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livmaria7891 /
Created March 9, 2016 21:24
Application Essays for ADA
  1. Why are you interested in programming? What have you done to expose yourself to programming so far?

My passion for building, creating, and solving real world problems through technology inspired me to learn programming. I began with a course through Skillcrush where I learned the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Ruby and gained the skills I needed take on freelance web design projects. Building websites for small businesses taught me how to build a website, upload it to a server, and work with clients to find solutions. After taking courses on Codecademy, Udemy, and working through introductory programming books such as “Eloquent JavaScript” and “Head First JavaScript Programming”, I joined Free Code Camp (FCC) where I have become an active member in the online community. Through FCC, I have learned foundational JavaScript, JQuery, and JSON skills and how to write basic algorithms, debug code, and build applications from scratch. Additionally, I have had the opportunity to connect with local dev

livmaria7891 /
Last active April 27, 2017 22:33
Olivia Legge's Resume
livmaria7891 /
Last active December 5, 2016 03:32
Olivia Legge's Resume

Olivia Legge

Aspiring Web Developer

[email protected]

Work Experience

Web Designer (Freelance)

adjectives = ["Hot","Soft","Juicy","Creamy","Pickled","Soupy","Spicy","Hard","Aromatic","Tart"]
cook_styles = ["Boiled","Roasted","Fried","Steamed","Baked","Creamed","Grilled","Frozen","Chopped","Boiled"]
food = ["Cake","Burritos","Apples","Crab Legs","Steak","Asparagus","Chicken","Pizza","Watermelon","Hunan Chicken"]
food.each do |food|
rand_num_adj = rand(10).floor
rand_num_styles = rand(10).floor
puts (i+1).to_s + ". #{adjectives[rand_num_adj]} #{cook_styles[rand_num_styles]} #{food}"
puts "Hey! I'm a calculator!"
# Collects and checks for appropriate user input
print "I can add, subtract, divide, multiply, do exponents, and find a remainder. What would you like to do? "
operation = gets.chomp
possible_operations = ["+","add","addition","-","subtract","subtration","*","multiply","multiplication","/","divide","division","**","exponent","exponents","%","remainder","modulo"]
until possible_operations.include? operation
print "\n\nWomp Womp. Like I said, I can add, subtract, divide, multiply, do exponents, and find a remainder. What would you like to do? "
operation = gets.chomp
require 'rainbow'
rainbow = [{red: {r:255,g:0,b:0}},{orange: {r:255,g:127,b:0}},{yellow: {r:255,g:255,b:0}},{green: {r:0,g:255,b:0}},{blue: {r:0,g:0,b:255}},{indigo: {r:75,g:0,b:130}},{violet: {r:143,g:0,b:255}}]
rainbow.each do |x|
x.keys.each do |k|
puts Rainbow(k.to_s).color(k)
livmaria7891 / mood_analysis.rb
Last active August 15, 2016 04:18
Mood Analysis assignment
#Assigns a hash to the variable FEELINGS
#Assigns array to happy key
happy: %w(yay good great),
#Assigns array to sad key
sad: %w(terrible awful horrible)
#Close Hash
def strip_punctuation(entry)
livmaria7891 / wave1.rb
Last active August 23, 2016 16:27
Solar System Wave 1
class Planet
def initialize(name,moons,escape_v,temp,type,distance)
@name = name
@moons = moons
@escape_v = escape_v
@surface_temp = temp
@type = type
@distance_from_the_sun = distance
livmaria7891 / wave2.rb
Created August 17, 2016 04:50
Solar System Wave 2
class Planet
attr_accessor :planet_hash, :name, :moons, :escape_v, :surface_temp, :type, :distance
def initialize(planet_hash)
@name = planet_hash[:name]
@moons = planet_hash[:moons]
@escape_v = planet_hash[:escape_v]
@surface_temp = planet_hash[:temp]
@type = planet_hash[:type]