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Last active February 14, 2020 10:00
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Running Sagan on OpenBSD 6.6

Sagan on OpenBSD 6.6


sagan port for OpenBSD is also available


  1. Install git package

    # pkg_add git
  2. Fetch ports tree (OpenBSD Ports: Fetching the Ports Tree):

    $ cd /tmp
    $ ftp$(uname -r)/{ports.tar.gz,SHA256.sig}
    $ signify -Cp /etc/signify/openbsd-$(uname -r | cut -c 1,3) -x SHA256.sig ports.tar.gz
  3. Unpack ports archive:

    $ cd /usr
    # tar xzf /tmp/ports.tar.gz


TODO: build as regular user
I know it’s bad idea to compile sources as root but this is test build machine so i don’t care for now:

# cd /usr/ports/PORT/PATH && make && make install

Dependency name

Path for BSD in Sagan documentation

Path in OpenBSD 6.6 ports tree
























Already installed as the part of base system

Compiling Sagan

Steps in Sagan documentation

Steps in OpenBSD 6.6

$ git clone
$ cd sagan

$ git clone
$ cd sagan

$ ./

1. Installing liblognorm from previous chapter will also install autoconf-2.69, automake-1.15 as dependencies. At this step we have 2 installed versions of autoconf and 2 versions of automake. So we must choose which one to use otherwise i’m getting following messages:
Provide an AUTOCONF_VERSION environment variable, please
Provide an AUTOMAKE_VERSION environment variable, please

$ export AUTOCONF_VERSION=2.67
$ export AUTOMAKE_VERSION=1.15

2. Disabled checking for librt in since -lcrypt, -ldl, -lrt are part of libc in OpenBSD;

$ ./

$ ./configure

Using clang instead of gcc since it is default compiler in OpenBSD for amd64/i386;
$ ./configure CC=clang CXX=clang --enable-geoip --enable-redis

$ make

DIRTYHACK: Hardcoded PageSupportsRWX macro to 0 (there is W^X enabled by default in OpenBSD) otherwise i’m getting these errors:

util.c:1443:21: error: too many arguments provided to function-like macro invocation
int PageSupportsRWX(void)

./sagan.h:145:9: note: macro PageSupportsRWX defined here
#define PageSupportsRWX() 0

util.c:1443:20: error: expected ; after top level declarator
int PageSupportsRWX(void)

$ make

$ sudo make install

Not sure if I should use /usr/local/etc instead of /etc for storing sagan configuration (see OpenBSD Porting Policy)

$ doas make install

Post-installation setup and testing

Create a “sagan” user and related directories:

Sagan documentation

OpenBSD 6.6

sudo useradd --system -d /var/sagan -s /bin/false sagan
sudo mkdir -p /var/sagan/fifo /var/log/sagan /var/run/sagan
sudo mkfifo /var/sagan/fifo/sagan.fifo
sudo chmod 420 /var/sagan/fifo/sagan.fifo
sudo chown -R sagan:sagan /var/sagan /var/log/sagan /var/run/sagan

doas useradd -L daemon -d /var/sagan -s /bin/false sagan
doas mkdir -p /var/sagan/fifo /var/log/sagan /var/run/sagan
doas mkfifo /var/sagan/fifo/sagan.fifo
doas chmod 420 /var/sagan/fifo/sagan.fifo
doas chown -R sagan:sagan /var/sagan /var/log/sagan /var/run/sagan

Checkout the “sagan-rules” repository

$ cd /usr/local/etc
$ doas git clone

Run sagan as the root user.

# sagan --debug syslog,engine
[W] The operating system doens't allow RWX pages.  Disabling PCRE JIT.
[*] Loading /usr/local/etc/sagan-rules/* rule file.
[E] [rules.c, line 2879] Invalid threshold time 'seconds' at line 31 in /usr/local/etc/sagan-rules/honeyd.rules. Abort.

Disabled honeyd.rules in /usr/local/etc/sagan.yaml
Let’s try again:

# sagan --debug syslog,engine

[E] [rules.c, line 2823] Invalid threshold type ' type threshold' at line 93 in /usr/local/etc/sagan-rules/palo-alto.rules. Threshold type must be 'limit' or 'suppress'. Abort.

