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Created June 6, 2014 15:30
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[PATCH] internationalisation + WHMCS > 5.2.2 (backward compatible) (whmcs coza module)
diff --git a/modules/registrars/cozaepp/cozaepp.php b/modules/registrars/cozaepp/cozaepp.php
index ddb5716..0406c91 100644
--- a/modules/registrars/cozaepp/cozaepp.php
+++ b/modules/registrars/cozaepp/cozaepp.php
@@ -799,18 +799,35 @@
return $values;
+ $rev = _cozaepp_getRevision();
+ if($rev === 1) {
+ $key_company = 'Company Name';
+ $key_address1 = 'Address 1';
+ $key_address2 = 'Address 2';
+ $key_city = 'City';
+ $key_postcode = 'Postcode';
+ $key_country = 'Country';
+ } else {
+ $key_company = 'Organisation';
+ $key_address1 = 'Address line 1';
+ $key_address2 = 'Address line 2';
+ $key_city = 'TownCity';
+ $key_postcode = 'TownCity';
+ $key_country = 'Country Code';
+ }
$nodes = $doc->getElementsByTagName('postalInfo');
for ($i = 0; ($i < $nodes->length); $i++) {
- if ($nodes->item($i)->getAttributeNode('type')->nodeValue == 'loc') {
+ if ($nodes->item($i)->getAttributeNode('type')->nodeValue == 'loc' || $nodes->item($i)->getAttributeNode('type')->nodeValue == 'int') {
$childNodes = $nodes->item($i);
$results["Registrant"]["Contact Name"] = $childNodes->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->nodeValue;
- $results["Registrant"]["Organisation"] = $childNodes->getElementsByTagName('org')->item(0)->nodeValue;
- $results["Registrant"]["Address line 1"] = $childNodes->getElementsByTagName('street')->item(0)->nodeValue;
- $results["Registrant"]["Address line 2"] = $childNodes->getElementsByTagName('street')->item(1)->nodeValue;
- $results["Registrant"]["TownCity"] = $childNodes->getElementsByTagName('city')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $results["Registrant"][$key_company] = $childNodes->getElementsByTagName('org')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $results["Registrant"][$key_address1] = $childNodes->getElementsByTagName('street')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $results["Registrant"][$key_address2] = $childNodes->getElementsByTagName('street')->item(1)->nodeValue;
+ $results["Registrant"][$key_city] = $childNodes->getElementsByTagName('city')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$results["Registrant"]["State"] = $childNodes->getElementsByTagName('sp')->item(0)->nodeValue;
- $results["Registrant"]["Zip code"] = $childNodes->getElementsByTagName('pc')->item(0)->nodeValue;
- $results["Registrant"]["Country Code"] = $childNodes->getElementsByTagName('cc')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $results["Registrant"][$key_postcode] = $childNodes->getElementsByTagName('pc')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $results["Registrant"][$key_country] = $childNodes->getElementsByTagName('cc')->item(0)->nodeValue;
@@ -833,6 +850,13 @@
# Fetching contact details
$results = _getContactDetails($sld . '.' . $tld);
+ $rev = _cozaepp_getRevision();
+ if($rev === 1) {
+ $keys = array("Contact Name","Company Name","Address 1","Address 2","City","State","Postcode","Country","Phone","Email");
+ } else {
+ $keys = array("Contact Name","Organisation","Address line 1","Address line 2","TownCity","State","Zip code","Country Code","Phone","Email");
+ }
# If there was an error return it
if (isset($results["error"])) {
return $results;
@@ -840,10 +864,7 @@
# What we going to do here is make sure all the attirbutes we return back are set
# If we don't do this WHMCS won't display the options for editing
- foreach (
- array("Contact Name","Organisation","Address line 1","Address line 2","TownCity","State","Zip code","Country Code","Phone","Email")
- as $item
- ) {
+ foreach ($keys as $item) {
# Check if the item is set
if ($results["Registrant"][$item] == "") {
# Just set it to -
@@ -862,21 +883,61 @@
# Function to save contact details
function cozaepp_SaveContactDetails($params) {
+ $rev = _cozaepp_getRevision();
# Grab variables
$tld = $params["tld"];
$sld = $params["sld"];
# Registrant details
$registrant_name = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Contact Name"];
- $registrant_org = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Organisation"];
- $registrant_address1 = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Address line 1"];
- $registrant_address2 = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Address line 2"];
- $registrant_town = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["TownCity"];
+ if($rev === 1) {
+ $registrant_org = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Company Name"];
+ $registrant_address1 = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Address 1"];
+ $registrant_address2 = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Address 2"];
+ $registrant_town = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["City"];
+ $registrant_zipcode = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Postcode"];
+ $registrant_countrycode = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Country"];
+ } else {
+ $registrant_org = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Organisation"];
+ $registrant_address1 = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Address line 1"];
+ $registrant_address2 = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Address line 2"];
+ $registrant_town = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["TownCity"];
+ $registrant_zipcode = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Zip code"];
+ $registrant_countrycode = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Country Code"];
+ }
$registrant_state = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["State"];
- $registrant_zipcode = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Zip code"];
- $registrant_countrycode = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Country Code"];
$registrant_phone = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Phone"];
#$registrant_fax = '',
$registrant_email = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Email"];
+ # Günter Grodotzki <[email protected]> - 20140606
+ # Support International Contacts
+ if ($registrant_countrycode === 'ZA') {
+ $postalInfoType = 'loc';
+ } else {
+ $postalInfoType = 'int';
+ # according to
+ # we need to translit everything to ascii
+ # also sane SysAdmins should set up a corret locale, won't change this
+ # in PHP itself due to race condition
+ # see:
+ $registrant_name = _cozaepp_AsciiTranslit($registrant_name);
+ $registrant_org = _cozaepp_AsciiTranslit($registrant_org);
+ $registrant_address1 = _cozaepp_AsciiTranslit($registrant_address1);
+ $registrant_address2 = _cozaepp_AsciiTranslit($registrant_address2);
+ $registrant_town = _cozaepp_AsciiTranslit($registrant_town);
+ // state is optional, though max length is 16, it might not work with
+ // a lot of international states, so lets just void it...
