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Forked from daveray/table-test.clj
Created October 26, 2015 21:48
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Highlighting table rows with Seesaw
(ns table-test.core
(:use [seesaw core table swingx]))
; A predicate that decides whether a row should be highlighted
; adapter is an instance of JXTable.TableAdapter
(defn hl-predicate [renderer adapter]
; Highligh all rows where :age is over thirty
(> (.getValueAt adapter (.row adapter) 0) 30))
(defn make-table []
(table-x :model [:columns [:age :height]
:rows [{:age 13 :height 45}
{:age 45 :height 13}]]
:highlighters [((hl-color :foreground :red) hl-predicate)]))
(defn -main [& args]
(-> (frame :content (scrollable (make-table)))
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