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Last active April 23, 2024 13:27
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DxDiagProvider enum children and properties
// DxDiagProviderCom.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.
#include <initguid.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <dxdiag.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
HRESULT ParseContainer(IDxDiagContainer* pIter, int level = 0)
wstring prefix;
for (int i = 0; i < level; i++)
prefix += L'\t';
DWORD numProps = 0;
wcout << prefix << "numProp: " << numProps << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < numProps; i++)
wchar_t propName[MAX_PATH];
pIter->EnumPropNames(i, propName, MAX_PATH);
wcout << prefix << "prop: " << propName;
pIter->GetPropW(propName, &var);
switch (var.vt)
case VT_BSTR:
wcout << " propValue: \t\t\t\t\t" << var.bstrVal;
case VT_BOOL:
wcout << " propValue: \t\t\t\t\t" << var.boolVal;
case VT_I4:
wcout << " propValue: \t\t\t\t\t" << var.iVal;
case VT_UI4:
wcout << " propValue: \t\t\t\t\t" << var.ulVal;
wcout << " vt: \t\t\t\t\t" << var.vt;
wcout << endl;
DWORD numChildCont = 0;
wcout << prefix << "numChildren: " << numChildCont << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < numChildCont; i++)
wchar_t childName[MAX_PATH];
pIter->EnumChildContainerNames(i, childName, MAX_PATH);
wcout << prefix << "child: " << childName << endl;
IDxDiagContainer* pChild;
auto hr = pIter->GetChildContainer(childName, &pChild);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
if (pChild)
ParseContainer(pChild, level+1);
return S_OK;
int main()
auto hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
IDxDiagProvider* pDxDiagProvider = nullptr;
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DxDiagProvider, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDxDiagProvider, (LPVOID*)&pDxDiagProvider);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
DXDIAG_INIT_PARAMS dxDiagInitParams = {};
dxDiagInitParams.dwSize = sizeof(dxDiagInitParams);
dxDiagInitParams.dwDxDiagHeaderVersion = DXDIAG_DX9_SDK_VERSION;
dxDiagInitParams.bAllowWHQLChecks = false;
dxDiagInitParams.pReserved = nullptr;
hr = pDxDiagProvider->Initialize(&dxDiagInitParams);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
IDxDiagContainer* pDiagRoot;
IDxDiagContainer* pDiagIter;
hr = pDxDiagProvider->GetRootContainer(&pDiagRoot);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
std::cout << "End\n";
numProp: 0
numChildren: 10
child: DxDiag_SystemInfo
numProp: 124
prop: dwOSMajorVersion propValue: 6
prop: dwOSMinorVersion propValue: 2
prop: dwOSBuildNumber propValue: 9200
prop: dwOSPlatformID propValue: 2
prop: dwDirectXVersionMajor propValue: 12
prop: dwDirectXVersionMinor propValue: 0
prop: szDirectXVersionLetter propValue:
prop: bDebug propValue: 0
prop: bNECPC98 propValue: 0
prop: ullPhysicalMemory propValue: 17179869184
prop: ullPhysicalMemoryOS propValue: 16990789632
prop: ullUsedPageFile propValue: 34539823104
prop: ullAvailPageFile propValue: 15736963072
prop: bNetMeetingRunning propValue: 0
prop: bIsD3D8DebugRuntimeAvailable propValue: 0
prop: bIsD3DDebugRuntime propValue: 0
prop: bIsDInput8DebugRuntimeAvailable propValue: 0
prop: bIsDInput8DebugRuntime propValue: 0
prop: bIsDMusicDebugRuntimeAvailable propValue: 0
prop: bIsDMusicDebugRuntime propValue: 0
prop: bIsDDrawDebugRuntime propValue: 0
prop: bIsDPlayDebugRuntime propValue: 0
prop: bIsDSoundDebugRuntime propValue: 0
prop: nD3DDebugLevel propValue: 0
prop: nDDrawDebugLevel propValue: 0
prop: nDIDebugLevel propValue: 0
prop: nDMusicDebugLevel propValue: 0
prop: nDPlayDebugLevel propValue: 0
prop: nDSoundDebugLevel propValue: 0
prop: nDShowDebugLevel propValue: 0
prop: szWindowsDir propValue: C:\windows
prop: szBuildLab propValue: 17763.rs5_release.180914-1434
prop: szDxDiagVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szSetupParamEnglish propValue: Not found
prop: szProcessorEnglish propValue: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6820HQ CPU @ 2.70GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.7GHz
prop: szSystemManufacturerEnglish propValue: Dell Inc.
