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Last active February 9, 2022 14:13
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Normalization Cheatsheet for CSAD


Primary Key

  • serve to uniquely identify a row in the table
  • build an index on Primary key to facilitate fast search and retreival

Foreign Key

  • a key that is used to link 2 tables together
  • table containing foreign key -> child table
  • table containing primary key -> referenced or parent table

Referential integrity

  • prevents invalid data from being inserted
  • row in the parent table cannot be deleted if referenced
  • primary key of a row in the parent table cannot be updated

Normal Forms


  • Each column can only have atomic (a single) value
  • Unique column name

2NF & 3NF

non-key field must provide a fact about the key and only the key


  • No partial dependency
  • satisfies 1NF, 2NF
  • Not partial means full
  • Hence, Full functional dependency


Boyce-Codd Normal Form

  • AKA 3.5NF
  • satisfies {1..3}NF, 3.5NF
  • Primary key for every functional dependency
  • X->Y, X should be primary key

Functional Dependency

What it means

      x        ->        y
(determinant)       (dependent)
  • x is a key field
  • y is a non-key field
  • Can read the values of y by using the value of x from a table

Partial Dependency

  • non-key field is not fully dependent on primary key


  • Primary keys: student_id, subject_id
  • subject_id -> teacher
  • teacher column only dependes on subject and NOT on student

Transisitve Dependency

  • non-key field depends on another non-key filed
  • which doesn't depend on primary key


  • Primary keys: student_id, subject_id
  • exam_name -> total_marks
  • total_marks depends on exam_name which is NOT a primary key
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