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lingmann /
Last active November 22, 2024 18:42
20241122 j20 crash

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffff01e7317b0): ANS2 Recoverable Panic - assert failed: [1404]:NVMe Driver Command timeout, DW0 0x62401, arg2 0x59f0000, arg3 0x60000000 - power(13) assert failed: [1404]:NVMe Driver Command timeout, DW0 0x62401, arg2 0x59f0000, arg3 0x60000000 RTKit: RTKit-2758.40.19.release - Client: t8012.release-AppleStorageProcessorANS2-1307251771307~25177 !UUID: 3ee34786-fed9-32c6-8c58-d61642f58106 ASLR slide: 0x0000000000000000 Time: 0x0000034744e23b85

Faulting task 13 Call Stack: 0x0000000000015864 0x00000000000151e8 0x0000000000014ff4 0x00000000000174d0 0x000000000001ca0c 0x000000000001ca40 0x00000000000825d8 0x000000000002626c 0x000000000000e9a4 0x0000000000009358 0x000000000000879c 0x000000000000c514 0x0000000000014ab0 0x0000000000014744 000000000000000000

Marin ASC Async error info:

micro2 drive details


tankl2         5.22T  52.6G   786G  /tankl2
tankl2/media2  4.45T  52.6G  4.45T  /tankl2/media2

--- /usr/tankl2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

RCS Phone Normalization

root@srv-c96fvfb97ej3vmnfdtq0-685cc7fc8c-hdx26:/app# ./bin/tailscale-proxychains rails db:migrate:mobile VERSION=20230727195133
I, [2023-08-06T14:59:00.186568 #381]  INFO -- : Migrating to PhoneNormalization (20230727195133)
== 20230727195133 PhoneNormalization: migrating ===============================
CustomerID: 105635 CustomerPhone: 3131313131 => nil
CustomerID: 105636 CustomerPhone: 9924772427 => nil
lingmann /
Last active June 6, 2017 03:10 — forked from pet0ruk/
Security Group Cleanup using boto3
#!/usr/bin/env python
import boto3
import argparse
def lookup_by_id(sgid):
sg = ec2.get_all_security_groups(group_ids=sgid)
return sg[0].name
lingmann /
Created February 8, 2016 18:39 — forked from joemiller/
detect all ephemeral disks on EC2 then stripe together in a raid-0 vol mounted at /mnt
# this script will attempt to detect any ephemeral drives on an EC2 node and create a RAID-0 stripe
# mounted at /mnt. It should be run early on the first boot of the system.
# Beware, This script is NOT fully idempotent.
info: Executing command group log show
info: Getting group logs
data: ----------
data: EventId: c772ba2c-3737-4c23-bb41-00617149661c
data: Authorization:
data: action: Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets
data: role: Subscription Admin
data: scope: /subscriptions/b1ed8f2f-ceda-41d5-a0a8-
To get started with Docker/Marathon/Mesos, you need to install a
new Mesos, a new Marathon, and Deimos, the bridge to Docker.
You'll also need Docker and the JVM. These instructions are for
Ubuntu 13.10.
## Install Mesos prerequisites
:; sudo apt-get update
:; sudo apt-get install zookeeperd default-jre python-setuptools python-protobuf curl pip
## Install a custom build of Mesos, build from this branch: