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Libin Varghese libinvarghese

  • Bangalore, India
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sergchil /
Created September 26, 2019 11:42 — forked from amanshuraikwar/
Shell script to connect a USB connected device via adb over WiFi MacOS
# Purpose: Shell script to connect a USB connected device via adb over WiFi
# Author: Amanshu Raikwar
# Assumptions:
# 1. USB debugging is enabled in the Android device
# 2. The Android device is connected to the computer via USB
# 3. The Android device is connected to the same wifi as the computer
# 4. The Android device is accessible through port 5555 over the wifi network
amanshuraikwar /
Last active August 23, 2024 10:06
Shell script to connect a USB connected device via adb over WiFi
# Purpose: Shell script to connect a USB connected device via adb over WiFi
# Author: Amanshu Raikwar
# Assumptions:
# 1. USB debugging is enabled in the Android device
# 2. The Android device is connected to the computer via USB
# 3. The Android device is connected to the same wifi as the computer
# 4. The Android device is accessible through port 5555 over the wifi network
evxn / do-on-subscribe.rxjs.operator.ts
Last active March 5, 2021 17:26
rxjs on subscribe hook, callback on subscribe, doOnSubscribe operator, doOnSubscribe pipe, rxjs onSubscribe
import {defer} from 'rxjs/observable/defer';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';
/** Example
import {from} from 'rxjs/observable/from';
from([1, 2, 3])
.pipe(doOnSubscribe(() => console.log('subscribed to stream')))
.subscribe(x => console.log(x), null, () => console.log('completed'));
madhikarma /
Created October 13, 2015 12:26
Script to build a framework for multiple architectures
# Merge Script
# 1
# Set bash script to exit immediately if any commands fail.
set -e
# 2
# Setup some constants for use later on.
bsatrom /
Created November 8, 2011 21:56
Samples for hooking into STDOUT for unit testing in Node.js
exports = module.exports
exports.setup = (callback) ->
write = process.stdout.write
process.stdout.write = ((stub) ->
(string, encoding, fd) ->
stub.apply process.stdout, arguments
callback string, encoding, fd)(process.stdout.write)