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Last active September 19, 2022 04:23
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Syntactic sugar to seamlessly integrate Pyngrok with FastApi and Uvicorn. Useful in development where remote users may need to interact with local code.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "0.0.1"
__maintainer__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"
from pathlib import Path
from pyngrok import ngrok
from pyngrok.ngrok import NgrokTunnel
1. Install dependencies including FastAPI, Uvicorn and Pyngrok. (Poetry recommended.)
2. Save this code in app/core as
3. Add a custom NGROK YAML config file to resources/ as ngrok.yml (just copy over yours from ~/.ngrok2)
4. Add the following code to your FastApi app:
from app.core import PublicDevAccess as PDA
#>>> your fastapi api code here <<<
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"Access: {PDA.public_url}/docs"), host='', port=PDA.port, log_level="debug")
def connect(config_path: Path, ensure_https: bool = True):
""" Connects to the NGROK service and returns a public url.
:param config_path: Path: The location of the custom NGROK config file. It is in YAML format.
:param ensure_https: bool: Flagged True as default to ensure only the https address is returned.
:return: str: The public URL your API may be accessed at.
public_url = ngrok.connect(port=5050, config_path=config_path)
if ensure_https:
public_url = public_url.replace('http', 'https')
return public_url
def set_domain(public_url: str):
""" Extracts the domain from the public URL.
:param public_url:
:return: str: The domain of your API.
domain = public_url.split('//')[-1]
return domain
def set_port(tunnel: NgrokTunnel):
""" Extracts the port from an NGROK tunnel.
:param tunnel: ngrok.NgrokTunnel: An Ngrok tunnel.
:return: int: The port number of the tunnel.
port = int(tunnel.config['addr'].split(':')[-1])
return port
config_path = Path.cwd() / 'app' / 'resources' / 'ngrok.yml'
public_url = connect(config_path)
domain = set_domain(public_url)
process = ngrok.get_ngrok_process()
tunnels = ngrok.get_tunnels()
port = set_port(tunnels[0])
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