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Last active March 15, 2021 06:17
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Output of live coding session "Scala pattern matching: apply the unapply"
import java.time.{LocalDate, LocalDateTime, LocalTime}
/*case */class FullName(val first: String, val last: String)
object FullName {
def apply(first: String, last: String): FullName =
new FullName(first, last)
def unapply(full: FullName): Some[(String, String)] =
Some((full.first, full.last))
val me = FullName("Linas", "Medžiūnas")
val FullName(meFirst, meLast) = me
object DateTime {
def unapply(dt: LocalDateTime): Some[(LocalDate, LocalTime)] =
Some((dt.toLocalDate, dt.toLocalTime))
object DateTimeSeq {
def unapplySeq(dt: LocalDateTime): Some[Seq[Int]] =
dt.getYear, dt.getMonthValue, dt.getDayOfMonth,
dt.getHour, dt.getMinute, dt.getSecond))
object Date {
def unapply(d: LocalDate): Some[(Int, Int, Int)] =
Some((d.getYear, d.getMonthValue, d.getDayOfMonth))
object Time {
def unapply(t: LocalTime): Some[(Int, Int, Int)] =
Some((t.getHour, t.getMinute, t.getSecond))
object AM {
def unapply(t: LocalTime): Option[(Int, Int, Int)] =
t match {
case Time(h, m, s) if h < 12 => Some((h, m, s))
case _ => None
object PM {
def unapply(t: LocalTime): Option[(Int, Int, Int)] =
t match {
case Time(12, m, s) => Some(12, m, s)
case Time(h, m, s) if h > 12 => Some(h - 12, m, s)
case _ => None
val now =
val dt @ DateTime(date @ Date(y, m, d), time @ Time(h, mm, s)) = now
val DateTimeSeq(y2, m2, d2, h2, _*) = now
Seq( map {
case t @ AM(h, m, _) => f"$h%2d:$m%02d AM ($t precisely)"
case t @ PM(h, m, _) => f"$h%2d:$m%02d PM ($t precisely)"
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