Now disabled palo-alto.rules in /usr/local/etc/sagan.yaml
Another try:

# sagan --debug syslog,engine

[*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[*] Initializing shared memory objects.
[*] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[E] [ipc.c, line 488] Cannot open() for counters. [/dev/shm/sagan-counters.shared:No such file or directory]

Not sure if it’s right - I’ve created /var/sagan/ipc directory and mounted it as memory based file system with mount_mfs

# mkdir /var/sagan/ipc
# chown sagan:sagan /var/sagan/ipc
# mount_mfs -s 32m swap /var/sagan/ipc

Change ipc-directory option in /usr/local/etc/sagan.yaml

ipc-directory: /var/sagan/ipc

One more time:

# sagan --debug syslog,engine

[*] Spawning 100 Processor Threads.
[*] Attempting to open syslog FIFO (/var/sagan/fifo/sagan.fifo).
# ls -la /var/sagan/ipc

total 200
drwxr-xr-x  2 sagan  sagan        512 Jan 26 21:58 .
drwxr-xr-x  4 sagan  sagan        512 Jan 26 21:54 ..
-rw-------  1 sagan  sagan  660480000 Jan 26 21:58 sagan-after2.shared
-rw-------  1 sagan  sagan         40 Jan 26 21:59 sagan-counters.shared
-rw-------  1 sagan  sagan  660000000 Jan 26 21:58 sagan-flexbits.shared
-rw-------  1 sagan  sagan  660480000 Jan 26 21:58 sagan-threshold2.shared
-rw-------  1 sagan  sagan  658880000 Jan 26 21:58 sagan-xbits.shared

Manually generate a test syslog message in “pipe” format:

echo "|local0|info|info|sshd|2001-01-01|00:00:00|sshd| User ubuntu not allowed because shell /etc/passwd is not executable" | doas tee /var/sagan/fifo/sagan.fifo

sagan output:

[*] Successfully opened FIFO (/var/sagan/fifo/sagan.fifo).
[D] [sagan.c, line 1181] [batch position 0] Raw log:|local0|info|info|sshd|2001-01-01|00:00:00|sshd| User ubuntu not allowed because shell /etc/passwd is not executable

[W] FIFO writer closed.  Waiting for FIFO writer to restart....
[D] [processor.c, line 136] [batch position 0] Raw log:|local0|info|info|sshd|2001-01-01|00:00:00|sshd| User ubuntu not allowed because shell /etc/passwd is not executable

[D] [processor.c, line 165] **[Parsed Syslog]*********************************
[D] [processor.c, line 166] Host: | Program: sshd | Facility: local0 | Priority: info | Level: info | Tag: sshd | Date: 2001-01-01 | Time: 00:00:00 | Event ID:
[D] [processor.c, line 167] Parsed message:  User ubuntu not allowed because shell /etc/passwd is not executable
[D] [processors/engine.c, line 1336] **[Trigger]*********************************
[D] [processors/engine.c, line 1337] Program: sshd | Facility: local0 | Priority: info | Level: info | Tag: sshd
[D] [processors/engine.c, line 1338] Threshold flag: 0 | After flag: 0 | Flexbit Flag: 0 | Flexbit status: 0
[D] [processors/engine.c, line 1339] Triggering Message:  User ubuntu not allowed because shell /etc/passwd is not executable
[D] [processors/engine.c, line 1336] **[Trigger]*********************************
[D] [processors/engine.c, line 1337] Program: sshd | Facility: local0 | Priority: info | Level: info | Tag: sshd
[D] [processors/engine.c, line 1338] Threshold flag: 0 | After flag: 0 | Flexbit Flag: 0 | Flexbit status: 0
[D] [processors/engine.c, line 1339] Triggering Message:  User ubuntu not allowed because shell /etc/passwd is not executable
# cat /var/log/sagan/alert.log

[**] [1:5000020:4] [OPENSSH] Not executable shell - login attempt [**]
[Classification: unsuccessful-user] [Priority: 1] []
[Alert Time: 01-26-2020 22:08:30.071085]
2001-01-01 00:00:00 -> local0 info sshd
Message:  User ubuntu not allowed because shell /etc/passwd is not executable
[Xref =>]

[**] [1:5000077:3] [OPENSSH] Attempt to login using a denied user [**]
[Classification: unsuccessful-user] [Priority: 1] []
[Alert Time: 01-26-2020 22:08:30.071085]
2001-01-01 00:00:00 -> local0 info sshd
Message:  User ubuntu not allowed because shell /etc/passwd is not executable
[Xref =>]

sagan start script for OpenBSD

TODO :-)

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