+ //$registrant_state = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $registrant_state);
+ $registrant_state = '-';
+ $registrant_zipcode = _cozaepp_AsciiTranslit($registrant_zipcode);
+ $registrant_countrycode = _cozaepp_AsciiTranslit($registrant_countrycode);
+ $registrant_phone = _cozaepp_AsciiTranslit($registrant_phone);
+ $registrant_email = _cozaepp_AsciiTranslit($registrant_email);
+ }
# Get client instance
try {
@@ -920,7 +981,7 @@
- <contact:postalInfo type="loc">
+ <contact:postalInfo type="'.$postalInfoType.'">
@@ -1361,6 +1422,23 @@
return $contact;
+ $rev = _cozaepp_getRevision();
+ if($rev === 1) {
+ $key_company = 'Company Name';
+ $key_address1 = 'Address 1';
+ $key_address2 = 'Address 2';
+ $key_city = 'City';
+ $key_postcode = 'Postcode';
+ $key_country = 'Country';
+ } else {
+ $key_company = 'Organisation';
+ $key_address1 = 'Address line 1';
+ $key_address2 = 'Address line 2';
+ $key_city = 'TownCity';
+ $key_postcode = 'TownCity';
+ $key_country = 'Country Code';
+ }
# Check for available contact id
$registrant = _cozaepp_CheckContact($sld . '.' . $tld);
@@ -1374,14 +1452,14 @@
<contact:postalInfo type="loc">
<contact:name>'.$contact["Registrant"]["Contact Name"].'</contact:name>
- <contact:org>'.$contact["Registrant"]["Organisation"].'</contact:org>
+ <contact:org>'.$contact["Registrant"][$key_company].'</contact:org>
- <contact:street>'.$contact["Registrant"]["Address line 1"].'</contact:street>
- <contact:street>'.$contact["Registrant"]["Address line 2"].'</contact:street>
- <contact:city>'.$contact["Registrant"]["TownCity"].'</contact:city>
+ <contact:street>'.$contact["Registrant"][$key_address1].'</contact:street>
+ <contact:street>'.$contact["Registrant"][$key_address2].'</contact:street>
+ <contact:city>'.$contact["Registrant"][$key_city].'</contact:city>
- <contact:pc>'.$contact["Registrant"]["Zip code"].'</contact:pc>
- <contact:cc>'.$contact["Registrant"]["Country Code"].'</contact:cc>
+ <contact:pc>'.$contact["Registrant"][$key_postcode].'</contact:pc>
+ <contact:cc>'.$contact["Registrant"][$key_country].'</contact:cc>
@@ -1732,3 +1810,57 @@
return $values;
+ * Get hashmap revision according to the installed WHMCS version. Fallbacks to
+ * legacy version.
+ * ATTENTION: might break on newer versions, so always check before upgrading
+ * @author Günter Grodotzki <[email protected]>
+ * @return int
+ */
+function _cozaepp_getRevision() {
+ global $whmcs;
+ if(isset($whmcs) &&
+ $whmcs instanceof WHMCS_Application &&
+ method_exists($whmcs, 'getVersion') &&
+ $whmcs->getVersion() instanceof WHMCS_Version_SemanticVersion &&
+ WHMCS_Version_SemanticVersion::compare($whmcs->getVersion(), new WHMCS_Version_SemanticVersion('5.2.1'), '>')
+ ) {
+ $rev = 1;
+ } else {
+ $rev = 0;
+ }
+ // don't just simply return true/false, return a actual incremental revision
+ // number...
+ return $rev;
+ * ASCII//Translit wrapper
+ * @author Günter Grodotzki <[email protected]>
+ * @param string $string
+ * @return string
+ */
+function _cozaepp_AsciiTranslit($string) {
+ // iconv needs to rely on setlocale or else it can return gibberisch,
+ // unfortunately setlocale is NOT thread safe (php-fpm, fastcgi, IIS, etc.)
+ // and CAN break if other scripts are using that function as well
+ // INSTEAD, lets use intl/icu, this is completely thread-safe. Unfortunately
+ // you will need at least php5.4, icu 4.8 and latest intl pecl - but if you
+ // have not been living under a rock the past years, I am pretty sure you
+ // will have a upated ENV, else checkout the following gist for debian
+ // squeeze instructions:
+ //
+ if(function_exists('transliterator_transliterate')) {
+ $string = transliterator_transliterate('Any-Latin; Latin-ASCII; [\u0100-\u7fff] remove', $string);
+ } else {
+ setlocale('en_US.utf8');
+ $string = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE', $string);
+ }
+ return $string;
\ No newline at end of file
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