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October 14, 2013: Updated to work with Rust 0.8.
// FizzBuzz revisited
// This is a follow-up to the "FizzBuzz" chapter of "Rust for
// Rubyists" (
// We're going to take the code from there and refactor it to use
// pattern matching.
// Here's the original code from the book. The only change I've made
// is to comment out the original main() function so that we can write
// a few versions of our own.
fn is_three(num: int) -> bool {
num % 3 == 0
fn test_is_three_with_not_three() {
fn test_is_three_with_three() {
fn is_five(num: int) -> bool {
num % 5 == 0
fn test_is_five_with_not_five() {
fn test_is_five_with_five() {
fn is_fifteen(num: int) -> bool {
num % 15 == 0
fn test_is_fifteen_with_not_fifteen() {
fn test_is_fifteen_with_fifteen() {
// fn main() {
// for num in range(1, 101) {
// println(
// if is_fifteen(num) { ~"FizzBuzz" }
// else if is_three(num) { ~"Fizz" }
// else if is_five(num) { ~"Buzz" }
// else { num.to_str() }
// );
// }
// }
// Instead of going through several rounds of "if ... else", we can
// write this code using pattern matching. First, let's try writing
// something that looks a lot like the original, but uses Rust's
// "match" construct.
// fn main() {
// for num in range(1, 101) {
// println(
// match num {
// _ if is_fifteen(num) => ~"FizzBuzz",
// _ if is_three(num) => ~"Fizz",
// _ if is_five(num) => ~"Buzz",
// _ => num.to_str()
// }
// );
// }
// }
// In Rust, the "match" language construct takes an expression, in
// this case "num", and a number of arms, each beginning with a
// pattern. In this example, the first arm begins with _, which is
// the "wildcard" pattern -- that is, it matches everything. But
// then, the match is narrowed down by "is_fifteen(num)", the value of
// which determines whether that arm is actually taken. The "if
// is_fifteen(num)" is what's known as a pattern guard. If
// "is_fifteen(num)" evaluates to true, we take that arm.
// Looking at the next match arm, we see that its pattern is also _,
// the wildcard pattern. In fact, all of the patterns in this example
// are _, and all of the work of matching is being done by pattern
// guards.
// This code actually works fine, but it's a rather weird (and
// error-prone) way to use pattern matching. Pushing all of the work
// into the pattern guards makes the code a bit confusing, and it
// doesn't really let us take advantage of the convenience and power
// of pattern matching. So, let's try something else:
// fn main() {
// for num in range(1, 101) {
// println(
// match (is_three(num), is_five(num)) {
// (true, true) => ~"FizzBuzz",
// (true, false) => ~"Fizz",
// (false, true) => ~"Buzz",
// _ => num.to_str()
// }
// );
// }
// }
// Here, we're matching against a tuple of *two* values: the value of
// is_three(num) and the value of is_five(num). If both of them are
// true, then we print "FizzBuzz". Notice that we don't need the
// is_fifteen() function anymore, because the tuple (true, true)
// covers exactly that case. Pattern matching has already helped us.
// This code works fine as written, but there's another tweak we can
// make. Since the only possible match for the wildcard pattern in
// the final arm is "(false, false)" (since every other case has
// already been handled), we might as well change it to that:
// fn main() {
// for num in range(1, 101) {
// println(
// match (is_three(num), is_five(num)) {
// (true, true) => ~"FizzBuzz",
// (true, false) => ~"Fizz",
// (false, true) => ~"Buzz",
// (false, false) => num.to_str()
// }
// );
// }
// }
// Doing so leads to an unexpected win: now we can reorder the match
// arms any way we want. In the version that used "if", we would've
// been in trouble if the "FizzBuzz" case hadn't been first or if the
// final, catch-all case hadn't been last, but now it's fine to order
// them any which way -- swapping those two cases around, for
// instance:
// fn main() {
// for num in range(1, 101) {
// println(
// match (is_three(num), is_five(num)) {
// (false, false) => num.to_str(),
// (true, false) => ~"Fizz",
// (false, true) => ~"Buzz",
// (true, true) => ~"FizzBuzz"
// }
// );
// }
// }
// Moreover, if we forget any of the arms, the compiler tells us that
// we've made a mistake:
// fn main() {
// for num in range(1, 101) {
// println(
// match (is_three(num), is_five(num)) {
// (false, false) => num.to_str(),
// (false, true) => ~"Buzz",
// (true, true) => ~"FizzBuzz"
// }
// );
// }
// }
// Leaving out the "Fizz" case results in an error, telling us that
// the match patterns didn't cover all possible cases. This is called
// exhaustiveness checking.