prop: szSystemModelEnglish propValue: Precision 5510
prop: szBIOSEnglish propValue: 1.12.0
prop: szPhysicalMemoryEnglish propValue: 16384MB RAM
prop: szPhysicalMemoryEnglishOS propValue: 16204MB RAM
prop: szCSDVersion propValue:
prop: szUserDPI propValue: Using System DPI
prop: szSystemDPI propValue: 240 DPI (250 percent)
prop: szDWMScalingDPI propValue: UnKnown
prop: szDirectXVersionEnglish propValue:
prop: szDirectXVersionLongEnglish propValue: DirectX 12
prop: szMachineNameLocalized propValue: SAHILS-LT1
prop: szOSLocalized propValue: Windows 10 Enterprise
prop: szOSExLocalized propValue: Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
prop: szOSExLongLocalized propValue: Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200) (17763.rs5_release.180914-1434)
prop: szLanguagesLocalized propValue: English (Regional Setting: English)
prop: szPageFileLocalized propValue: 32939MB used, 15007MB available
prop: szTimeLocalized propValue: Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 10:31:42 PM
prop: szMachineNameEnglish propValue: SAHILS-LT1
prop: szOSEnglish propValue: Windows 10 Enterprise
prop: szOSExEnglish propValue: Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
prop: szOSExLongEnglish propValue: Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200) (17763.rs5_release.180914-1434)
prop: szLanguagesEnglish propValue: English (Regional Setting: English)
prop: szPageFileEnglish propValue: 32939MB used, 15007MB available
prop: szTimeEnglish propValue: 7/8/2020, 22:31:42
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000009_bits0_31 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000009_bits32_63 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000009_bits64_95 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000009_bits96_127 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000a_bits0_31 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000a_bits32_63 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000a_bits64_95 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000a_bits96_127 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000b_bits0_31 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000b_bits32_63 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000b_bits64_95 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000b_bits96_127 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000c_bits0_31 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000c_bits32_63 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000c_bits64_95 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000c_bits96_127 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000d_bits0_31 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000d_bits32_63 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000d_bits64_95 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000d_bits96_127 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000e_bits0_31 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000e_bits32_63 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000e_bits64_95 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000e_bits96_127 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000f_bits0_31 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000f_bits32_63 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000f_bits64_95 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x8000000f_bits96_127 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000010_bits0_31 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000010_bits32_63 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000010_bits64_95 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000010_bits96_127 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000011_bits0_31 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000011_bits32_63 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000011_bits64_95 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000011_bits96_127 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000012_bits0_31 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000012_bits32_63 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000012_bits64_95 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000012_bits96_127 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000013_bits0_31 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000013_bits32_63 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000013_bits64_95 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000013_bits96_127 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000014_bits0_31 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000014_bits32_63 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000014_bits64_95 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000014_bits96_127 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000015_bits0_31 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000015_bits32_63 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000015_bits64_95 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000015_bits96_127 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000016_bits0_31 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000016_bits32_63 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000016_bits64_95 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000016_bits96_127 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000017_bits0_31 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000017_bits32_63 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000017_bits64_95 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000017_bits96_127 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000018_bits0_31 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000018_bits32_63 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000018_bits64_95 propValue: 0
