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Created November 11, 2015 18:17
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Async Workflows in Seesaw
(ns seesaw.async
(:use [seesaw core]))
; see
(defmacro async
"Macro that executes an async call (the first form), ignores its result, and the
executes the body normally."
[async-call & body]
`(~@(apply list (first async-call) `(fn [& args#] ~@body) (rest async-call))))
(defmacro async-let
"Macro that's similar to let, but executes bindings serially as async calls.
Once the bindings have completed, the body is executed normally"
[[b async-call & more] & body]
`(~@(apply list
(first async-call)
(if more `(fn [~b] (async-let ~more ~@body))
`(fn [~b] ~@body))
(rest async-call))))
(defn await-event
"Wait for an event on a widget and call the continuation function with the
event object when it fires. Must be called inside async.
(await-event my-button :action-performed)
... do more stuff ...)
[continue target event]
(let [remove-fn (atom nil)
handler (fn [e] (@remove-fn) (continue e))]
(reset! remove-fn (listen target event handler))))
(defn wait
"Wait the given number of milliseconds and then call the continuation function.
Must be called inside async.
; Wait 5 seconds
(wait 5000)
... do more stuff ...)
[continue millis]
(fn [_] (continue))
:initial-delay millis :repeats? false))
(defn await-future* [continue f]
(let [result (f)]
(invoke-now (continue result)))))
(defmacro await-future
"Execute the body in the background and then pass the result to a continuation
function *in the UI thread*.
[continue & body]
`(await-future* ~continue (fn [] ~@body)))
(def btn-a (button :text "A"))
(def btn-b (button :text "B"))
(def btn-c (button :text "C"))
(def status (label "Start with A"))
(def progress (progress-bar :min 0 :max 100))
(defn aa-wait-bc []
; First collect two clicks on button A
(async-let [e (await-event btn-a :action-performed)
e (await-event btn-a :action-performed)]
(config! e :enabled? false)
(text! status "Now wait just 3 seconds!")
; Now wait for a bit asynchronously
(wait 3000)
(text! status "Now click B!")
; Collect a click from button B
(async-let [e (await-event btn-b :action-performed)]
(text! status "Now click C!")
(config! e :enabled? false)
; Collect a click from button C
(async-let [e (await-event btn-c :action-performed)]
(config! [btn-a btn-b btn-c] :enabled? true)
(text! status "Done!"))))))
(defn background-task []
(text! status "Click A to start background task")
; Wait for button a to be clicked
(await-event btn-a :action-performed)
(text! status "Background task running")
; Run some code in a background thread and collect the result when
; it's done
(async-let [result (await-future
(loop [n 100]
(Thread/sleep 50)
(invoke-now (config! progress :value (- 100 n)))
(if (> n 0)
(recur (dec n))
(text! status (str "Background task complete with result " result)))))
(defn n-clicks-on [btn n]
(text! btn (format "%d more clicks" n))
(when (> n 0)
(await-event btn :action-performed)
(n-clicks-on btn (dec n)))))
(-> (frame :content (vertical-panel :items [btn-a btn-b btn-c status progress]))
;(n-clicks-on a 5)
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