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from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from empirical.util import openquake_wrapper_vectorized as openquake
from empirical.util import z_model_calculations
from empirical.util.classdef import GMM, TectType
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numexpr as ne
from qcore import coordinates
from source_modelling import moment, srf
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances_argmin_min
from bradley import simple_bradley
for csv_file in Path(".").glob("*csv"):
srf_file = csv_file.with_suffix(".srf")
output_file = csv_file.with_suffix(".png")
stations = pd.read_csv(
names=["longitude", "latitude", "station"],
ims = pd.read_csv(csv_file).set_index(["station", "component"])
station_pgvs = ims.xs("rotd50", level="component").join(stations)[
["latitude", "longitude", "PGV"]
station_pgvs["PGV"] *= ims.xs("rotd100_50", level="component")["PGV"]
srf_data = srf.read_srf(srf_file)
srf_points = coordinates.wgs_depth_to_nztm(srf_data.points[["lat", "lon"]].values)
avg_dip = srf_data.header["dip"].mean()
avg_rake = srf_data.points["rake"].mean()
magnitude = moment.moment_to_magnitude(
moment.MU * srf_data.points["area"].sum() / 1e6 * srf_data.points["slip"].mean()
vs30 = 500
z1pt0 = z_model_calculations.chiou_young_08_calc_z1p0(vs30) * 1000
station_points = coordinates.wgs_depth_to_nztm(
station_pgvs[["latitude", "longitude"]].values
_, station_rrups = pairwise_distances_argmin_min(station_points, srf_points)
station_pgvs["rrup"] = station_rrups / 1000
rrups = np.linspace(0, station_pgvs['rrup'].max(), num=1000)
oq_dataframe = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
"vs30": vs30,
"vs30measured": False,
"z1pt0": z1pt0,
"dip": avg_dip,
"rake": avg_rake,
"mag": magnitude,
"ztor": 0,
"rrup": rrups,
"rx": rrups,
"rjb": rrups,
cy_14_pgv = np.exp(
bradley_pgv = simple_bradley(vs30, z1pt0 / 1000, avg_rake, avg_dip, magnitude, rrups)
plt.scatter(station_pgvs["rrup"], station_pgvs["PGV"], label="Simulated", c="red")
plt.plot(rrups, cy_14_pgv, label="CY14 (Openquake) Estimates", c="blue")
plt.plot(rrups, bradley_pgv, label="Ba10 (Pre-processing) Estimates", c="green")
plt.xlabel("RRup (km)")
plt.ylabel("PGV (rotd100, cm/s)")
f"PGV vs Rrup, simulated vs empirical ({csv_file.stem}, Mw={magnitude:.2f})."
Richard Clare
Translated from Bradley_2010_Sa.m (Brendon Bradley 4 June 2010)
Provides the attenuation relation for Sa in units of g (also PGV).
This model is that developed by Bradley (2010) for prediction of Sa and
PGV in NZ crustal tectonic region. It is based on the Chiou and Youngs
2008 NGA relation. Modifications include: (i) the use of the results of Chiou
et al 2010 small-moderate magnitude model where they reduce the amplitude
of small magnitude events for short periods; (ii) incorporation of a
volcanic anelatic attenuation term, (iii) extension of site effect for
site class A, and (iv) adjusted normal event scaling for short periods;
(v) removed consideration of aftershocks.
reference: Chiou, B., Youngs, R. R., Abrahamson, N. A., Addo, K., 2010.
Ground-motion attenuation model for small-to-moderate shallow crustal
earthquakes in california and Its implications on regionalization of
ground-motion prediction models, Earthquake Spectra, (to appear).
The reference above provides only the modified coefficients for PGA, PGV,
Sa(0.3) and Sa(1.0). The coefficeints for other periods have been
obtained from interpolation (check NZ applicability paper, to appear, for
Input Variables:
siteprop = properties of site (soil etc)
siteprop.Rrup = Source-to-site distance (km) (Rrup distance)
siteprop.V30 -'(any real variable)' shear wave velocity(m/s)
siteprop.V30measured - yes =1 (i.e. from Vs tests); no =
0 (i.e. estimated from geology)
siteprop.Rrup -'closest distance coseismic rupture (km)
siteprop.Rx -distance measured perpendicular to fault
strike from surface projection of updip edge of the
fault rupture (+ve in downdip dir) (km)
siteprop.Rtvz - source-to-site distance in the Taupo
volcanic zone (TVZ) in km.