prop: ExtendedCPUFunctionBitmasks_0x80000018_bits96_127 propValue: 0
numChildren: 0
child: DxDiag_DisplayDevices
numProp: 0
numChildren: 2
child: 0
numProp: 79
prop: szDeviceName propValue: \\.\DISPLAY1
prop: szDescription propValue: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530
prop: szKeyDeviceID propValue: Enum\PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_191B&SUBSYS_06E51028&REV_06
prop: szKeyDeviceKey propValue: \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{385C5B81-46E9-11EA-8244-A62E61129422}\0000
prop: szManufacturer propValue: Intel Corporation
prop: szChipType propValue: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
prop: szDACType propValue: Internal
prop: szRevision propValue: Unknown
prop: szDisplayMemoryLocalized propValue: 8229 MB
prop: szDisplayMemoryEnglish propValue: 8229 MB
prop: szDisplayModeLocalized propValue: 3840 x 2160 (32 bit) (60Hz)
prop: szDisplayModeEnglish propValue: 3840 x 2160 (32 bit) (60Hz)
prop: szOverlayEnglish propValue: Supported
prop: szDXVAHDEnglish propValue: Supported
prop: dwWidth propValue: 3840
prop: dwHeight propValue: 2160
prop: dwBpp propValue: 32
prop: dwRefreshRate propValue: 60
prop: szMonitorName propValue: Generic PnP Monitor
prop: szMonitorMaxRes propValue: Unknown
prop: szDriverName propValue: C:\windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\igdlh64.inf_amd64_bb6ffc4c24a226fb\igdumdim64.dll,C:\windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\igdlh64.inf_amd64_bb6ffc4c24a226fb\igd10iumd64.dll,C:\windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\igdlh64.inf_amd64_bb6ffc4c24a226fb\igd10iumd64.dll,C:\windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\igdlh64.inf_amd64_bb6ffc4c24a226fb\igd12umd64.dll
prop: szDriverAssemblyVersion propValue:
prop: szDriverVersion propValue: 26.20.0100.7263
prop: szDriverAttributes propValue: Final Retail
prop: szDriverLanguageEnglish propValue: English
prop: szDriverLanguageLocalized propValue: English
prop: szDriverDateEnglish propValue: 9/25/2019 5:30:00 AM
prop: szDriverDateLocalized propValue: 9/25/2019 05:30:00
prop: lDriverSize propValue: -3816
prop: szMiniVdd propValue: unknown
prop: szMiniVddDateLocalized propValue: unknown
prop: szMiniVddDateEnglish propValue: Unknown
prop: lMiniVddSize propValue: 0
prop: szVdd propValue: unknown
prop: szDriverModelEnglish propValue: WDDM 2.1
prop: szDriverModelLocalized propValue: WDDM 2.1
prop: szDriverNodeStrongName propValue: oem76.inf:5f63e5340a14bf6c:iSKLD_w10_DS:\ven_8086&dev_191b&subsys_06e51028
prop: szRankOfInstalledDriver propValue: 00D10001
prop: bCanRenderWindow propValue: 1
prop: bDriverBeta propValue: 0
prop: bDriverDebug propValue: 0
prop: bDriverSigned propValue: 0
prop: bDriverSignedValid propValue: 0
prop: szDeviceIdentifier propValue: {D7B78E66-5A5B-11CF-C76F-8126BDC2D735}
prop: szDriverSignDate propValue: Unknown
prop: dwDDIVersion propValue: 12
prop: szDDIVersionEnglish propValue: 12
prop: szDDIVersionLocalized propValue: 12
prop: iAdapter propValue: 0
prop: szVendorId propValue: 0x8086
prop: szDeviceId propValue: 0x191B
prop: szSubSysId propValue: 0x06E51028
prop: szRevisionId propValue: 0x0006
prop: dwWHQLLevel propValue: 0
prop: bNoHardware propValue: 0
prop: bDDAccelerationEnabled propValue: 1
prop: b3DAccelerationExists propValue: 1
prop: b3DAccelerationEnabled propValue: 1
prop: bAGPEnabled propValue: 1
prop: bAGPExists propValue: 1
prop: bAGPExistenceValid propValue: 1
prop: szDXVAModes propValue:
prop: szDDStatusLocalized propValue: Enabled
prop: szDDStatusEnglish propValue: Enabled
prop: szD3DStatusLocalized propValue: Enabled
prop: szD3DStatusEnglish propValue: Enabled
prop: szAGPStatusLocalized propValue: Enabled
prop: szAGPStatusEnglish propValue: Enabled
prop: szNotesLocalized propValue: No problems found.
prop: szNotesEnglish propValue: No problems found.
prop: szRegHelpText propValue: Unknown
prop: szTestResultDDLocalized propValue: Not run
prop: szTestResultDDEnglish propValue: Not run
prop: szTestResultD3D7Localized propValue: Not run
prop: szTestResultD3D7English propValue: Not run
prop: szTestResultD3D8Localized propValue: Not run
prop: szTestResultD3D8English propValue: Not run
prop: szTestResultD3D9Localized propValue: Not run
prop: szTestResultD3D9English propValue: Not run
numChildren: 1
child: DXVADeinterlaceCaps
numProp: 0
numChildren: 320
child: 0
numProp: 7
prop: szD3DInputFormat propValue: S342
prop: szD3DOutputFormat propValue: UNKNOWN
prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
prop: szCaps propValue:
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prop: dwNumForwardRefSamples propValue: 0
prop: dwNumBackwardRefSamples propValue: 0
numChildren: 0
child: 1
numProp: 7
prop: szD3DInputFormat propValue: S342
prop: szD3DOutputFormat propValue: UNKNOWN
prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
prop: szCaps propValue:
prop: dwNumPreviousOutputFrames propValue: 0
prop: dwNumForwardRefSamples propValue: 0
prop: dwNumBackwardRefSamples propValue: 0
numChildren: 0
child: 2
numProp: 7
prop: szD3DInputFormat propValue: S342
prop: szD3DOutputFormat propValue: UNKNOWN
prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
prop: szCaps propValue:
prop: dwNumPreviousOutputFrames propValue: 0
