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Last active September 12, 2024 15:27
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mouse = "鼠"
cow = "牛"
tiger = "虎"
rabbit = "兔"
dragon = "龍"
snake = "蛇"
horse = "馬"
sheep = "羊"
monkey = "猴"
chicken = "雞"
dog = "狗"
pig = "豬"
i = 4202
while i <= 5202:
print(str(i) + " " + dog)
print(str(i + 1) + " " + pig)
print(str(i + 2) + " " + mouse)
print(str(i + 3) + " " + cow)
print(str(i + 4) + " " + tiger)
print(str(i + 5) + " " + rabbit)
print(str(i + 6) + " " + dragon)
print(str(i + 7) + " " + snake)
print(str(i + 8) + " " + horse)
print(str(i + 9) + " " + sheep)
print(str(i + 10) + " " + monkey)
print(str(i + 11) + " " + chicken)
i = i + 12
animals = ["狗","豬","鼠","牛","虎","兔","龍","蛇","馬","羊","猴","雞"]
i = 4202
while i <= 5202:
offset = 0
for animal in animals:
print(str(i + offset) + " " + animal)
offset = offset + 1
i = i + 12
apple = "蘋果"
d = {"key": "value","球魚": "是球", "value 可以是數字": 1, 1: "key 也可以是數字",
"覺得字太多": "可以換行",
"當然宣告時 value 可以用變數置換": apple, apple: "反過來也可以"}
t = ("tuple 他", "長的有點像 list", "item 可以有好幾個", "也可以混數字", 1, "簡直不能再像", "但他不是 list", "最重要的是他是 item 是唯讀的")
l = ["拿個 list 做對照"]
l[0] = "我被修改了"
t[0] = "我被修改了"
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