siteprop.period -'(-1),(0),(real variable)' period of vibration =-1->PGV; =0->PGA; >0->SA
siteprop.Z1pt0 -'depth to the 1.0km/s shear wave velocity horizon (optional, uses default relationship otherwise)
faultprop = properties of fault (strikeslip etc)
faultprop.Mw= Moment magnitude (Mw)
faultprop.Ztor -'depth to top of coseismic rupture (km)
faultprop.rake -'rake angle in degrees
faultprop.dip -'avg dip angle in degrees
Output Variables:
SA = median SA (or PGA or PGV)
sigma_SA = lognormal standard deviation of SA
%sigma_SA(1) = total std
%sigma_SA(2) = interevent std
%sigma_SA(3) = intraevent std
// coefficients (index -1 is PGV and 0 is PGA):
# from numba import jit
from enum import Enum
import numpy as np
from qcore.constants import ExtendedEnum
# fmt: off
period_list = np.array([-1, 0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5,
2, 3, 4, 5, 7.5, 10])
c1 = np.array([2.3132, -1.1985, -1.1958, -1.1756, -1.0909, -0.9793, -0.8549, -0.6008, -0.4700, -0.4139, -0.5237,
-0.6678, -0.8277, -1.1284, -1.3926, -1.8664, -2.1935, -2.6883, -3.1040, -3.7085, -4.1486, -4.4881,
-5.0891, -5.5530])
c1a = np.array([0.1094, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0999, 0.0997, 0.0991, 0.0936, 0.0766,
0.0022, -0.0591, -0.0931, -0.0982, -0.0994, -0.0999, -0.1])
# Modification 1: Normal style of faulting at short periods###########
c1b = np.array(
[-0.0626, -0.455, -0.455, -0.455, -0.455, -0.455, -0.455, -0.454, -0.453, -0.45, -0.4149, -0.3582, -0.3113, -0.2646,
-0.2272, -0.162, -0.14, -0.1184, -0.11, -0.104, -0.102, -0.101, -0.101, -0.1])
c2 = 1.06
# Modification 1: Scaling at small Mag
c3 = np.array(
[2.29445, 1.50000, 1.50299, 1.50845, 1.51549, 1.52380, 1.53319, 1.56053, 1.59241, 1.66640, 1.75021, 1.84052,
1.93480, 2.12764, 2.31684, 2.73064, 3.03000, 3.43384, 3.67464, 3.64933, 3.60999, 3.50000, 3.45000, 3.45000])
cm = np.array(
[5.49000, 5.85000, 5.81711, 5.80023, 5.78659, 5.77472, 5.76402, 5.74056, 5.72017, 5.68493, 5.65435, 5.62686,
5.60162, 5.55602, 5.51513, 5.38632, 5.31000, 5.29995, 5.32730, 5.43850, 5.59770, 5.72760, 5.98910, 6.19300])
cn = np.array(
[1.648, 2.996, 2.996, 3.292, 3.514, 3.563, 3.547, 3.448, 3.312, 3.044, 2.831, 2.658, 2.505, 2.261, 2.087, 1.812,
1.648, 1.511, 1.47, 1.456, 1.465, 1.478, 1.498, 1.502])
c4 = -2.1
c4a = -0.5
crb = 50.0
c5 = np.array(
[5.17, 6.16, 6.16, 6.158, 6.155, 6.1508, 6.1441, 6.12, 6.085, 5.9871, 5.8699, 5.7547, 5.6527, 5.4997, 5.4029, 5.29,
5.248, 5.2194, 5.2099, 5.204, 5.202, 5.201, 5.2, 5.2])
c6 = np.array(
[0.4407, 0.4893, 0.4893, 0.4892, 0.489, 0.4888, 0.4884, 0.4872, 0.4854, 0.4808, 0.4755, 0.4706, 0.4665, 0.4607,
0.4571, 0.4531, 0.4517, 0.4507, 0.4504, 0.4501, 0.4501, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45])
chm = 3.0
c7 = np.array(
[0.0207, 0.0512, 0.0512, 0.0512, 0.0511, 0.0508, 0.0504, 0.0495, 0.0489, 0.0479, 0.0471, 0.0464, 0.0458, 0.0445,
0.0429, 0.0387, 0.035, 0.028, 0.0213, 0.0106, 0.0041, 0.001, 0, 0])
# Modification: Ztor maximum, c8
c8 = np.array([10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10.5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 19.75, 20, 20, 20])
c9 = np.array(
[0.3079, 0.79, 0.79, 0.8129, 0.8439, 0.874, 0.8996, 0.9442, 0.9677, 0.966, 0.9334, 0.8946, 0.859, 0.8019, 0.7578,