prop: dwNumForwardRefSamples propValue: 0
prop: dwNumBackwardRefSamples propValue: 0
numChildren: 0
child: 3
numProp: 7
prop: szD3DInputFormat propValue: S342
prop: szD3DOutputFormat propValue: UNKNOWN
prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
prop: szCaps propValue:
prop: dwNumPreviousOutputFrames propValue: 0
prop: dwNumForwardRefSamples propValue: 0
prop: dwNumBackwardRefSamples propValue: 0
numChildren: 0
child: 4
numProp: 7
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prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
prop: szCaps propValue:
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prop: dwNumBackwardRefSamples propValue: 0
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prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
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numChildren: 0
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prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
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prop: dwNumBackwardRefSamples propValue: 0
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prop: szD3DOutputFormat propValue: UNKNOWN
prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
prop: szCaps propValue:
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prop: dwNumForwardRefSamples propValue: 0
prop: dwNumBackwardRefSamples propValue: 0
numChildren: 0
child: 9
numProp: 7
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prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
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prop: dwNumBackwardRefSamples propValue: 0
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numProp: 7
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prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
prop: szCaps propValue:
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prop: dwNumForwardRefSamples propValue: 0
prop: dwNumBackwardRefSamples propValue: 0
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prop: szCaps propValue:
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numChildren: 0
child: 14
numProp: 7
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prop: dwNumBackwardRefSamples propValue: 0
numChildren: 0
child: 15
numProp: 7
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prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
prop: szCaps propValue:
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prop: dwNumForwardRefSamples propValue: 0
prop: dwNumBackwardRefSamples propValue: 0
numChildren: 0
child: 16
numProp: 7
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prop: szCaps propValue:
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prop: dwNumForwardRefSamples propValue: 0
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numChildren: 0
child: 17
numProp: 7
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prop: dwNumForwardRefSamples propValue: 0
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numChildren: 0
child: 18
numProp: 7
prop: szD3DInputFormat propValue: S342
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prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
prop: szCaps propValue:
prop: dwNumPreviousOutputFrames propValue: 0
prop: dwNumForwardRefSamples propValue: 0
prop: dwNumBackwardRefSamples propValue: 0
numChildren: 0
child: 19
numProp: 7
prop: szD3DInputFormat propValue: S342
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prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
prop: szCaps propValue:
prop: dwNumPreviousOutputFrames propValue: 0
prop: dwNumForwardRefSamples propValue: 0
prop: dwNumBackwardRefSamples propValue: 0
numChildren: 0
child: 20
numProp: 7
prop: szD3DInputFormat propValue: S342
prop: szD3DOutputFormat propValue: UNKNOWN
prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
prop: szCaps propValue:
prop: dwNumPreviousOutputFrames propValue: 0
prop: dwNumForwardRefSamples propValue: 0
prop: dwNumBackwardRefSamples propValue: 0
numChildren: 0
child: 21
numProp: 7
prop: szD3DInputFormat propValue: S342
prop: szD3DOutputFormat propValue: UNKNOWN
prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
prop: szCaps propValue:
prop: dwNumPreviousOutputFrames propValue: 0
prop: dwNumForwardRefSamples propValue: 0
prop: dwNumBackwardRefSamples propValue: 0
numChildren: 0
child: 22
numProp: 7
prop: szD3DInputFormat propValue: S342
prop: szD3DOutputFormat propValue: UNKNOWN
prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
prop: szCaps propValue:
prop: dwNumPreviousOutputFrames propValue: 0
prop: dwNumForwardRefSamples propValue: 0
prop: dwNumBackwardRefSamples propValue: 0
numChildren: 0
child: 23
numProp: 7
prop: szD3DInputFormat propValue: S342
prop: szD3DOutputFormat propValue: UNKNOWN
prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
prop: szCaps propValue:
prop: dwNumPreviousOutputFrames propValue: 0
prop: dwNumForwardRefSamples propValue: 0
prop: dwNumBackwardRefSamples propValue: 0
numChildren: 0
child: 24
numProp: 7
prop: szD3DInputFormat propValue: S342
prop: szD3DOutputFormat propValue: UNKNOWN
prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
prop: szCaps propValue:
prop: dwNumPreviousOutputFrames propValue: 0
prop: dwNumForwardRefSamples propValue: 0
prop: dwNumBackwardRefSamples propValue: 0
numChildren: 0
child: 25
numProp: 7
prop: szD3DInputFormat propValue: S342
prop: szD3DOutputFormat propValue: UNKNOWN
prop: szGuid propValue: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
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prop: szNotesEnglish propValue: No problems found.
