[email protected]
NotYetsy | Github | Ruby on Rails, oAuth, Foundation, HTML, CSS
An imitation e-commerce website where users can browse and purchase fun products to aid in their procrastination.
Web Designer (Freelance)
Rochester, NY | August 2015-July 2016
- Work with entrepreneurs to create websites designed promote their business and communicate effectively with clients
- Build websites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP
Early Childhood Caretaker
Victor, NY | January 2012-July 2016
- Design and coordinate developmentally appropriate educational activities for two young children
- Utilize best practices in early childhood education to provide a stimulating, nurturing, and safe environment to promote exploration, curiosity, and creativity
Special Education Teacher
Bixby Public Schools | Bixby, OK | 2009-2012
- Adapted 6th, 7th, and 8th grade curriculum to the learning needs of students with disabilities
- Served on the Instructional Data Team by analyzing assessment data with the goal of improving instruction
- Utilized educational technology (SMART Boards, iPads, et cetera) to boost student learning and engagement
New Day Foster Home | Beijing, China | Summer 2008
- Planned and executed educational activities for orphaned children with special needs in a preschool classroom
- Collaborated with Chinese teachers and nannies to provide care and developmentally appropriate experiences for the children
- Practiced cultural sensitivity and learned ways to communicate effectively despite language and cultural barriers
Ada Developers Academy(August 2016 - present)
Year-long intensive training program in web development with an emphasis on rapid learning, collaboration, and leadership
Oral Roberts University
Tulsa, OK
School of Education, B.S.,
Elementary Education, Concentration in Special Education
Outstanding Senior Portfolio Award | April 2009
Languages: Ruby, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
Frameworks and Libraries: Rails, Foundation
Tools: Git, Github, SQLite3, PostgreSQL, Heroku, Trello, Bash, Slack
Methodologies: Test Driven Development (TDD), Model View Controller (MVC), object-oriented programming, RESTful routhing and APIs, agile, pair programming