// $ make
// ~/repos/rust/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc
// 170:13 error: non-exhaustive patterns: false not covered
// match (is_three(num), is_five(num)) {
// (false, false) => num.to_str(),
// (false, true) => ~"Buzz",
// (true, true) => ~"FizzBuzz"
// }
// error: aborting due to previous error
// Exhaustiveness checking is *conservative*, meaning that if the
// compiler can't determine whether a match is exhaustive or not, it
// will complain of non-exhaustiveness even if the match really is
// exahaustive. To illustrate, let's try writing this code slightly
// differently. Instead of using the is_three() and is_five()
// functions, we'll match directly against the values of num % 3 and
// num % 5.
// fn main() {
// for num in range(1, 101) {
// println(
// match (num % 3, num % 5) {
// (0, 0) => ~"FizzBuzz",
// (0, n) if n != 0 => ~"Fizz",
// (m, 0) if m != 0 => ~"Buzz",
// (m, n) if m != 0 && n != 0 => num.to_str()
// }
// );
// }
// }
// Now we're matching against a tuple of ints instead of a tuple of
// bools, and we're using pattern guards to make the arms of the match
// non-overlapping and therefore order-independent. Unfortunately,
// this code won't compile. As it turns out, the match *is*
// exhaustive, but the compiler can't determine that it is. We get
// the following error:
// $ make
// ~/repos/rust/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc
// 204:13 error: non-exhaustive patterns
// match (num % 3, num % 5) {
// (0, 0) => ~"FizzBuzz",
// (0, n) if n != 0 => ~"Fizz",
// (m, 0) if m != 0 => ~"Buzz",
// (m, n) if m != 0 && n != 0 => num.to_str()
// }
// error: aborting due to previous error
// In order to confirm that the match is exhaustive, the compiler
// would have to be able to prove that, for instance, the cases
// excluded by the "if m != 0 && n != 0" pattern guard on the last arm
// are covered by the other arms of the match. It can't do that, so
// it assumes that the match is non-exhaustive and raises an error.
// But all isn't lost: we can just get rid of the pattern guards. The
// result is a match that the compiler knows is exhaustive. The only
// drawback is that now we can no longer reorder the match arms at
// will. (Also, we would get an unused variable warning if we
// continued to use m and n after getting rid of the pattern guards,
// so we'll just change them to underscores.)
// fn main() {
// for num in range(1, 101) {
// println(
// match (num % 3, num % 5) {
// (0, 0) => ~"FizzBuzz", // must come first
// (0, _) => ~"Fizz",
// (_, 0) => ~"Buzz",
// (_, _) => num.to_str() // must come last
// }
// );
// }
// }
// Code like this turns up all the time in Rust programs. It's
// concise, convenient and easy to write. But there's still that
// nagging issue of certain clauses having to come first and last,
// because the match patterns overlap with each other to some extent.
// Is there a way to get back the order-independence of the version
// that used booleans, but without relying on booleans?
// First of all, why might we *not* want to use booleans? The answer
// is that sometimes we want more information than a boolean value is
// capable of carrying. Consider again our version of FizzBuzz that
// matches against a tuple of bools:
// fn main() {
// for num in range(1, 101) {
// println(
// match (is_three(num), is_five(num)) {
// (false, false) => num.to_str(),
// (true, false) => ~"Fizz",
// (false, true) => ~"Buzz",
// (true, true) => ~"FizzBuzz"
// }
// );
// }
// }
// It works just fine for our purposes so far, of course. But suppose
// that, in addition to the usual FizzBuzz specification, we also
// wanted to print "Zot" every time we encountered a number that had a
// remainder of 2 when divided by 3, and a remainder of 1 when divided
// by 5. (Such numbers include 11, 26, 41... .)
// Admittedly, this is a contrived problem. But if we did want to
// handle that case, we'd have to overhaul our code. The results of
// is_three() and is_five() aren't helpful for the "Zot" case: they
// tell us whether their arguments have a remainder when divided by
// three and five, respectively, but they don't tell us *what* that
// remainder is.
