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Last active January 3, 2018 13:06
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[AtlassianPS] [JiraPS] Set up the environment for JiraPS (Install, Import, Login)
function Initialize-Environment {
Initialize the module
Setup the environment to work with JiraPS
Initialize the environment with default values
Initialize-Environment -User "admin"
Initialize the environment with a non-default username
Initialize-Environment -Server ""
Initialize the environment with a non-default server address
Initialize-Environment -Force
Initialize the environment including updating the module
This functions need the "BetterCredentials" module
param (
# Username for authentication
[String] $UserName = "admin", # Set default value for the user you use the most
# Server address
[URi] $ServerURi = "", # Set default value for the server you use
# Use Bais auth for every request
# (Using the default Credentials. Specify in the command to overwrite them)
[Bool] $UseBasicAuthentication = $false, # Change to $true if wanted
# Force the environment to be updated
[Switch] $Force,
# Have the session returned
[Switch] $Passthru
begin {
if (!(
(Get-Module BetterCredentials -ListAvailable) -and
(Get-Module JiraPS -ListAvailable)
)) {
$Force = $True
if ($Force) {
# Force the installation of the latest version of the modules
Install-Module -Name BetterCredentials -Scope CurrentUser -AllowClobber -Force
Install-Module -Name JiraPS -Scope CurrentUser -Force
# Get credentials with "BetterCredentials" and store them if they are new
Import-Module BetterCredentials -Force
$cred = Get-Credential -UserName $UserName -Store
# Set Jira server and create session
Import-Module JiraPS -Force
Set-JiraConfigServer $ServerURi
if ($UseBasicAuthentication) {
Write-Verbose "Setting Default Parameter Values"
Get-Command -Module JiraPS |
Where-Object { $_.Parameters -and $_.Parameters.ContainsKey("Credential") } |
ForEach-Object { $global:PSDefaultParameterValues["$($_.Name):Credential"] = $cred }
else {
Write-Verbose "Creating a session"
$session = New-JiraSession -Credential $cred
if ($session -and $Passthru) {
Write-Output $session
# Create an alias for the function - feel free to customize
New-Alias -Name "InitEnv" -Value "Initialize-Environment" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Call the function - for already initializing
Initialize-Environment @args
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