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Last active July 15, 2022 08:41
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foldr I combinator composition
Require Import Coq.Program.Basics Coq.Lists.List FunctionalExtensionality.
Import Coq.Lists.List.ListNotations.
Fixpoint replicate (T : Type) (e : T) n :=
match n with
| 0 => []
| S n => e :: replicate T e n
Eval simpl in replicate nat 0 0.
Eval simpl in replicate nat 0 1.
Eval simpl in replicate nat 0 2.
Theorem compose_id : forall (f : Type -> Type),
compose id f = f.
intros. unfold compose, id. now rewrite eta_expansion.
Theorem id_fold : forall (f : Type -> Type)
(g : Type -> Type)
(n : nat),
fold_right (fun g f : Type -> Type => compose g f)
(replicate (Type -> Type) id n)
= id.
intros. induction n.
- now simpl.
- simpl. now rewrite compose_id.
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