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prop: szTestResultD3D7English propValue: Not run
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prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {280A3020-86CF-11D1-ABE6-00A0C905F375}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291456
numChildren: 0
child: 17
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: StreamBufferSink
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {2DB47AE5-CF39-43C2-B4D6-0CD8D90946F4}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\sbe.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 18
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: MJPEG Decompressor
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {301056D0-6DFF-11D2-9EEB-006008039E37}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291456
numChildren: 0
child: 19
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: MPEG-I Stream Splitter
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {336475D0-942A-11CE-A870-00AA002FEAB5}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 2
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291456
numChildren: 0
child: 20
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: SAMI (CC) Parser
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {33FACFE0-A9BE-11D0-A520-00A0D10129C0}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 4194304
numChildren: 0
child: 21
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: VBI Codec
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {370A1D5D-DDEB-418C-81CD-189E0D4FA443}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 4
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291456
numChildren: 0
child: 22
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: MPEG-2 Splitter
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {3AE86B20-7BE8-11D1-ABE6-00A0C905F375}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291455
numChildren: 0
child: 23
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Closed Captions Analysis Filter
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {3D07A539-35CA-447C-9B05-8D85CE924F9E}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\cca.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 2
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 5
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 24
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: SBE2FileScan
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {3E458037-0CA6-41AA-A594-2AA6C02D709B}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\sbe.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 25
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Microsoft MPEG-2 Video Encoder
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {42150CD9-CA9A-4EA5-9939-30EE037F6E74}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\msmpeg2enc.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 26
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Internal Script Command Renderer
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {48025243-2D39-11CE-875D-00608CB78066}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 8388609
numChildren: 0
child: 27
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: MPEG Audio Decoder
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {4A2286E0-7BEF-11CE-9BD9-0000E202599C}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 57147393
numChildren: 0
child: 28
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: DV Splitter
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {4EB31670-9FC6-11CF-AF6E-00AA00B67A42}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\qdv.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 2
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291456
numChildren: 0
child: 29
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Video Mixing Renderer 9
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {51B4ABF3-748F-4E3B-A276-C828330E926A}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 30
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Microsoft MPEG-2 Encoder
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {5F5AFF4A-2F7F-4279-88C2-CD88EB39D144}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\msmpeg2enc.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 2
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 31
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: ACM Wrapper
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {6A08CF80-0E18-11CF-A24D-0020AFD79767}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291456
numChildren: 0
child: 32
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Video Renderer
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {6BC1CFFA-8FC1-4261-AC22-CFB4CC38DB50}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 8388609
numChildren: 0
child: 33
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: MPEG-2 Video Stream Analyzer
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {6CFAD761-735D-4AA5-8AFC-AF91A7D61EBA}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\sbe.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 34
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Line 21 Decoder
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {6E8D4A20-310C-11D0-B79A-00AA003767A7}
prop: szFileName propValue:
prop: szFileVersion propValue:
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291456
numChildren: 0
child: 35
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Video Port Manager
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {6F26A6CD-967B-47FD-874A-7AED2C9D25A2}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 2
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291456
numChildren: 0
child: 36
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Video Renderer
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {70E102B0-5556-11CE-97C0-00AA0055595A}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 4194304
numChildren: 0
child: 37
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: VPS Decoder
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {7B3BC2A0-AA50-4AE7-BD44-B03649EC87C2}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 38
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: WM ASF Writer
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {7C23220E-55BB-11D3-8B16-00C04FB6BD3D}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\qasf.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 12.00.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 4194304
numChildren: 0
child: 39
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: VBI Surface Allocator
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {814B9800-1C88-11D1-BAD9-00609744111A}
prop: szFileName propValue: %SystemRoot%\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue:
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291456
numChildren: 0
child: 40
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: File writer
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {8596E5F0-0DA5-11D0-BD21-00A0C911CE86}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\qcap.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 41
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: DVD Navigator
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {9B8C4620-2C1A-11D0-8493-00A02438AD48}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\qdvd.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 3
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 42
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Overlay Mixer2
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {A0025E90-E45B-11D1-ABE9-00A0C905F375}
prop: szFileName propValue:
prop: szFileVersion propValue:
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 43
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: AVI Draw
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {A888DF60-1E90-11CF-AC98-00AA004C0FA9}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 9
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291556
numChildren: 0
child: 44
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Microsoft MPEG-2 Audio Encoder
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {ACD453BC-C58A-44D1-BBF5-BFB325BE2D78}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\msmpeg2enc.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 45
