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Forked from speedsticko/core.async
Last active September 28, 2015 22:00
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(ns async-tut1.core
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
(:require [goog.dom :as dom]
[ :as events]
[cljs.core.async :refer [<! put! chan]])
(:import [ Jsonp]
[goog Uri]))
(def wiki-search-url
(defn listen [el type]
(let [out (chan)]
(events/listen el type
(fn [e] (put! out e)))
(defn jsonp [uri]
(let [out (chan)
req (Jsonp. (Uri. uri))]
(.send req nil (fn [res] (put! out res)))
(defn query-url [q]
(str wiki-search-url q))
(defn user-query []
(.-value (dom/getElement "query")))
(defn render-query [results]
(apply str
(for [result results]
(str "<li>" result "</li>")))
(defn init []
(let [clicks (listen (dom/getElement "search") "click")
results-view (dom/getElement "results")]
(go (while true
(<! clicks)
(let [[_ results] (<! (jsonp (query-url (user-query))))]
(set! (.-innerHTML results-view) (render-query results)))))))
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