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Created July 19, 2019 01:09
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We will load:
1) collected data = [{id, dataset, dataset_image_id, file_path, sent, split, bbox(xywh/None)}]
2) VQA questions = [{question, question_id, image_id}]
3) VG (on coco) questions = [{question, question_id, image_id}]
to make a full token_to_ix table.
Besides, we use the above to tokenize collected sentences, and make the follows:
1) token_to_ix : token -> ix
2) split_to_iids : split -> img_ids
3) iid_to_sents : img_id -> [{sent, bbox}]
4) iid_to_meta : img_id -> {dataset, dataset_image_id, file_path, split}
5) img_ids : list of img_ids
The above will be saved to cache/prepro.json
import _init_paths
from cfgs.base_cfgs import Cfgs
from import tokenize
import json
import os.path as osp
import time
import collections
import re
import argparse
def build_vocab(sents, min_token_instances, verbose=True):
Builds a set that contains the vocab. Filters infrequent tokens.
vocab = []
token_counter = collections.Counter()
for sent in sents:
words = tokenize(sent)
for wd in words:
token_counter[wd] += 1
for token, count in token_counter.items():
if count >= min_token_instances:
if verbose:
bad_words = [wd for wd, cnt in token_counter.items() if cnt < min_token_instances]
bad_count = sum(cnt for wd, cnt in token_counter.items() if cnt < min_token_instances)
total_words = sum(token_counter.values())
print('Keeping %d/%d tokens with enough instances (>=%d).' % (len(vocab), len(token_counter), min_token_instances))
print('number of bad words: %d/%d = %.2f%%' % (len(bad_words), len(token_counter), len(bad_words)*100./len(token_counter)))
print('number of UNK words: %d/%d = %.2f%%' % (bad_count, total_words, bad_count*100./total_words))
return vocab
def prepro_data(collected, token_to_ix):
- collected : [{id, dataset, dataset_image_id, file_path, sent, split, bbox(xywh/None)}]
- token_to_ix : token --> ix
- split_to_iids : split -> img_ids
- iid_to_sents : img_id -> [{sent, bbox}]
- iid_to_meta : img_id -> dataset, dataset_image_id, file_path, split
- img_ids
Note, img_id = dataset+'_'+dataset_image_id
iid_to_meta = {}
iid_to_sents = collections.OrderedDict()
for item in collected:
# img_id
img_id = item['dataset'] + '_' + str(item['dataset_image_id'])
# add to iid_to_sents
if img_id not in iid_to_sents:
iid_to_sents[img_id] = []
sent = ' '.join(tokenize(item['sent'], token_to_ix))
iid_to_sents[img_id].append({'sent': sent, 'bbox': item['bbox']})
# add to iid_to_meta
iid_to_meta[img_id] = {'file_path': item['file_path'], 'split': item['split']}
img_ids = list(iid_to_sents.keys())
split_to_iids ={}
for img_id in img_ids:
split = iid_to_meta[img_id]['split']
if split not in split_to_iids:
split_to_iids[split] = []
return split_to_iids, iid_to_sents, iid_to_meta, img_ids
def main(args):
__C = Cfgs()
all_sents = []
# Load collected data
tic = time.time()
collected = json.load(open(args.collected_json))
print('collected data loaded in %.2f seconds.' % (time.time()-tic))
for data in collected:
# Load VQA data
tic = time.time()
vqa_data = \
json.load(open(osp.join(__C.DATASET_DIR['vqa'], 'v2_OpenEnded_mscoco_train2014_questions.json'), 'r'))['questions'] + \
json.load(open(osp.join(__C.DATASET_DIR['vqa'], 'v2_OpenEnded_mscoco_val2014_questions.json'), 'r'))['questions'] + \
json.load(open(osp.join(__C.DATASET_DIR['vqa'], 'VG_questions.json'), 'r'))['questions']
print('coco + vg(coco)\'s qa data loaded in %.2f seconds.' % (time.time()-tic))
for ques in vqa_data:
# Tokenize
vocab = build_vocab(all_sents, 5)
token_to_ix = {wd: ix for ix, wd in enumerate(vocab)}
# Preprocess the collected data
split_to_iids, iid_to_sents, iid_to_meta, img_ids = prepro_data(collected, token_to_ix)
# save
# with open(args.token_json, 'w') as io:
# json.dump(token_to_ix, io)
with open(args.prepro_json, 'w') as io:
json.dump({'split_to_iids': split_to_iids,
'iid_to_sents': iid_to_sents,
'iid_to_meta': iid_to_meta,
'img_ids': img_ids,
'token_to_ix': token_to_ix},
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--collected_json', default='cache/collected.json')
parser.add_argument('--min_token_instances', default=5, type=int)
parser.add_argument('--prepro_json', default='cache/prepro.json')
args = parser.parse_args()
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