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Forked from johan/
Created September 5, 2016 07:32
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jpopt is a convenience shell wrapper around jhead and jpegtran, for losslessly shrinking jpeg files in batch, written by Fredrik Mellström.
#! /bin/sh
# Lossless repacking of JPEG images, to save disk space
# Keeps EXIF tags and comments on digital camera images, otherwise wipes them
# Requires the "jhead" program to function properly
# Keeps file timestamps, or sets file time to EXIF timestamp if present
# Fredrik Mellström <[email protected]>, Aug 2005
# Usage examples:
# jpopt *.jpg
# find . -type f -iname '*.jpg' -print0 | xargs -0 jpopt
siz() { ls -l "$1" | awk '{print $5}'; }
if type jhead >/dev/null 2>&1; then
jhead=1 copy=none
jhead= copy=all
echo >&2 WARNING: jhead not found, cannot optimize comments or EXIF data
trap exit 1 2 3 13 15
oldsum=0 newsum=0
for f do
[ -f "$f" ] || { echo >&2 "no file '$f'"; continue; }
mydir=`dirname "$f"`
[ "$mydir" -a -d "$mydir" ] || { echo >&2 "no dir '$mydir'"; continue; }
a=$mydir/_${$}_a.jpg b=$mydir/_${$}_b.jpg
trap 'rm -f "$a" "$b"' 0
rm -f "$a" "$b"
printf "'%s' ... " "$f"
jpegtran -copy "$copy" -opt "$f" >"$a" 2>/dev/null && touch -r "$f" "$a"
jpegtran -copy "$copy" -prog "$f" >"$b" 2>/dev/null && touch -r "$f" "$b"
[ -f "$a" -a -s "$a" -a -f "$b" -a -s "$b" ] ||
{ rm -f "$a" "$b"; trap 0; echo FAILED; continue; }
[ "$jhead" ] && jhead "$f" 2>/dev/null | grep '^Camera ' >/dev/null && {
[ -f "$a" ] && jhead -te "$f" -dt -ft "$a" >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
[ -f "$b" ] && jhead -te "$f" -dt -ft "$b" >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
printf 'exif ' ||
{ rm -f "$a" "$b"; trap 0; echo EXIF_FAILED; continue; }
oldsize=`siz "$f"` optsize=`siz "$a"` progsize=`siz "$b"`
if [ $progsize -lt $oldsize -a $progsize -lt $optsize ]; then
mv -f "$b" "$f"
printf prog
elif [ $optsize -lt $oldsize ]; then
mv -f "$a" "$f"
printf opt
rm -f "$a" "$b"; trap 0; echo
oldsum=`expr $oldsum + $oldsize`
oldsize=`siz "$f"`
newsum=`expr $newsum + $oldsize`
[ $oldsum -gt 0 -a $newsum -gt 0 ] &&
echo $oldsum bytes total, saved `expr $oldsum - $newsum` bytes \
\(`expr 100 \* \( $oldsum - $newsum \) / $oldsum`%\)
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