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Last active December 21, 2015 18:09
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Autowiring preview
use Warlock\Annotation\Autowired;
class Example
* @Autowired("logger", required=true)
* @var LoggerInterface
protected $logger = null; // no public properties for property injection, only protected services
// no constructor injection
// no setter injection
public function test()
$this->logger->info("Logger injected only here due to request to the this->logger");
echo 'Yay';
// somewhere at the kernel ...
$container = new DiContainer();
// our code, this can be plain entities (POPO) that not defined in the container
$instance = new Example(); // No services injection at all!
$instance->test(); // logger will be requested and injected from the container automatically by Warlock
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That's crazy! This is new to me. Will have to research Autowired.

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Nice idea!

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implementation of the idea already exists

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Just discovered implementation of @Autowired using AOP - looks nice and simple from point view of source code:

What is the performance impact of this approach?
As I understand DIC injects dependent services on the first parent service request (construction)
Is AOP approach injects service exactly at the moment when parent service tries to access dependent?

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@vdroznik Yes, you are right ) Each modern DI-container creates all dependencies for service at once. Some of them use a trick with LazyProxy pattern to prevent the construction of whole the dependency graph, but only the Warlock will inject a dependency only when it is really needed in the concrete method. This will reduce a typical boilerplate code for constructors and will allow for better performance.

It's possible to inject services everywhere, for example, into entities or even into compiled Twig templates :)

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Huh, didn't think about injection into entities. Interesting.
Usually this is a bad practice, but sometimes this could be really useful to make the code transparent and easy.

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