0.6788, 0.6196, 0.5101, 0.3917, 0.1244, 0.0086, 0, 0, 0])
c9a = np.array(
[2.669, 1.5005, 1.5005, 1.5028, 1.5071, 1.5138, 1.523, 1.5597, 1.6104, 1.7549, 1.9157, 2.0709, 2.2005, 2.3886, 2.5,
2.6224, 2.669, 2.6985, 2.7085, 2.7145, 2.7164, 2.7172, 2.7177, 2.718])
# modification: change of anelastic attenuation
cy1 = np.array(
[-0.0033, -0.0096, -0.0096, -0.0097, -0.0101, -0.0105, -0.0109, -0.0117, -0.0117, -0.0111, -0.0100, -0.0091,
-0.0082, -0.0069, -0.0059, -0.0045, -0.0037, -0.0028, -0.0023, -0.0019, -0.0018, -0.0017, -0.0017, -0.0017])
cy2 = np.array(
[-0.00687, -0.00480, -0.00481, -0.00486, -0.00503, -0.00526, -0.00549, -0.00588, -0.00591, -0.00540, -0.00479,
-0.00427, -0.00384, -0.00317, -0.00272, -0.00209, -0.00175, -0.00142, -0.00143, -0.00115, -0.00104, -0.00099,
-0.00094, -0.00091])
cy3 = 4.0
# modification: inclusion of TVZ attenuation
ctvz = np.array(
[5.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000, 2.0000, 2.5000, 3.2000,
3.5000, 4.500, 5.0000, 5.4000, 5.8000, 6.0000, 6.1500, 6.3000, 6.4250, 6.5500])
phi1 = np.array(
[-0.7861, -0.4417, -0.4417, -0.434, -0.4177, -0.4, -0.3903, -0.404, -0.4423, -0.5162, -0.5697, -0.6109, -0.6444,
-0.6931, -0.7246, -0.7708, -0.799, -0.8382, -0.8663, -0.9032, -0.9231, -0.9222, -0.8346, -0.7332])
phi2 = np.array(
[-0.0699, -0.1417, -0.1417, -0.1364, -0.1403, -0.1591, -0.1862, -0.2538, -0.2943, -0.3113, -0.2927, -0.2662,
-0.2405, -0.1975, -0.1633, -0.1028, -0.0699, -0.0425, -0.0302, -0.0129, -0.0016, 0, 0, 0])
phi3 = np.array(
[-0.008444, -0.00701, -0.00701, -0.007279, -0.007354, -0.006977, -0.006467, -0.005734, -0.005604, -0.005845,
-0.006141, -0.006439, -0.006704, -0.007125, -0.007435, -0.00812, -0.008444, -0.007707, -0.004792, -0.001828,
-0.001523, -0.00144, -0.001369, -0.001361])
phi4 = np.array(
[5.41, 0.102151, 0.102151, 0.10836, 0.119888, 0.133641, 0.148927, 0.190596, 0.230662, 0.266468, 0.255253, 0.231541,
0.207277, 0.165464, 0.133828, 0.085153, 0.058595, 0.031787, 0.019716, 0.009643, 0.005379,
0.003223, 0.001134, 0.000515])
phi5 = np.array(
[0.2899, 0.2289, 0.2289, 0.2289, 0.2289, 0.2289, 0.229, 0.2292, 0.2297, 0.2326, 0.2386, 0.2497, 0.2674, 0.312,
0.361, 0.4353, 0.4629, 0.4756, 0.4785, 0.4796, 0.4799, 0.4799, 0.48, 0.48])
phi6 = np.array(
[0.006718, 0.014996, 0.014996, 0.014996, 0.014996, 0.014996, 0.014996, 0.014996, 0.014996, 0.014988, 0.014964,
0.014881, 0.014639, 0.013493, 0.011133, 0.006739, 0.005749, 0.005544, 0.005521, 0.005517,
0.005517, 0.005517, 0.005517, 0.005517])
phi7 = np.array(
[459, 580, 580, 580, 580, 579.9, 579.9, 579.6, 579.2, 577.2, 573.9, 568.5, 560.5, 540, 512.9, 441.9, 391.8, 348.1,
332.5, 324.1, 321.7, 320.9, 320.3, 320.1])
phi8 = np.array(
[0.1138, 0.07, 0.07, 0.0699, 0.0701, 0.0702, 0.0701, 0.0686, 0.0646, 0.0494, -0.0019, -0.0479, -0.0756, -0.096,
-0.0998, -0.0765, -0.0412, 0.014, 0.0544, 0.1232, 0.1859, 0.2295, 0.266, 0.2682])
tau1 = np.array(
[0.2539, 0.3437, 0.3437, 0.3471, 0.3603, 0.3718, 0.3848, 0.3878, 0.3835, 0.3719, 0.3601, 0.3522, 0.3438, 0.3351,
0.3353, 0.3429, 0.3577, 0.3769, 0.4023, 0.4406, 0.4784, 0.5074, 0.5328, 0.5542])
tau2 = np.array(
[0.2381, 0.2637, 0.2637, 0.2671, 0.2803, 0.2918, 0.3048, 0.3129, 0.3152, 0.3128, 0.3076, 0.3047, 0.3005, 0.2984,
0.3036, 0.3205, 0.3419, 0.3703, 0.4023, 0.4406, 0.4784, 0.5074, 0.5328, 0.5542])
