next_value + ELECTRA_TIME_UNIT);
next_value = ELECTRA_TIME_UNIT;
is_next_space = false;
} else {
// we need a MARK unit, then SPACE unit
next_value = ELECTRA_TIME_UNIT;
is_next_space = true;
} else {
// current index is MARK
// one is one unit low, then one unit up
if (bit == 1) {
next_value = ELECTRA_TIME_UNIT;
is_next_space = false;
} else {
data->mark(next_value + ELECTRA_TIME_UNIT);
next_value = ELECTRA_TIME_UNIT;
is_next_space = true;
// Last value must be SPACE
// Footer
data->mark(4 * ELECTRA_TIME_UNIT);
ClimateMode active_mode_;
bool supports_cool_{true};
bool supports_heat_{true};
remote_transmitter::RemoteTransmitterComponent *transmitter_;
sensor::Sensor *sensor_{nullptr};
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@omersht I figured out the problem. I will be happy to discuss.

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schlumm commented Jan 5, 2025

you may contact me on doron dot schlumm at HP dot com

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omersht commented Jan 9, 2025

@omersht I figured out the problem. I will be happy to discuss.

Great, can you tell me what have you discoverd? maybe open an issue on the github page?

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