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Created January 5, 2017 03:42
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def spiralOrder(matrix):
:type matrix: List[List[int]]
:rtype: List[int]
if len(matrix) == 0:
return []
if len(matrix) == 1:
return matrix[0]
if len(matrix[0]) == 1:
return [i[0] for i in matrix]
res = []
row_s = 0; col_s = 0
row_e = len(matrix) - 1; col_e = len(matrix[0]) - 1
while(row_s <= row_e and col_s <= col_e):
# L -> R
for i in range(col_s, col_e + 1):
row_s += 1
# T -> B
for i in range(row_s, row_e + 1):
col_e -= 1
# R -> L
if row_s <= row_e:
for i in range(col_e, col_s - 1, -1):
row_e -= 1
# B -> T
if col_s <= col_e:
for i in range(row_e, row_s - 1, -1):
col_s += 1
return res
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