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Created September 17, 2017 19:48
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#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket
(require (for-syntax racket/format))
(require racket/date)
(define-syntax (bar-definitions bar)
(syntax-case bar ()
[(_ forms ...)
#,@(for/list ([form (map syntax-e (syntax->list #'(forms ...)))])
([id (datum->syntax bar (car form))]
[compiled-format (format "%{~a}~~a~a"
(syntax->datum (cadr form))
(if (= (length form) 3)
(~a "%{" (syntax->datum (caddr form)) "}")
#'(define (id text . args)
(apply format compiled-format (append args (list text)))))))]))
(define-syntax (define-module defmodule)
(syntax-case defmodule ()
[(_ (id) forms ...)
#'(define (id) (thread
(lambda ()
(letrec ([body (lambda ()
(let ([value (cons id (begin
forms ...))])
(channel-put bar-channel value))
(fg->bg "R" "R")
(left "l")
(middle "m")
(right "r")
(foreground "F~a" "F-")
(background "B~a" "B-")
(offset "O~a")
(font "T~a" "T-")
(underline "U~a" "U-")
(button "A~a:~a" "A")
(monitor "S~a"))
(define bar-channel (make-channel))
(define (capture cmd)
(lambda () (system cmd)))))
(define (get-volume)
(regexp-match #px"\\[([0-9]{2})%\\]" (capture "amixer sget Master")))))
(define (get-wifi)
(string-trim (capture "iwgetid -r")))
(define (get-wifi-strength)
(string->number (cadr (regexp-match #px"\\d{4}\\s+(\\d{2})" (file->string "/proc/net/wireless")))))
(define-module (wifi-module)
(sleep 5)
(let [(wifi-ssid (get-wifi))
(wifi-strength (get-wifi-strength))]
(~a (foreground (cond
((or (<= wifi-strength 0) (equal? wifi-ssid "")) " ")
((<= wifi-strength 34) " ")
((<= wifi-strength 67) " ")
((<= wifi-strength 100) " "))
(~a wifi-ssid #:max-width 20
#:limit-marker "..."))))
(define-module (volume-module)
(let ([input (open-input-file "" #:mode 'text)])
(let ([line (read-line input)])
(close-input-port input)
(when (and (not (eof-object? line)) (string-prefix? line "volume:"))
(left (~a (foreground " " "#d08770") (substring line 7) "%"))))))
(define-module (kernel-module)
(sleep 5)
(capture "uname -a"))
(define-module (battery-module)
(let [(output (capture "acpi -b"))]
(if (equal? output "")
(thread-suspend (current-thread))
(let [(status (battery-status output))]
(left (~a (match
['charging ""]
['charged ""]
[(? (curry >= 10) n) ""]
[(? (curry >= 66) n) ""]
[(? (curry >= 100) n) ""]) ()))) )))
(define-module (mpd-module)
(sleep 1)
(capture "mpc current")))
(define-module (time-module)
(sleep 1)
(let [(cur-date (current-date))]
(date-hour cur-date) ":" (~a (date-minute cur-date)
#:min-width 2
#:align 'right
#:left-pad-string "0"))))
(define (workspace-from bspc-status)
(let ([monitor-segments (string-split (cadr (string-split bspc-status "M")) ":")])
(substring (car (filter (lambda (segment)
(member (substring segment 0 1) '("O" "F")))
monitor-segments)) 1)))
(define (workspace-module)
(match-let ([(list pin _ _ perr status)
(process "bspc subscribe report")])
(lambda ()
(letrec ([body (lambda ()
(let ([line (workspace-from (read-line pin))])
(when (not (eof-object? line))
(channel-put bar-channel (cons workspace-module line))
(define ordering (list
(list kernel-module volume-module)
(define (build-bar bar-status)
(apply string-append (map
(lambda (m)
(if (hash-has-key? bar-status m)
(hash-ref bar-status m)
"")) ordering)))
(define (resolve-key bar-segment)
(for/first ([item ordering]
#:when (if (list? item)
(member bar-segment item)
(equal? item bar-segment)))
(define (bar-loop bar-status)
(match-let ([(cons module-name module-value)
(channel-get bar-channel)])
(let ([key (resolve-key module-name)])
(if (and
(hash-has-key? bar-status key)
(equal? (hash-ref bar-status key)
(bar-loop bar-status)
(let ([bar-status (hash-set bar-status key module-value)])
(displayln bar-status)
(displayln (build-bar bar-status))
(bar-loop bar-status))))))
(define (start-threads threads)
(for ([worker threads])
(if (list? worker)
(start-threads worker)
(define (main)
(start-threads ordering)
(bar-loop (hash)))
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