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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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iStatD configurations
--store /mnt/proC/istatd/store
--settings /mnt/proC/istatd/settings
--pid-file /mnt/proC/istatd/
--log-file /home/liukun/log/istatd.log
--log-level 2
--num-files 50000
--local-stats localhost
--thread-count 3
--stat-port 18001
--http-port 9091
--replica-port 8021
--admin-port 8031
--files-dir /home/liukun/istatd/files
--debug allKeys
start on runlevel virtual-filesystems
stop on runlevel [06]
chdir /home/liukun
exec istatd/bin/istatd --config proCconf/istatd.cfg --user liukun
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