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Created August 30, 2016 16:04
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class Xmas
def initialize(gifts)
@gifts = [
["a partridge in a pear tree"],
["two turtle doves", 'and a partridge in a pear tree'],
['three french hens','two turtle doves','and a partridge in a pear tree'],
['four calling birds','three french hens','two turtle doves','and a partridge in a pear tree'],
["FIVE GOLDEN RINGS",'four calling birds','three french hens','two turtle doves','and a partridge in a pear tree'],
['six geese-a-laying','FIVE GOLDEN RINGS','four calling birds','three french hens','two turtle doves','and a partridge in a pear tree'],
['seven swans-a-swimming','six geese-a-laying','FIVE GOLDEN RINGS','four calling birds','three french hens','two turtle doves','and a partridge in a pear tree'],
['eight maids-a-milking','seven swans-a-swimming','six geese-a-laying','FIVE GOLDEN RINGS','four calling birds','three french hens','two turtle doves','and a partridge in a pear tree'],
['nine ladies dancing','eight maids-a-milking','seven swans-a-swimming','six geese-a-laying','FIVE GOLDEN RINGS','four calling birds','three french hens','two turtle doves','and a partridge in a pear tree'],
['ten lords-a-leaping','nine ladies dancing', 'eight maids-a-milking','seven swans-a-swimming','six geese-a-laying','FIVE GOLDEN RINGS','four calling birds','three french hens','two turtle doves','and a partridge in a pear tree'],
['eleven pipers piping','ten lords-a-leaping','nine ladies dancing', 'eight maids-a-milking','seven swans-a-swimming','six geese-a-laying','FIVE GOLDEN RINGS','four calling birds','three french hens','two turtle doves','and a partridge in a pear tree'],
['twelve drummers drumming','eleven pipers piping','ten lords-a-leaping','nine ladies dancing', 'eight maids-a-milking','seven swans-a-swimming','six geese-a-laying','FIVE GOLDEN RINGS','four calling birds','three french hens','two turtle doves','and a partridge in a pear tree']
return @gifts[num]
def self.verse(num)
@ordinal = ['first','second','third','fourth','fifth','sixth','seventh','eighth','ninth','tenth','eleventh','twelfth']
return verses = "On the #{@ordinal[num]} day of Christmas my true love gave to me\n" +"\n")
def self.sing
song = ""
12.times do |i|
if i != 11
song += self.verse(i) + "\n\n"
song += self.verse(i)
return song
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