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Created February 28, 2020 12:32
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Google Hash Code 2020 solution (total score 26 909 323)
import java.nio.file.{Files, StandardCopyOption}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object HashCode2020 extends App {
case class Book(id: Int, score: Int)
case class Lib(id: Int, signupDays: Int, scanPerDay: Int, books: mutable.TreeSet[Book])
def listInFiles(prefix: String): Array[File] = new File("input").listFiles(new FilenameFilter {
override def accept(dir: File, name: String): Boolean = {
(prefix == "*" || name.startsWith(prefix)) && name.endsWith(".txt")
def saveSolution(fileName: String, libs: ArrayBuffer[Lib], orders: Array[ArrayBuffer[Int]]): Unit = {
val tmp = new File(s"tmp$fileName.txt")
val out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmp)))
val cnt = orders.count(_.nonEmpty)
for (lib <- libs) {
val libId =
if (orders(libId).nonEmpty) {
out.println(s"$libId ${orders(libId).size}")
out.println(orders(libId).mkString(" "))
val tmpPath = tmp.toPath
Files.move(tmpPath, tmpPath.resolveSibling(s"output/$fileName.out"), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
def solve(fileOption: Option[File]): Long = {
val (fileName, in) = fileOption match {
case Some(file) =>
val name = file.getName
name.take(name.lastIndexOf('.')) -> new"input/" + name)
case None =>
println("Enter input data:")
"_console" ->
val reader = new
import reader._
@inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)
def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }
val Array(bookCount, libCount, days) = readInts(3)
val scores = readInts(bookCount)
val libs = Array.tabulate(libCount) { id =>
val Array(n, t, m) = readInts(3)
val bookIds = readInts(n)
val s = new mutable.TreeSet[Book]()( => (-b.score,
s ++= => Book(id, scores(id)))
Lib(id, t, m, s)
var booksByScore = (0 until bookCount).map(id => Book(id, scores(id))).sortBy(-_.score).toArray
val activeLibs = ArrayBuffer.empty[Lib]
val orders = Array.fill(libCount) { ArrayBuffer.empty[Int] }
var day = 0
def potential(lib: Lib): Double = {
var sum = 0L
var canScan = (days.toLong - day - lib.signupDays) * lib.scanPerDay
val it = lib.books.iterator
while (it.hasNext && canScan > 0) {
val book =
//if (lib.books.contains(book)) {
sum += book.score
canScan -= 1
sum.toDouble / Math.pow(lib.signupDays, 0.9)
var remainingLibs = libs
var nextSubscribeLib = remainingLibs.maxBy(potential)
var nextSubscribeDay = nextSubscribeLib.signupDays
var solutionScore = 0L
val canScanToday = Array.ofDim[Int](libCount)
val libsByBookId = Array.fill(bookCount)(ArrayBuffer.empty[Lib])
while (day < days) {
if (day == nextSubscribeDay) {
activeLibs += nextSubscribeLib
for (book <- nextSubscribeLib.books) libsByBookId( += nextSubscribeLib
remainingLibs = remainingLibs.filterNot( ==
if (remainingLibs.nonEmpty) {
nextSubscribeLib = remainingLibs.maxBy(potential)
nextSubscribeDay = day + nextSubscribeLib.signupDays
for (lib <- activeLibs) {
canScanToday( = lib.scanPerDay
val scannedToday = mutable.Set.empty[Int]
for (book <- booksByScore) {
var libPos = 0
val candidateLibs = libsByBookId(
var bestLibId = -1
var bestLibBookCount = Int.MaxValue
while (libPos < candidateLibs.size) {
if (canScanToday(candidateLibs(libPos).id) > 0) {
if (candidateLibs(libPos).books.size < bestLibBookCount) {
bestLibBookCount = candidateLibs(libPos).books.size
bestLibId = libPos
libPos += 1
if (bestLibId >= 0) {
val takeFromLib = candidateLibs(bestLibId)
for (lib <- libs) lib.books -= book
orders( +=
canScanToday( -= 1
scannedToday +=
solutionScore += book.score
//???scores(book) = 0
booksByScore = booksByScore.filterNot(b => scannedToday(
//println(day, solutionScore, activeLibs.size, booksByScore.length)
day += 1
saveSolution(fileName, activeLibs, orders)
println("Score: " + solutionScore)
if (args.length <= 0) solve(None) // console
else {
val scores = args.flatMap(listInFiles).map(f => solve(Some(f)))
println(s"Total score: ${scores.sum} (${scores.mkString(" ")})")
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