sigma1 = np.array(
[0.4496, 0.4458, 0.4458, 0.4458, 0.4535, 0.4589, 0.463, 0.4702, 0.4747, 0.4798, 0.4816, 0.4815, 0.4801, 0.4758,
0.471, 0.4621, 0.4581, 0.4493, 0.4459, 0.4433, 0.4424, 0.442, 0.4416, 0.4414])
sigma2 = np.array(
[0.3554, 0.3459, 0.3459, 0.3459, 0.3537, 0.3592, 0.3635, 0.3713, 0.3769, 0.3847, 0.3902, 0.3946, 0.3981, 0.4036,
0.4079, 0.4157, 0.4213, 0.4213, 0.4213, 0.4213, 0.4213, 0.4213, 0.4213, 0.4213])
sigma3 = np.array(
[0.7504, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.7999, 0.7997, 0.7988, 0.7966, 0.7792, 0.7504, 0.7136,
0.7035, 0.7006, 0.7001, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7])
# fmt: on
def interpolate_to_closest(T, T_hi, T_low, y_high, y_low):
[SA_low, sigma_SA_low] = y_low
[SA_high, sigma_SA_high] = y_high
SA_sigma = np.array([sigma_SA_low, sigma_SA_high])
if T_low > 0: # log interpolation
x = [np.log(T_low), np.log(T_hi)]
Y_sa = [np.log(SA_low), np.log(SA_high)]
SA = np.exp(np.interp(np.log(T), x, Y_sa))
sigma_total = np.interp(np.log(T), x, SA_sigma[:, 0])
sigma_inter = np.interp(np.log(T), x, SA_sigma[:, 1])
sigma_intra = np.interp(np.log(T), x, SA_sigma[:, 2])
sigma_SA = [sigma_total, sigma_inter, sigma_intra]
else: # linear interpolation
x = [T_low, T_hi]
Y_sa = [SA_low, SA_high]
SA = np.interp(T, x, Y_sa)
sigma_total = np.interp(T, x, SA_sigma[:, 0])
sigma_inter = np.interp(T, x, SA_sigma[:, 1])
sigma_intra = np.interp(T, x, SA_sigma[:, 2])
sigma_SA = [sigma_total, sigma_inter, sigma_intra]
return SA, sigma_SA
def Bradley_2010_Sa(siteprop, faultprop, im, periods=None):
# declare a whole bunch of coefficients
if im == "PGA":
periods = [0]
if im == "PGV":
periods = [-1]
results = []
for period in periods:
t = period
tol = 0.0001 # tolerance to the recorded period values before we interpolate
closest_index = int(np.argmin(np.abs(period_list - t)))
closest_period = period_list[closest_index]
if not np.isclose(
closest_period, t
): # interpolate between periods if necessary
# find the period values above and below
t_low = period_list[t >= period_list][-1]
t_high = period_list[t <= period_list][0]
# recursively call this function for the periods above and below
brad_low = calculate_Bradley(siteprop, faultprop, t_low)
brad_high = calculate_Bradley(siteprop, faultprop, t_high)
# now interpolate the low and high values
result = interpolate_to_closest(t, t_high, t_low, brad_high, brad_low)
result = calculate_Bradley(siteprop, faultprop, t)
if im in ["PGA", "PGV"]:
results = results[0]
return results
def calculate_Bradley(siteprop, faultprop, period):
m = faultprop.Mw
rrup = siteprop.Rrup
rjb = siteprop.Rjb
rx = siteprop.Rx
vs30 = siteprop.vs30
z10 = siteprop.z1p0 * 1000 # Convert from km to m
delta = faultprop.dip # dip in degrees
lambda_ = (
) # rake in degrees #lambda is a keyword in Python so changed to lambda_
ztor = faultprop.ztor
rtvz = siteprop.Rtvz
deltar = delta * np.pi / 180.0
frv = (lambda_ >= 30) & (
lambda_ <= 150
) # frv: 1 for lambda between 30 and 150, 0 otherwise
fnm = (lambda_ >= -120) & (
lambda_ <= -60
) # fnm: 1 for lambda between -120 and -60, 0 otherwise
hw = rx >= 0
closest_index = int(np.argmin(np.abs(period_list - period)))
if siteprop.vs30measured == 1:
f_inferred = 0 # 1: Vs30 is measured.