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: WST Pager
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {AD6C8934-F31B-4F43-B5E4-0541C1452F6F}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 46
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: MPEG-2 Demultiplexer
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {AFB6C280-2C41-11D3-8A60-0000F81E0E4A}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291456
numChildren: 0
child: 47
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: DV Video Decoder
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {B1B77C00-C3E4-11CF-AF79-00AA00B67A42}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\qdv.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 8388608
numChildren: 0
child: 48
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: SampleGrabber
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {C1F400A0-3F08-11D3-9F0B-006008039E37}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\qedit.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 49
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Null Renderer
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {C1F400A4-3F08-11D3-9F0B-006008039E37}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\qedit.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 50
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: MPEG-2 Sections and Tables
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {C666E115-BB62-4027-A113-82D643FE2D99}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291455
numChildren: 0
child: 51
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Microsoft AC3 Encoder
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {C6B400E2-20A7-4E58-A2FE-24619682CE6C}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\msac3enc.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 52
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: StreamBufferSource
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {C9F5FE02-F851-4EB5-99EE-AD602AF1E619}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\sbe.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 53
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Smart Tee
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {CC58E280-8AA1-11D1-B3F1-00AA003761C5}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\qcap.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 2
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 54
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Overlay Mixer
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {CD8743A1-3736-11D0-9E69-00C04FD7C15B}
prop: szFileName propValue:
prop: szFileVersion propValue:
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 55
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: AVI Decompressor
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {CF49D4E0-1115-11CE-B03A-0020AF0BA770}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291456
numChildren: 0
child: 56
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: AVI/WAV File Source
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {D3588AB0-0781-11CE-B03A-0020AF0BA770}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 2
prop: dwMerit propValue: 4194304
numChildren: 0
child: 57
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Wave Parser
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {D51BD5A1-7548-11CF-A520-0080C77EF58A}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 4194304
numChildren: 0
child: 58
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: MIDI Parser
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {D51BD5A2-7548-11CF-A520-0080C77EF58A}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 4194304
numChildren: 0
child: 59
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Multi-file Parser
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {D51BD5A3-7548-11CF-A520-0080C77EF58A}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 4194304
numChildren: 0
child: 60
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: File stream renderer
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {D51BD5A5-7548-11CF-A520-0080C77EF58A}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 4194304
numChildren: 0
child: 61
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {E1F1A0B8-BEEE-490D-BA7C-066C40B5E2B9}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\msmpeg2adec.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1217
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291455
numChildren: 0
child: 62
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: StreamBufferSink2
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {E2448508-95DA-4205-9A27-7EC81E723B1A}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\sbe.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 63
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: AVI Mux
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {E2510970-F137-11CE-8B67-00AA00A3F1A6}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\qcap.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 64
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Line 21 Decoder 2
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {E4206432-01A1-4BEE-B3E1-3702C8EDC574}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291458
numChildren: 0
child: 65
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: File Source (Async.)
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 4194304
numChildren: 0
child: 66
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: File Source (URL)
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {E436EBB6-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 4194304
numChildren: 0
child: 67
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Infinite Pin Tee Filter
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {F8388A40-D5BB-11D0-BE5A-0080C706568E}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\qcap.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 68
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Enhanced Video Renderer
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {FA10746C-9B63-4B6C-BC49-FC300EA5F256}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\evr.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 69
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {FC772AB0-0C7F-11D3-8FF2-00A0C9224CF4}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 2
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 70
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: MPEG Video Decoder
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {FEB50740-7BEF-11CE-9BD9-0000E202599C}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: DirectShow Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 1073741825
numChildren: 0
child: 71
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Tee/Sink-to-Sink Converter
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {17CCA71B-ECD7-11D0-B908-00A0C9223196}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: WDM Streaming Tee/Splitter Devices
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {0A4252A0-7E70-11D0-A5D6-28DB04C10000}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 72
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: WMVideo8 Encoder DMO
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {7E320092-596A-41B2-BBEB-175D10504EB6}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\wmvxencd.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: Video Compressors
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {33D9A760-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6293504
numChildren: 0
child: 73
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: WMVideo9 Encoder DMO
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {D23B90D0-144F-46BD-841D-59E4EB19DC59}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\wmvencod.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: Video Compressors
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {33D9A760-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6293504
numChildren: 0
child: 74
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: MSScreen 9 encoder DMO
