Recently I stumbled upon a NuGet using the google search for something I wanted to try, sadly the projects code was no longer available on GitHub, the project was gone, but the NuGet was up and available.
So I thought, what if I'd like to work on this certain project/NuGet how can I get the source code..
- Download the .nupkg file of the project
- Use an archive tool like WinRAR or 7-Zip to open the .nupkg
- Open the "lib" folder, now the folder lists folders like:
- net5.0
- net6.0
- net45
- net46
- net47
- netstandard1.0
- netstandard1.3
- netstandard2.0
- netstandard2.1
If you need Net-Core, you would open netX.0,
if you need Net-Framework, you open netXX
and if you need Net-Standard assemblies, then you open netstandardX.X
- When selected the needed net version open the folder, eg. net6.0 and copy the .dll file (and XML if available to be sure) to a folder of your choice.
- Download, to get the source code of the .dll
- Open ILSpy, click "File", "Open" then select the .dll and wait for it to finish analyzing.
- Then you can either click through the decompiled assembly or you right-click the assembly entry and click "Save Code..."
- Finished, if the project had everything it needed inside itself you should be good now you're able to open the .csproj and work with it.
This manual can't be used for every project or NuGet, because not every project/NuGet is published the same way. This worked for a few projects I tried this on, very big or very complex projects with many dependencies may not work that easy.
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