f_measured = 1
f_inferred = 1 # 1: Vs30 inferred.
f_measured = 0
i = closest_index
return B10(
# @jit(nopython=False)
def B10(
# modifications from CY10 (i.e. CY08 also)
# 1) maximum Ztor set to 10km depth
# 2) insertion of v1 term which can be used to obtain site effect for up
# to Vs30 = 1500 m/s
# 3) Something for volcanic anelastic attenuation
# 4) Changed normal faulting style effect for short periods
# calculate terms in the median computation
term1 = c1[i]
# Modification 2: Ztor maximum depth
term2 = (
c1a[i] * frv + c1b[i] * fnm + c7[i] * (min(ztor, c8[i]) - 4.0)
) # modification of Ztor limit
term5 = c2 * (m - 6.0)
term6 = ((c2 - c3[i]) / cn[i]) * np.log(1.0 + np.exp(cn[i] * (cm[i] - m)))
term7 = c4 * np.log(rrup + c5[i] * np.cosh(c6[i] * max(m - chm, 0)))
term8 = (c4a - c4) * np.log(np.sqrt(rrup**2 + (crb) ** 2))
# Modification 3: Rtvz attenuation
term9 = (
(cy1[i] + cy2[i] / np.cosh(max(m - cy3, 0)))
* (1.0 + ctvz[i] * rtvz / rrup)
* rrup
) # modified term including Rtvz anelastic attenuation
term10 = (
* hw
* np.tanh(rx * np.cos(deltar) ** 2 / c9a[i])
* (1.0 - np.sqrt(rjb**2 + ztor**2) / (rrup + 0.001))
# reference Sa on rock (Vs=1130m/s)
Sa1130 = np.exp(term1 + term2 + term5 + term6 + term7 + term8 + term9 + term10)
# Modification 4: Rock amplification
if period == 0:
v1 = 1800
elif period == -1:
v1 = min(max(1130.0 * (1.0 / 0.75) ** (-0.11), 1130.0), 1800.0)
v1 = min(max(1130.0 * (period / 0.75) ** (-0.11), 1130.0), 1800.0)
term11 = phi1[i] * np.log(
min(vs30, v1) / 1130.0
) # modified site term accounting for Vs=1800m/s
term12 = (
* (
np.exp(phi3[i] * (min(vs30, 1130.0) - 360.0))
- np.exp(phi3[i] * (1130.0 - 360.0))
* np.log((Sa1130 + phi4[i]) / phi4[i])
term13 = phi5[i] * (1.0 - 1.0 / np.cosh(phi6[i] * max(0, z1p0 - phi7[i]))) + phi8[
] / np.cosh(0.15 * max(0, z1p0 - 15))
# Compute median
sa = np.exp(np.log(Sa1130) + term11 + term12 + term13)
# Compute standard deviation
sigma_sa = compute_stdev(f_inferred, f_measured, m, Sa1130, vs30, i)
return sa, sigma_sa
# @jit(nopython=False)
def compute_stdev(f_inferred, f_measured, m, sa_1130, vs30, i):
b = phi2[i] * (
np.exp(phi3[i] * (min(vs30, 1130.0) - 360.0))
- np.exp(phi3[i] * (1130.0 - 360.0))
c = phi4[i]
NL0 = b * sa_1130 / (sa_1130 + c)
sigma = (
sigma1[i] + (sigma2[i] - sigma1[i]) / 2.0 * (min(max(m, 5.0), 7.0) - 5.0)
) * np.sqrt(sigma3[i] * f_inferred + 0.7 * f_measured + (1.0 + NL0) ** 2)
tau = tau1[i] + (tau2[i] - tau1[i]) / 2.0 * (min(max(m, 5.0), 7.0) - 5.0)
# outputs
sigma_total = np.sqrt((1.0 + NL0) ** 2 * tau**2 + sigma**2) # 0
sigma_inter = (1.0 + NL0) * tau # 1
sigma_intra = sigma # 2
sigma_SA = [sigma_total, sigma_inter, sigma_intra]
return sigma_SA
class Site: # Class of site properties. initialize all attributes to None
def __init__(self, **kwargs): = kwargs.get("name") # station name
self.Rrup = kwargs.get("rrup") # closest distance coseismic rupture (km)
self.Rjb = kwargs.get(
) # closest horizontal distance coseismic rupture (km)
self.Rx = kwargs.get(
"rx", -1.0
) # distance measured perpendicular to fault strike from surface projection of