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {F7FFE0A0-A4F5-44B5-949E-15ED2BC66F9D}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\wmvsencd.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: Video Compressors
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {33D9A760-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6293504
numChildren: 0
child: 75
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: DV Video Encoder
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {13AA3650-BB6F-11D0-AFB9-00AA00B67A42}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\qdv.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: Video Compressors
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {33D9A760-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 76
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: MJPEG Compressor
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {B80AB0A0-7416-11D2-9EEB-006008039E37}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: Video Compressors
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {33D9A760-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 77
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: WM Speech Encoder DMO
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {1F1F4E1A-2252-4063-84BB-EEE75F8856D5}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\WMSPDMOE.DLL
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0592
prop: szCatName propValue: Audio Compressors
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {33D9A761-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6293504
numChildren: 0
child: 78
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: WMAudio Encoder DMO
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {70F598E9-F4AB-495A-99E2-A7C4D3D89ABF}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\WMADMOE.DLL
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0592
prop: szCatName propValue: Audio Compressors
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {33D9A761-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6293504
numChildren: 0
child: 79
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: IMA ADPCM
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {6A08CF80-0E18-11CF-A24D-0020AFD79767}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: Audio Compressors
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {33D9A761-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 80
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: PCM
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {6A08CF80-0E18-11CF-A24D-0020AFD79767}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: Audio Compressors
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {33D9A761-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 81
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Microsoft ADPCM
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {6A08CF80-0E18-11CF-A24D-0020AFD79767}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: Audio Compressors
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {33D9A761-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 82
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: GSM 6.10
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {6A08CF80-0E18-11CF-A24D-0020AFD79767}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: Audio Compressors
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {33D9A761-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 83
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: CCITT A-Law
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {6A08CF80-0E18-11CF-A24D-0020AFD79767}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: Audio Compressors
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {33D9A761-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 84
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: CCITT u-Law
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {6A08CF80-0E18-11CF-A24D-0020AFD79767}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: Audio Compressors
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {33D9A761-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 85
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: MPEG Layer-3
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {6A08CF80-0E18-11CF-A24D-0020AFD79767}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: Audio Compressors
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {33D9A761-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 86
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Microphone (Realtek Audio)
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {E30629D2-27E5-11CE-875D-00608CB78066}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\qcap.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: Audio Capture Sources
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {33D9A762-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 87
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: virtual-audio-capturer
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {8E146464-DB61-4309-AFA1-3578E927E935}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Program Files\Recorder Devices for ShareX\virtual-audio-capturer-x64.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue:
prop: szCatName propValue: Audio Capture Sources
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {33D9A762-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 88
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Stereo Mix (Realtek Audio)
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {E30629D2-27E5-11CE-875D-00608CB78066}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\qcap.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: Audio Capture Sources
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {33D9A762-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 89
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: PBDA DTFilter
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {09144FD6-BB29-11DB-96F1-005056C00008}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\CPFilters.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1039
prop: szCatName propValue: PBDA CP Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {4A56AF32-C21F-11DB-96FA-005056C00008}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291456
numChildren: 0
child: 90
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: PBDA ETFilter
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {76B4FCAC-BB29-11DB-96F1-005056C00008}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\CPFilters.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1039
prop: szCatName propValue: PBDA CP Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {4A56AF32-C21F-11DB-96FA-005056C00008}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 91
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: PBDA PTFilter
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {89C2E132-C29B-11DB-96FA-005056C00008}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\CPFilters.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1039
prop: szCatName propValue: PBDA CP Filters
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {4A56AF32-C21F-11DB-96FA-005056C00008}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 92
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Default MidiOut Device
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {07B65360-C445-11CE-AFDE-00AA006C14F4}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: Midi Renderers
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {4EFE2452-168A-11D1-BC76-00C04FB9453B}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 8388608
numChildren: 0
child: 93
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {07B65360-C445-11CE-AFDE-00AA006C14F4}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: Midi Renderers
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {4EFE2452-168A-11D1-BC76-00C04FB9453B}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 94
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Realtek HD Audio Stereo input
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {17CCA71B-ECD7-11D0-B908-00A0C9223196}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: WDM Streaming Capture Devices
