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🦝 picking thru ur trash

Lilithe Bowman lilithebowman

🦝 picking thru ur trash
View GitHub Profile
Post Con Depression Nights
March 19th, 20th, and 21st! Join Chevron (Commander A9) for PCD recovery world hops and hang-outs! for convention details
lilithebowman /
Created January 22, 2020 14:11 concatenates video files in mylist.txt
today=`date +%Y-%m-%d.%H.%M.%S` # YYYY-MM-DD.HH.MM.SS
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy "$today concatenated.mp4"
lilithebowman / .bashrc
Last active January 9, 2019 21:47
Celebrate how tubby your 'sona is right now
let gain=$RANDOM
let gain=$gain/1000
echo "Your eating habits have gained you $gain kg."
if(( $gain >= 25 )); then
echo ' /)___/) '
echo ' ( . _. ) '
echo ' (( x )) '
echo "You must download ffmpeg to use this shell script.
Only this version will work because the default packages do not contain vidstab.
A terminal will pop up and churn for a while depending on the size
Add the list of files to concatenate to mylist.txt with "file " in front of the name. One per line.
file GOPR2307.MP4
file GP012307.MP4
file GP022307.MP4
This batch file will automatically concatenate, speed up the video 4x, and run extensive stabilization on the video.
#@echo off
echo "mix-audio-ffmpeg.bat"
echo "How to use: drag audio file onto this batch file. Input MP4 must be named stabilized_1x_speed.mp4"
echo "Or run the batch file from the same directory and set the argument as the audio file you would like mixed."
echo "--------------------------------------------"
echo " " 
echo "Starting mix: $1"
@echo off
echo mix-audio-ffmpeg.bat
echo How to use: drag audio file onto this batch file. Input MP4 must be named stabilized_1x_speed.mp4
echo Or run the batch file from the same directory and set the argument as the audio file you would like mixed.
echo --------------------------------------------
echo Starting mix:
ffmpeg -i ./stabilized_1x_speed.mp4 -i %1 -filter_complex "[0:a][1:a]amix=duration=shortest[a]" -map 0:v -map "[a]" -c:v copy musical_stabilized_1x_speed.mp4
echo You must download ffmpeg to use this batch file.
echo .
echo A command prompt will pop up and churn for a while depending on the size
echo .
echo Add the list of files to concatenate to mylist.txt with "file " in front of the name. One per line.
echo Example:
echo file GOPR2307.MP4
echo file GP012307.MP4
echo "You must download ffmpeg to use this shell script.
Only this version will work because the default packages do not contain vidstab.
A terminal will pop up and churn for a while depending on the size
Add the list of files to concatenate to mylist.txt with "file " in front of the name. One per line.
file GOPR2307.MP4
file GP012307.MP4
file GP022307.MP4
@mixin underline($start, $end, $borderThickness) {
/* This linear gradient background image creates a stripe behind the area under the letter allowing the descenders of the text to go on top */
background-image: linear-gradient(180deg, $color-brand-background 0%, $color-brand-background $start, #9ecc3b $start + 1, #9ecc3b $end, $color-brand-background $end + 1);
border-bottom: $borderThickness $color-brand-primary solid;
line-height: 1.3em;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px $color-brand-background;
// Truncates text to a specified number of lines using height,
// Note: Only works in webkit browsers.
@mixin truncateLines($lineNum: 3, $lineHeight: 1.3, $fontSize: em(18)) {
$totalHeight: $lineNum * $lineHeight;
-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
-webkit-line-clamp: $lineNum;
display: -webkit-box;
display: block;
font-size: $fontSize;
height: auto;