# # updip edge of the fault rupture (+ve in downdip dir) (km)
self.Ry = kwargs.get(
"ry", -1.0
) # horizontal distance off the end of the rupture measured parallel
self.Rtvz = kwargs.get(
) # source-to-site distance in the Taupo volcanic zone (TVZ) (km)
self.vs30measured = kwargs.get(
"vs30measured", False
) # yes =True (i.e. from Vs tests); no=False (i.e. estimated from geology)
self.vs30 = kwargs.get("vs30") # shear wave velocity at 30m depth (m/s)
self.z1p0 = kwargs.get(
) # depth (km) to the 1.0km/s shear wave velocity horizon (optional, uses default relationship otherwise)
self.z1p5 = kwargs.get("z1p5") # (km)
self.z2p5 = kwargs.get("z2p5") # (km)
self.siteclass = kwargs.get("siteclass")
self.orientation = kwargs.get("orientation", "average")
self.backarc = kwargs.get(
"backarc", False
) # forearc/unknown = False, backarc = True
self.fpeak = kwargs.get("fpeak", 0)
def __str__(self):
return f"rrup: {self.Rrup}, rjb: {self.Rjb}"
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
class Fault: # Class of fault properties. initialize all attributes to None
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.dip = kwargs.get("dip") # dip angle (degrees)
self.faultstyle = kwargs.get(
) # Faultstyle (options described in enum below)
self.hdepth = kwargs.get("hdepth") # hypocentre depth
self.Mw = kwargs.get("Mw") # moment tensor magnitude
self.rake = kwargs.get("rake") # rake angle (degrees)
self.tect_type = kwargs.get(
) # tectonic type of the rupture (options described in the enum below)
self.width = kwargs.get("width") # down-dip width of the fault rupture plane
self.zbot = kwargs.get("zbot") # depth to the bottom of the seismogenic crust
self.ztor = kwargs.get("ztor") # depth to top of coseismic rupture (km)
def __str__(self):
return f"dip: {self.dip}, faultstyle: {self.faultstyle}, hdepth: {self.hdepth}, mw: {self.Mw}, rake: {self.rake}, tect_type: {self.tect_type}, width: {self.width}, zbot: {self.zbot}, ztor: {self.ztor}"
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
class TectType(ExtendedEnum):
class FaultStyle(Enum):
SLAB = 6
def estimate_z1p0(vs30):
return (
np.exp(28.5 - 3.82 / 8.0 * np.log(vs30**8.0 + 378.7**8.0)) / 1000.0
) # CY08 estimate in KM
def simple_bradley(
vs30: float, z1pt0: float, rake: float, dip: float, mag: float, rrups: np.ndarray
) -> np.ndarray:
faultprop = Fault()
faultprop.ztor = (
0.0 # DON'T CHANGE THIS - this assumes we have a surface point source
faultprop.tect_type = TectType.ACTIVE_SHALLOW
faultprop.Mw = mag
faultprop.rake = rake
faultprop.dip = dip
faultprop.faultstyle = None
siteprop = Site()
siteprop.vs30 = vs30
siteprop.Rtvz = 0
siteprop.vs30measured = False
siteprop.z1p0 = z1pt0
faultprop.ztor = (
0.0 # DON'T CHANGE THIS - this assumes we have a surface point source
faultprop.tect_type = TectType.ACTIVE_SHALLOW
faultprop.faultstyle = FaultStyle.UNKNOWN
pgvs = np.zeros_like(rrups)
for i, rrup in enumerate(rrups):
siteprop.Rrup = rrup
siteprop.Rjb = rrup
siteprop.Rx = rrup
pgvs[i] = Bradley_2010_Sa(siteprop, faultprop, "PGV")[0]
return pgvs
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