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var promises = [ | |
async1(), | |
async2(), | |
… | |
asyncN() | |
]; | |
/* jQuery: warning, won't swallow exceptions */ | |
var deferred = $.Deferred(); | |
$.when.apply($, promises) | |
.done(function () { deferred.resolve(promises); }) | |
.fail(function () { deferred.reject(promises); }); | |
return deferred.promise(); | |
/* Q: Promises/A+ compliant, plus more */ | |
/* will resolve with an array of all values | |
or reject on first failure */ | |
var all = Q.all(promises); | |
/* or, to wait for all to finish: */ | |
var handleResults = function (results) { | |
results.forEach(function (result) { | |
if (result.state === "fulfilled") { | |
var value = result.value; | |
} else { | |
var reason = result.reason; | |
} | |
}); | |
}; | |
Q.allSettled(promises).then(handleResults); | |
/* Note that with solely a spec-compliant Promise, you'd have to write the code to aggregate with arrays yourself. Luckily, there's libraries to do that for you! */ |
Yes, Q.all
returns a promise, as does Q.allSettled
and $.when
Here's a pretty straightforward way to report all errors so you can roll back if necessary: (obviously it's N loops so you could do it more efficiently, but I'm always willing to sacrifice efficiency for readability)
Q.allSettled(promises).then(function (results) {
var allSucceeded = results.every(function (result) { return result.state === 'fulfilled'; });
if (!allSucceeded) {
var errorResults = results.filter(function (result) { return result.state !== 'fulfilled'; });
var errors = errorResults.map(function (result) { return result.reason; });
} else {
As for "easier" versus "harder", it's that with callback soup (ps i highly recommend reading http://callbackhell.com) the cognitive load to understand what's happening throughout the program is much higher. With promises, even if it's the same amount of code, it's much simpler to look at a line and see "input leads to output" - which should be much simpler to understand.
Yeah, maybe I'm weird, but I see about the same amount of complexity each way.
I'll keep thinking about it.
What would
be there? Another promise?