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {65E8773D-8F56-11D0-A3B9-00A0C9223196}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 95
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Realtek HD Audio Mic input
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {17CCA71B-ECD7-11D0-B908-00A0C9223196}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: WDM Streaming Capture Devices
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {65E8773D-8F56-11D0-A3B9-00A0C9223196}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 96
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Integrated Webcam
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {17CCA71B-ECD7-11D0-B908-00A0C9223196}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: WDM Streaming Capture Devices
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {65E8773D-8F56-11D0-A3B9-00A0C9223196}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 97
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Realtek HD Audio output
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {17CCA71B-ECD7-11D0-B908-00A0C9223196}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: WDM Streaming Rendering Devices
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {65E8773E-8F56-11D0-A3B9-00A0C9223196}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 98
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Microsoft ATSC Network Provider
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {0DAD2FDD-5FD7-11D3-8F50-00C04F7971E2}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: BDA Network Providers
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {71985F4B-1CA1-11D3-9CC8-00C04F7971E0}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 99
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Microsoft DVBC Network Provider
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {DC0C0FE7-0485-4266-B93F-68FBF80ED834}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: BDA Network Providers
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {71985F4B-1CA1-11D3-9CC8-00C04F7971E0}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 100
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Microsoft DVBS Network Provider
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {FA4B375A-45B4-4D45-8440-263957B11623}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: BDA Network Providers
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {71985F4B-1CA1-11D3-9CC8-00C04F7971E0}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 101
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Microsoft DVBT Network Provider
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {216C62DF-6D7F-4E9A-8571-05F14EDB766A}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: BDA Network Providers
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {71985F4B-1CA1-11D3-9CC8-00C04F7971E0}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 102
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Microsoft Network Provider
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {B2F3A67C-29DA-4C78-8831-091ED509A475}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: BDA Network Providers
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {71985F4B-1CA1-11D3-9CC8-00C04F7971E0}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 103
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Integrated Webcam
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {17CCA71B-ECD7-11D0-B908-00A0C9223196}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: Video Capture Sources
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {860BB310-5D01-11D0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 104
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: screen-capture-recorder
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {4EA69364-2C8A-4AE6-A561-56E4B5044439}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Program Files\Recorder Devices for ShareX\screen-capture-recorder-x64.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue:
prop: szCatName propValue: Video Capture Sources
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {860BB310-5D01-11D0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 0
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 105
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: VBI Codec
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {370A1D5D-DDEB-418C-81CD-189E0D4FA443}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: Multi-Instance Capable VBI Codecs
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {9C24A977-0951-451A-8006-0E49BD28CD5F}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 4
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291456
numChildren: 0
child: 106
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {FC772AB0-0C7F-11D3-8FF2-00A0C9224CF4}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: BDA Transport Information Renderers
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {A2E3074F-6C3D-11D3-B653-00C04F79498E}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 2
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291456
numChildren: 0
child: 107
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: MPEG-2 Sections and Tables
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {C666E115-BB62-4027-A113-82D643FE2D99}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: BDA Transport Information Renderers
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {A2E3074F-6C3D-11D3-B653-00C04F79498E}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 6291456
numChildren: 0
child: 108
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Tee/Sink-to-Sink Converter
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {17CCA71B-ECD7-11D0-B908-00A0C9223196}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.0001
prop: szCatName propValue: WDM Streaming Communication Transforms
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {CF1DDA2C-9743-11D0-A3EE-00A0C9223196}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 1
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 109
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Speakers / Headphones (Realtek Audio)
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {E30629D1-27E5-11CE-875D-00608CB78066}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: Audio Renderers
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {E0F158E1-CB04-11D0-BD4E-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 110
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Default DirectSound Device
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {79376820-07D0-11CF-A24D-0020AFD79767}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: Audio Renderers
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {E0F158E1-CB04-11D0-BD4E-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 8388608
numChildren: 0
child: 111
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: Default WaveOut Device
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {E30629D1-27E5-11CE-875D-00608CB78066}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: Audio Renderers
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {E0F158E1-CB04-11D0-BD4E-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: 112
numProp: 10
prop: szName propValue: DirectSound: Speakers / Headphones (Realtek Audio)
prop: szVersion propValue: v2
prop: ClsidFilter propValue: {79376820-07D0-11CF-A24D-0020AFD79767}
prop: szFileName propValue: C:\Windows\System32\quartz.dll
prop: szFileVersion propValue: 6.02.17763.1282
prop: szCatName propValue: Audio Renderers
prop: ClsidCat propValue: {E0F158E1-CB04-11D0-BD4E-00A0C911CE86}
prop: dwInputs propValue: 1
prop: dwOutputs propValue: 0
prop: dwMerit propValue: 2097152
numChildren: 0
child: DxDiag_LogicalDisks
numProp: 0
numChildren: 1
child: 0
numProp: 7
prop: szDriveLetter propValue: C:
prop: szFreeSpace propValue: 171560300544
prop: szMaxSpace propValue: 989548507136
prop: szFileSystem propValue: NTFS
prop: szModel propValue: Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 1TB
prop: szPNPDeviceID propValue: SCSI\DISK&VEN_NVME&PROD_SAMSUNG_SSD_970\4&2B413648&0&010000
prop: dwHardDriveIndex propValue: 0
numChildren: 0
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