// In that sense, the version that matches against tuples of ints
// instead of bools is much more flexible. We can handle the "Zot"
// case with a one-line addition to it:
// fn main() {
// for num in range(1, 101) {
// println(
// match (num % 3, num % 5) {
// (2, 1) => ~"Zot",
// (0, 0) => ~"FizzBuzz", // must come first (or second, if the Zot case is first)
// (0, _) => ~"Fizz",
// (_, 0) => ~"Buzz",
// (_, _) => num.to_str() // must come last
// }
// );
// }
// }
// The "Zot" case can be inserted almost anywhere -- including before
// the "FizzBuzz" case, which previously had to be first. The
// catch-all (_, _) pattern still has to come last, though.
// So, can we have our cake and eat it too? Is there a way to get the
// order-independence that we get when we match against bools, but
// also the flexibility we get when we match against ints?
// Yes, there is!
// Since neither int nor bool are quite what we want, we'll define our
// own type, which we'll call "Rem" for remainder. "Rem" is the type
// of values that are the result of the num % 3 and num % 5
// operations. We know that such a value will be one of 0, 1, 2, 3,
// or 4 (or one of just 0, 1, or 2 in the case of num % 3). But for
// regular FizzBuzz, all we care about is whether the value is 0 or
// not; for the "Zot" situation, on the other hand, we need more
// information. We define the Rem type accordingly:
enum Rem {
enum NonZeroRem {
one, two, three, four
// The Rem type distinguishes two variants of values: those that are
// zero, and those that are something else. In the "something else"
// case, we also carry around the information about *what* the
// non-zero value is, just in case it becomes important.
// In effect, these types let us treat a value like a bool if we
// squint at it one way (the "zero"/"other" distinction), but we can
// also treat it like an int if we feel like doing so (albeit one in a
// finite range, and a rather narrow one at that -- but that's all we
// need for this problem).
// Given an int in the range 0-4, it's easy to determine the
// corresponding value of type Rem. The int_to_rem function takes a
// remainder that's represented as an int and returns a Rem
// representation of it.
fn int_to_Rem(num: int) -> Rem {
match num {
0 => zero,
1 => other(one),
2 => other(two),
3 => other(three),
4 => other(four),
_ => fail!()
// The last case raises an error because if we ever pass something to
// int_to_Rem() that's not in the range 0-4, we've done something
// wrong -- there's no Rem representation for such a value. (If we
// wanted to be especially pedantic, we could define a type for the
// results of num % 3 and another type for the results of num % 5, but
// we won't take things *quite* that far.)
// Now, we can write our code this way:
// fn main() {
// for num in range(1, 101) {
// println(
// match (int_to_Rem(num % 3), int_to_Rem(num % 5)) {
// (zero, zero) => ~"FizzBuzz",
// (zero, other(_)) => ~"Fizz",
// (other(_), zero) => ~"Buzz",
// (other(_), other(_)) => num.to_str()
// }
// );
// }
// }
// Now we're matching against a tuple of Rems, but we've retained the
// order-independence that we had when we were matching against a
// tuple of bools. Because the cases are all non-overlapping, we can
// put them in any order we want -- say, like this:
fn main() {
for num in range(1, 101) {
match (int_to_Rem(num % 3), int_to_Rem(num % 5)) {
(other(_), other(_)) => num.to_str(),
(zero, other(_)) => ~"Fizz",
(other(_), zero) => ~"Buzz",
(zero, zero) => ~"FizzBuzz"
// And because we're working with Rems instead of bools, we can easily
// modify the code to handle the "Zot" case:
// fn main() {
// for num in range(1, 101) {
// println(
// match (int_to_Rem(num % 3), int_to_Rem(num % 5)) {
// (other(two), other(one)) => ~"Zot",
// (other(_), other(_)) => num.to_str(),
// (zero, other(_)) => ~"Fizz",
// (other(_), zero) => ~"Buzz",
// (zero, zero) => ~"FizzBuzz"
// }
// );
// }
// }
// To be fair, we had to introduce a little bit of order-dependence
// here, because the pattern for the "Zot" case overlaps with the
// "(other(_), other(_))" pattern, so the former has to come before
// the latter. But there are no ordering constraints other than that.
// In particular, there's no particular arm that has to come last, as
// we had when we were working with ints.
// And, if we really wanted order-independence at all costs, we could
// always get it by spelling out cases for each of the NonZeroRem
// variants. This is possible because there are a finite number of
// values of NonZeroRem type, whereas it wouldn't have been possible
// if we were still working with ints.
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