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Last active October 28, 2018 14:54
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Styled Component Spacing Props Generation
import React from "react";
import styled, { css } from "styled-components";
const directions = {
T: "top",
L: "left",
R: "right",
B: "bottom"
const boxModel = {
p: "padding",
m: "margin"
const sizes = {
Xsm: "0.25rem",
Sm: "0.5rem",
Md: "1rem",
Lg: "1.5rem",
Xlg: "2rem"
function handleProps(props) {
const passedProps = Object.keys(props);
const derivedProps = Object.keys(sizes).reduce((all, sizeName) => {
const size = sizes[sizeName];
const sizeGroupedProps = {};
Object.keys(directions).forEach((dir) => {
const direction = directions[dir];
Object.keys(boxModel).forEach((bm) => {
const boxModelType = boxModel[bm];
sizeGroupedProps[`${bm}${dir}${sizeName}`] = css`
${boxModelType}-${direction}: ${size};
return { ...all, ...sizeGroupedProps };
}, {});
return => derivedProps[p]);
const Spacing = styled.div`
export default Spacing;
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