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Last active September 13, 2017 16:25
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  • Save lkatney/d304403badbd9ccaf2dead4bdc20b62e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lkatney/d304403badbd9ccaf2dead4bdc20b62e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
String csvLine = 'Test,Check,[email protected], "19, Link road, A1SH10, India", companyName, "companyStreet, CompanyCity, CompanyCountry"';
String prevLine = csvLine;
Integer startIndex;
Integer endIndex;
while(csvLine.indexOf('"') > -1){
if(startIndex == null){
startIndex = csvLine.indexOf('"');
csvLine = csvLine.substring(0, startIndex) + ':quotes:' + csvLine.substring(startIndex+1, csvLine.length());
if(endIndex == null){
endIndex = csvLine.indexOf('"');
csvLine = csvLine.substring(0, endIndex) + ':quotes:' + csvLine.substring(endIndex+1, csvLine.length());
if(startIndex != null && endIndex != null){
String sub = csvLine.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
sub = sub.replaceAll(',', ':comma:');
csvLine = csvLine.substring(0, startIndex) + sub + csvLine.substring(endIndex, csvLine.length());
startIndex = null;
endIndex = null;
for(String column : csvLine.split(',')){
column = column.replaceAll(':quotes:', '').replaceAll(':comma:', ',');
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